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Roaring Kitty Buys 9M CHWY Shares Amid GameStop Lawsuit

Roaring Kitty 在 GameStop 訴訟中購買 900 萬股 CHWY 股票

發布: 2024/07/02 02:46 閱讀: 208



Roaring Kitty 在 GameStop 訴訟中購買 900 萬股 CHWY 股票

Roaring Kitty Acquires Significant Stake in Chewy Amidst GameStop Lawsuit

Roaring Kitty 在 GameStop 訴訟中收購 Chewy 大量股份

Keith Gill, the influential investor known as Roaring Kitty, has recently acquired 9 million shares of Chewy Inc. This move comes amidst ongoing legal challenges related to his role in the 2021 GameStop stock surge.

基思·吉爾(Keith Gill) 是一位頗具影響力的投資者,綽號“Roaring Kitty”,最近收購了Chewy Inc 的900 萬股股票。的角色相關的持續法律挑戰之際。

In a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Gill disclosed that he now owns approximately 6.6% of Chewy Inc., a major pet products retailer traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Following the news, Chewy's shares experienced a 22% surge in premarket trading.

吉爾在向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中透露,他目前擁有在紐約證券交易所上市的大型寵物產品零售商 Chewy Inc. 約 6.6% 的股份。消息傳出後,Chewy 股價在盤前交易中飆升 22%。

$245M Investment in Chewy

Chewy 投資 2.45 億美元

The SEC filing indicates that Roaring Kitty has acquired 9.01 million shares of Chewy Inc. (CHWY), valued at $245.18 million. This investment makes Gill one of the largest shareholders in the company. The move was preceded by a cryptic social media post by Gill featuring a dog, hinting at his future investment strategy.

SEC 文件顯示,Roaring Kitty 已收購 Chewy Inc. (CHWY) 901 萬股股票,價值 2.4518 億美元。這項投資使吉爾成為公司最大的股東之一。在此之前,吉爾在社交媒體上發布了一條神秘的帖子,其中以一隻狗為主題,暗示了他未來的投資策略。

Gill's investment has positively impacted the market, with Chewy's stock reaching its highest level in almost a year during intraday trading. The stock rose 21.92% to $33.21 in pre-market trading on July 1.

吉爾的投資對市場產生了積極影響,Chewy 的股價在盤中交易中達到近一年來的最高水平。 7 月 1 日,該股盤前交易上漲 21.92%,至 33.21 美元。

Legal Challenges and Chewy Investment


While Roaring Kitty's investment in Chewy has been met with positive market reactions, he continues to face legal challenges related to his past activities with GameStop. A class-action lawsuit filed on June 28 alleges Gill of securities fraud and involvement in a "pump and dump" scheme. The plaintiffs claim his social media posts misled investors and led to financial losses.

雖然 Roaring Kitty 對 Chewy 的投資得到了積極的市場反應,但他仍然面臨著與其過去在 GameStop 的活動相關的法律挑戰。 6 月 28 日提起的集體訴訟指控吉爾犯有證券欺詐和參與「拉高拋售」計劃。原告聲稱他的社交媒體貼文誤導了投資者並導致了經濟損失。

However, former prosecutor Eric Rosen has expressed skepticism about the success of the lawsuit against Gill, suggesting it may be difficult to prove the allegations.


Chewy's Performance Amidst GameStop's Decline

GameStop 下滑期間 Chewy 的表現

The upswing in Chewy's stock contrasts sharply with the performance of GameStop (GME), which experienced a 5% drop in pre-market trading on Monday. Despite his success with Chewy, Gill's legal troubles remain ongoing.

Chewy 股價的上漲與 GameStop (GME) 的表現形成鮮明對比,後者在周一盤前交易中下跌了 5%。儘管 Chewy 取得了成功,但吉爾的法律麻煩仍然存在。

Disclaimer: This article serves informational purposes only and should not be considered legal, investment, or financial advice.



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