首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著預售勢頭強勁,Rollblock 銷量突破數百萬,PEPE 和 SHIB 持有者相信 Meme 元數據已經結束!

Rollblock Into The Millions As Presale Gains Huge Momentum, PEPE & SHIB Holders Believe The Meme Meta Is Over!

隨著預售勢頭強勁,Rollblock 銷量突破數百萬,PEPE 和 SHIB 持有者相信 Meme 元數據已經結束!

發布: 2024/07/17 18:06 閱讀: 569

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


隨著預售勢頭強勁,Rollblock 銷量突破數百萬,PEPE 和 SHIB 持有者相信 Meme 元數據已經結束!

Rollblock Gains Momentum as Meme Coins Struggle

Meme 幣陷入困境,Rollblock 獲得動力

Investors are reconsidering their positions in meme coins, as evidenced by the recent performance of Pepe and Shiba Inu. Both projects have experienced double-digit losses in the past quarter, raising concerns about their stability.

投資者正在重新考慮他們在迷因幣中的立場,Pepe 和 Shiba Inu 最近的表現證明了這一點。這兩個項目在過去一個季度都出現了兩位數的虧損,引發了人們對其穩定性的擔憂。

Despite the ongoing presence of meme coins in investors' radar, these price declines have shifted attention towards emerging altcoins like Rollblock ($RBLK).

儘管迷因幣一直受到投資者的關注,但價格下跌已將注意力轉向 Rollblock ($RBLK) 等新興山寨幣。

Rollblock's Revolutionary Platform

Rollblock 的革命性平台

Rollblock leverages blockchain technology to create a secure and innovative online casino. Its staking rewards and deflationary policies provide investors with potential earnings. During its ongoing presale stage, RBLK tokens are available for purchase at an affordable $0.0158. Experts anticipate significant growth for RBLK, with potential returns of 100x in 2024. Over 5,000 investors have already joined this highly lucrative presale.

Rollblock 利用區塊鏈技術創建安全且創新的線上賭場。其質押獎勵和通貨緊縮政策為投資者提供了潛在的利益。在正在進行的預售階段,RBLK 代幣可以以實惠的 0.0158 美元購買。專家預計 RBLK 將大幅成長,2024 年的潛在回報將達到 100 倍。

Shiba Inu Faces Challenges


Shiba Inu has been particularly affected by market volatility, with a 10% drop in value over the past month. This decline has led many holders to sell their tokens, further contributing to downward pressure. Shiba Inu's price is currently at a critical level, and analysts warn of further losses if support is not established.

柴犬受市場波動的影響尤其嚴重,過去一個月價值下降了 10%。這種下跌導致許多持有者出售其代幣,進一步加劇了下行壓力。柴犬的價格目前處於關鍵水平,分析師警告稱,如果沒有建立支撐,將會進一步損失。

Pepe Loses Market Share


Pepe, once a popular meme coin, has recently lost traction. Its price has fallen by 0.55% in the last month, highlighting its vulnerability to market fluctuations. Furthermore, the release of Pepe Unchained has diverted attention away from the ecosystem.

佩佩曾經是一種流行的模因幣,但最近失去了吸引力。上個月其價格下跌了0.55%,凸顯了其容易受到市場波動的影響。此外,《Pepe Unchained》的發布轉移了人們對生態系統的注意力。

Rollblock Outperforms Market

Rollblock 跑贏市場

In stark contrast to meme coins, Rollblock has consistently outperformed the crypto market. Its innovative platform combines decentralized and centralized technologies to modernize the gambling industry. The platform's immersive slots and table games, enhanced by blockchain security, have attracted a large user base.

與 meme 幣形成鮮明對比的是,Rollblock 的表現一直優於加密貨幣市場。其創新平台結合了分散式和集中式技術,使賭博業現代化。該平台的沉浸式老虎機和桌上遊戲,透過區塊鏈安全性得到增強,吸引了龐大的用戶群。

Unique Features of Rollblock

Rollblock 的獨特功能

Rollblock simplifies account creation by eliminating KYC checks and allowing sign-ups via email or crypto wallet. Its deflationary policies, including revenue sharing and token burning, reward long-term holders.

Rollblock 透過消除 KYC 檢查並允許透過電子郵件或加密錢包註冊來簡化帳戶建立。其通貨緊縮政策,包括收入分享和代幣銷毀,獎勵了長期持有者。

Bright Future for Rollblock

Rollblock 的光明未來

Rollblock's upcoming expansion into sports betting will attract new users and increase payouts for token holders. Experts predict significant price appreciation for RBLK, with some estimating a potential 800% increase.

Rollblock 即將擴展到體育博彩領域,這將吸引新用戶並增加代幣持有者的支出。專家預測 RBLK 的價格將大幅上漲,其中一些估計可能上漲 800%。

Investing in cryptocurrencies involves risk. Research thoroughly before investing. This article does not provide financial advice.



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