首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 在 DEX 發布前幾天,Sealana 預售金額已達 500 萬美元

The Sealana Presale Hits $5M Days Ahead Of The DEX Launch

在 DEX 發布前幾天,Sealana 預售金額已達 500 萬美元

發布: 2024/06/21 00:04 閱讀: 973



在 DEX 發布前幾天,Sealana 預售金額已達 500 萬美元

Sealana: The Emerging Meme Coin Dominating Solana

Sealana:主導 Solana 的新興迷因幣

Sealana, a Solana-based meme coin, has recently raised $5 million in funding ahead of its imminent debut on decentralized exchanges. The project's presale concludes in less than a week, attracting unwavering investor support.

Sealana 是一種基於 Solana 的迷因幣,最近籌集了 500 萬美元的資金,即將在去中心化交易所首次亮相。該項目預售不到一周就結束,吸引了投資者堅定不移的支持。

The dedicated Sealana team has been diligent in implementing key network upgrades and preparing for an exciting airdrop. Industry experts predict Sealana's ascent as a dominant force in the Solana meme coin realm.

Sealana 專業團隊一直在努力實施關鍵網路升級,並為令人興奮的空投做準備。產業專家預測 Sealana 將崛起為 Solana meme 幣領域的主導力量。

Sealana: The Next Big Meme Coin on Solana

Sealana:Solana 上的下一個大模因幣

For avid crypto enthusiasts, 2023 has witnessed the emergence of several successful meme coins on Solana, many exhibiting remarkable growth potential. Sealana is poised to capitalize on this trend and become the next market leader.

對於狂熱的加密貨幣愛好者來說,2023 年 Solana 上出現了多個成功的迷因幣,其中許多都表現出了顯著的成長潛力。 Sealana 準備利用這一趨勢,成為下一個市場領導者。

Inspired by South Park's Fat Computer Nerd, Sealana features a quirky and patriotic redneck seal navigating the Solana Sea from his basement. With a unique character and a refreshing take amidst the plethora of dog-themed coins, Sealana is gaining popularity, promising substantial returns on investment.

受到《南方公園》胖電腦呆子的啟發,Sealana 的主角是一隻古怪而愛國的鄉下海豹,它從地下室在索拉納海中航行。在眾多以狗為主題的硬幣中,Sealana 憑藉獨特的個性和令人耳目一新的風格,越來越受歡迎,並有望帶來豐厚的投資回報。

Presale Strategy: Simplicity and Accessibility


The SEAL team has opted for a presale strategy with no pricing tiers, allowing all investors to benefit from a single price. Through the Send To Wallet mechanism, users can send Solana tokens to Sealana's project wallet, ensuring proportional allocation of SEAL tokens.

海豹突擊隊團隊選擇了沒有定價等級的預售策略,讓所有投資者都能從單一價格中受益。透過Send To Wallet機制,用戶可以將Solana代幣發送到Sealana的專案錢包,確保SEAL代幣的按比例分配。

Endorsements and Hype


Sealana's social media presence is thriving, with over 10,000 Twitter followers and 9,000 Telegram members. Crypto-rating sites like ICOBench.com have ranked $SEAL highly among promising upcoming crypto launches.

Sealana 的社群媒體業務蓬勃發展,擁有超過 10,000 名 Twitter 粉絲和 9,000 名 Telegram 會員。 ICOBench.com 等加密貨幣評級網站將 $SEAL 在有前途的即將推出的加密貨幣發行中排名很高。

Crypto YouTuber My Financial Friend (MFF) has endorsed Sealana, introducing the token to his vast subscriber base. MFF's enthusiasm stems from Sealana's launch within the thriving Solana meme coin ecosystem and its anti-establishment branding.

加密貨幣 YouTuber My Financial Friend (MFF) 已認可 Sealana,並將該代幣介紹給他龐大的訂閱者群。 MFF 的熱情源於 Sealana 在蓬勃發展的 Solana meme 幣生態系統中的推出及其反體製品牌。

Resilience Amidst Market Slump


Despite a recent decline in the overall market cap for meme coins, Sealana has shown resilience, continuing to attract investments during its presale. This suggests the project's potential to capture significant attention once market sentiment shifts.

儘管最近模因幣的整體市值有所下降,但 Sealana 表現出了韌性,在預售期間繼續吸引投資。這表明一旦市場情緒發生變化,該項目就有可能引起廣泛關注。

Growth Potential


Solana-based meme coins have demonstrated remarkable growth in the past. BONK and cat in a dog's world (MEW) surged significantly, showcasing the potential for projects like Sealana to experience exponential growth after listing on exchanges.

基於 Solana 的模因幣在過去表現出了顯著的增長。 BONK和貓在狗的世界(MEW)大幅飆升,展示了像Sealana這樣的項目在交易所上市後經歷指數級增長的潛力。

Participation in Ongoing Presale


Sealana's presale presents an opportunity to acquire tokens at a discounted price before its DEX launch. Early backers may benefit from a strategic advantage in the market once $SEAL tokens debut at potentially higher prices on exchanges.

Sealana 的預售提供了在 DEX 推出之前以折扣價購買代幣的機會。一旦 $SEAL 代幣在交易所以潛在更高的價格首次亮相,早期支持者可能會受益於市場的戰略優勢。


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