首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 今年Google搜尋次數最多的新山寨幣可能會超越狗狗幣(DOGE)和噸幣(TON)

Most Searched New Altcoin on Google Could Surpass Dogecoin (DOGE) and Toncoin (TON) This Year


發布: 2024/06/26 22:49 閱讀: 947

原文作者:Crypto Daily™



Rollblock (RBLK): A Rising Star in the Crypto Sphere

Rollblock (RBLK):加密領域的後起之秀

Rollblock (RBLK) has garnered immense interest among crypto enthusiasts, surpassing popular altcoins like Dogecoin and Toncoin in Google search popularity. This reflects the growing recognition of RBLK's exceptional potential.

Rollblock (RBLK) 引起了加密貨幣愛好者的極大興趣,在谷歌搜尋中的受歡迎程度超過了狗狗幣和 Toncoin 等流行的山寨幣。這反映出人們日益認識到 RBLK 的非凡潛力。

Dogecoin (DOGE): A Meme Coin Legend


Popularized by Elon Musk's infamous tweet, Dogecoin remains the dominant memecoin and an iconic asset. While it may not have experienced significant growth recently, it is likely to have another substantial rally in the upcoming bull cycle. However, given its high market capitalization, it is unlikely to yield 1000x returns.

狗狗幣因伊隆馬斯克臭名昭著的推文而流行起來,仍然是主導的迷因幣和標誌性資產。雖然它最近可能沒有經歷顯著增長,但在即將到來的牛市週期中可能會再次出現大幅反彈。然而,鑑於其高市值,不太可能產生 1000 倍的回報。

Toncoin (TON): Promising, but Unpredictable Future

Toncoin (TON):前途光明但不可預測的未來

Toncoin has emerged as one of this year's most profitable cryptocurrencies, rapidly rising to become the 8th largest by market cap. However, its future performance remains uncertain. While its high market cap suggests limited profit potential for new investors, it could potentially offer steady returns.

Toncoin 已成為今年最賺錢的加密貨幣之一,並迅速升至市值第八位。然而,其未來表現仍存在不確定性。雖然其高市值表明新投資者的利潤潛力有限,但它可能會提供穩定的回報。

Rollblock (RBLK): The Next Big Thing?

Rollblock (RBLK):下一件大事?

Rollblock is the world's first iGaming-backed Play-to-Earn token, bridging the gap between centralized and decentralized gaming. Its transparency and trustworthiness have attracted investors seeking secure and high-potential investments.

Rollblock 是世界上第一個由 iGaming 支持的 Play-to-Earn 代幣,彌合了集中式遊戲和去中心化遊戲之間的差距。其透明度和可信度吸引了尋求安全和高潛力投資的投資者。

Unlike other iGaming providers, Rollblock does not require KYC verification, making it accessible for users. Its native token, $RBLK, serves as a reward for players and allows holders to stake for additional rewards. Furthermore, Rollblock shares 30% of its weekly profit with token holders, repurchases tokens from the market, and burns them to increase token value.

與其他 iGaming 提供者不同,Rollblock 不需要 KYC 驗證,因此使用者可以使用。其原生代幣 $RBLK 作為玩家的獎勵,並允許持有者進行質押以獲得額外獎勵。此外,Rollblock 將每週利潤的 30% 與代幣持有者分享,從市場上回購代幣,並銷毀它們以增加代幣價值。

Currently in stage 3 of its presale, $RBLK is available at a price of just $0.014. The rapid sale of over 90 million tokens in under a month demonstrates the project's growing popularity. Analysts project a potential 800% increase in value by the end of the presale, making this an ideal time to acquire the altcoin.

目前,$RBLK 正處於預售第三階段,售價僅 0.014 美元。在不到一個月的時間內迅速銷售了超過 9,000 萬枚代幣,這表明該項目越來越受歡迎。分析師預計,到預售結束時,其價值可能會增加 800%,這使得現在成為購買該山寨幣的理想時機。

With its utility, revenue sharing, and opportunities for token holders, $RBLK has been tipped to become the top DeFi token of 2024. It has the potential to become a 100x token, making it an attractive investment opportunity for crypto enthusiasts.

憑藉其實用性、收益分享以及為代幣持有者提供的機會,$RBLK 有望成為2024 年頂級DeFi 代幣。力的投資機會。

Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the Rollblock (RBLK) Presale Today!

立即探索 Rollblock (RBLK) 預售的令人興奮的機會!

Website: https://presale.rollblock.io/
Socials: https://linktr.ee/rollblockcasino


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is intended for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of , nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:這是一份贊助新聞稿,僅供參考。它不反映 的觀點,也不打算用作法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。


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