首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著市場進入自由落體狀態,經驗豐富的加密貨幣交易者正在購買這些加密貨幣

Seasoned Crypto Traders Are Buying These Cryptos As The Markets Enter Freefall


發布: 2024/07/10 02:05 閱讀: 338




As the cryptocurrency markets experience significant volatility, seasoned traders keenly observe which digital assets hold potential despite the downturn. Pepe Unchained, Shiba Shoutout, and TRON have emerged as promising options for savvy investors in this turbulent market. These projects offer unique propositions and show resilience and potential growth in the face of market fluctuations.

隨著加密貨幣市場經歷大幅波動,經驗豐富的交易員敏銳地觀察哪些數位資產在低迷時期仍具有潛力。 Pepe Unchained、Shiba Shoutout 和 TRON 已成為這個動盪市場中精明投資者的有前途的選擇。這些項目提供了獨特的主張,並在面對市場波動時表現出彈性和潛在成長。

Pepe Unchained: A Layer 2 Revolution

Pepe Unchained:第 2 層革命

Pepe Unchained is a new cryptocurrency that has shown resilience in the face of the broader market collapse. The project is making waves in the cryptoverse by introducing a meme token that doubles as a Layer-2 blockchain network. Pepe Unchained is poised to transform the meme world by capitalizing on the success of Pepe the Frog, while also incorporating a layer-2 Ethereum network.

Pepe Unchained 是一種新的加密貨幣,在面對更廣泛的市場崩盤時表現出了韌性。該專案透過引入可兼作第 2 層區塊鏈網路的 meme 代幣,在加密貨幣領域掀起波瀾。 Pepe Unchained 準備利用 Pepe the Frog 的成功,同時整合第 2 層以太坊網絡,從而改變 meme 世界。

Unlike many meme coins that thrive purely on hype, Pepe Unchained is building a robust ecosystem with actual utility. The project's whitepaper highlights its commitment to transparency and security, aiming to set a new standard in the meme coin category.

與許多純粹靠炒作而蓬勃發展的迷因幣不同,Pepe Unchained 正在建立一個具有實際效用的強大生態系統。該專案的白皮書強調了其對透明度和安全性的承諾,旨在為模因幣類別設定新標準。

This unique project is creating a new Layer 2 blockchain on Ethereum specifically tailored for meme coins. Consider it a fast lane on a congested highway, enabling ultra-fast transactions and significantly lower gas fees. It aims to be 100x faster than Ethereum. Security is critical, and Pepe Unchained has undergone smart contract audits from SolidProof and Coinsult, ensuring confidence and transparency.

這個獨特的項目正在以太坊上創建一個專門為 meme 幣量身定制的新第 2 層區塊鏈。將其視為擁堵高速公路上的快車道,可實現超快速交易並顯著降低汽油費。它的目標是比以太坊快 100 倍。安全性至關重要,Pepe Unchained 已接受 SolidProof 和 Coinsult 的智能合約審核,確保信心和透明度。

The project also features a "double staking" mechanism, offering potential annual payouts of 800+%, with more than 185 million PEPU tokens staked. As Layer 2 blockchains gain popularity, Pepe Unchained can become a key player, combining humor and cutting-edge technology.

該項目還具有「雙重質押」機制,質押超過 1.85 億個 PEPU 代幣,提供 800% 以上的潛在年度支付。隨著 Layer 2 區塊鏈的普及,Pepe Unchained 可以成為關鍵角色,將幽默與尖端技術融為一體。

Pepe Unchained's roadmap is equally ambitious, focusing on adopting Layer 2 technology to enhance scalability and transaction efficiency. The presale has been a huge success, earning almost $2.7 million in less than a month. Early investors got PEPU tokens at a discounted rate of $0.0083258. This blend of utility and meme culture makes Pepe Unchained a standout in the current market scenario.

Pepe Unchained 的路線圖同樣雄心勃勃,重點是採用 Layer 2 技術來增強可擴展性和交易效率。預售取得了巨大成功,不到一個月的時間就賺了近 270 萬美元。早期投資者以 0.0083258 美元的折扣價獲得 PEPU 代幣。這種實用性和迷因文化的融合使得 Pepe Unchained 在當前的市場場景中脫穎而出。

Shiba Shoutout: The Next Big Meme Coin

Shiba Shoutout:下一個大迷因硬幣

Shiba Inu, often referred to as the "Dogecoin killer," has consistently captured the interest of the crypto community. Its offshoot, Shiba Shoutout, is building on this legacy by creating a vibrant ecosystem around the SHIB token. Shiba Shootout is a new popular meme coin that has many parallels to the early days of Shiba Inu. The project brings the Wild West to cryptocurrency, complete with Shiba Inus wearing cowboy hats.

柴犬通常被稱為“狗狗幣殺手”,一直引起加密社群的興趣。其分支 Shiba Shoutout 正在繼承這一傳統,圍繞 SHIB 代幣創建一個充滿活力的生態系統。 Shiba Shootout 是一種新流行的迷因硬幣,與早期的柴犬有很多相似之處。該項目將狂野西部帶入了加密貨幣,並配有戴著牛仔帽的柴犬。

Shiba Shoutout continues this momentum by introducing innovative features and community-driven growth strategies. The token has seen substantial trading volumes and has become a favorite among retail investors looking for high-risk, high-reward opportunities.

Shiba Shoutout 透過引入創新功能和社群驅動的成長策略來延續這一勢頭。該代幣交易量龐大,已成為尋求高風險、高回報機會的散戶投資者的最愛。

Its Play-to-Earn game allows players to earn cryptocurrency by virtual gunslinging. Its innovative "Cactus Staking" offers annual payouts of over 2,000%. "Posse Rewards" and "Token Governance Roundups" also engage the community in new ways. Tokenomics reserves 35% for ICO investors, 20% for staking and marketing, and the remainder for liquidity and project funding.

其 Play-to-Earn 遊戲允許玩家透過虛擬槍戰賺取加密貨幣。其創新的「仙人掌質押」提供超過 2,000% 的年支出。 「Posse Rewards」和「Token Governance Roundups」也以新的方式吸引社區。 Tokenomics 為 ICO 投資者保留 35%,20% 用於質押和行銷,其餘用於流動性和專案融資。

The project's roadmap includes CoinGecko/CoinMarketCap listings, community partnerships, a CEX launch, and other initiatives. Having raised $570,000, Shiba Shoutout has shown its potential for success. Early investors can currently purchase tokens for only $0.0195 each until the price increases in the next phase. With a good start on social media, SHIBASHOOT has piqued influencers' interest, making it one to keep an eye on as it strives for meme currency success.

該計畫的路線圖包括 CoinGecko/CoinMarketCap 上市、社區合作夥伴關係、CEX 啟動和其他措施。 Shiba Shoutout 籌集了 57 萬美元,展現了其成功的潛力。早期投資者目前只能以每個 0.0195 美元的價格購買代幣,直到下一階段價格上漲。憑藉著在社群媒體上的良好開端,SHIBASHOOT 激起了影響者的興趣,使其成為在努力獲得迷因貨幣成功的過程中值得關注的對象。

TRON: A Blockchain Powerhouse


TRON (TRX) has established itself as one of the leading blockchain platforms, focusing on decentralizing the web and providing high-throughput infrastructure for decentralized applications. Founded by Justin Sun, TRON aims to create a decentralized internet and support content creators through its blockchain network.

TRON(TRX)已成為領先的區塊鏈平台之一,專注於去中心化網路並為去中心化應用程式提供高吞吐量基礎設施。 TRON 由孫宇晨創立,旨在創建一個去中心化的互聯網,並透過其區塊鏈網路支援內容創作者。

TRON's blockchain is known for its high performance and low transaction fees, making it an attractive option for dApp developers and users. The platform supports a wide range of applications, from DeFi projects to gaming and entertainment, showcasing its versatility and broad appeal.

TRON 的區塊鏈以其高效能和低交易費用而聞名,這使其成為 dApp 開發者和用戶的一個有吸引力的選擇。該平台支援從 DeFi 項目到遊戲和娛樂的廣泛應用,展示了其多功能性和廣泛的吸引力。

One of TRON's significant achievements is its acquisition of BitTorrent, which integrates TRON's blockchain technology with the world's largest decentralized file-sharing protocol. This move has expanded TRON's ecosystem and enhanced its utility, attracting a diverse user base.

TRON 的重大成就之一是收購 BitTorrent,BitTorrent 將 TRON 的區塊鏈技術與全球最大的去中心化檔案共享協議相結合。此舉擴大了TRON的生態系統並增強了其實用性,吸引了多元化的用戶群。

TRON's active participation in the DeFi sector, through projects like JustSwap and the TRON DeFi ecosystem, demonstrates its commitment to innovation and growth. These initiatives have helped TRON maintain a strong position in the market, even during periods of downturn, making it a reliable choice for investors looking for long-term potential.

TRON 透過 JustSwap 和 TRON DeFi 生態系統等專案積極參與 DeFi 領域,體現了其對創新和成長的承諾。這些舉措幫助 TRON 在市場中保持了強勢地位,即使在經濟低迷時期也是如此,使其成為尋求長期潛力的投資者的可靠選擇。



As the cryptocurrency markets navigate through a challenging phase, Pepe Unchained, Shiba Shoutout, and TRON stand out as promising options for seasoned traders. Each project offers unique features and strategic advantages that cater to different aspects of the crypto space, from meme culture to high-performance blockchain infrastructure. By understanding these projects' potential and strategic vision, investors can make informed decisions and reap significant rewards as the market stabilizes and recovers.

隨著加密貨幣市場經歷一個充滿挑戰的階段,Pepe Unchained、Shiba Shoutout 和 TRON 脫穎而出,成為經驗豐富的交易者有希望的選擇。每個項目都提供獨特的功能和戰略優勢,迎合加密貨幣領域的不同方面,從模因文化到高性能區塊鏈基礎設施。透過了解這些項目的潛力和策略願景,投資者可以做出明智的決策,並隨著市場的穩定和復甦而獲得豐厚的回報。


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