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September Vibes: The 4 Best Meme Coins to Grab Now

九月氣氛:立即搶購的 4 種最佳 Meme 硬幣

發布: 2023/09/05 05:00 閱讀: 578



The best meme coins offer investors hefty profits. 10-100x gains occur during hyperbolic price action, taking them to the top of the crypto rankings. The best way to prepare for this is to accumulate these meme coins before they shoot to the moon. 

最好的模因幣可以為投資者帶來豐厚的利潤。雙曲線價格走勢期間會出現 10-100 倍的收益,使它們躋身加密貨幣排名榜首。對此做好準備的最佳方法是在這些模因幣飛向月球之前累積它們。

So, getting information about the best new meme coins is almost synonymous with profit. Finding the top meme coins is an essential skill each investor needs. Look at this list to uncover the best meme coins to explode in 2023.

Here are the four best meme coins with top price potential for 2023 and beyond (and why you should grab them now):

因此,獲取有關最佳新模因幣的資訊幾乎與利潤同義。尋找頂級模因幣是每個投資者都需要的基本技能。查看此列表,發現 2023 年爆發的最佳模因幣。以下是 2023 年及以後具有最高價格潛力的四種最佳模因幣(以及為什麼您現在應該抓住它們):

  1. Shiba Memu (SHMU)
  2. 柴犬 (SHMU)

  3. Dogecoin (DOGE)
  4. 狗狗幣 (DOGE)

  5. Floki Inu (FLOKI)
  6. 弗洛基犬 (FLOKI)

  7. Shiba Inu (SHIB)
  8. 柴犬 (SHIB)

What is Shiba Memu (SHMU)?

什麼是 Shiba Memu (SHMU)?

Shiba Memu is one of the best new meme coins for 2023 and is currently on pre-sale. The project uses AI to create effective marketing strategies, automatically promoting the native SHMU token across social media. Shiba Memu will interact with investors in crypto forums. It will use advanced natural language processing (NLP) to respond to the community’s requests.

Shiba Memu 是 2023 年最好的新迷因幣之一,目前正在預售。該計畫利用人工智慧制定有效的行銷策略,自動在社群媒體上推廣原生 SHMU 代幣。 Shiba Memu 將在加密貨幣論壇上與投資者互動。它將使用先進的自然語言處理(NLP)來回應社區的請求。

Since meme coins rely on their ability to gain online traction. Shiba Memu’s automatic AI-synched marketing protocol could lead it to the top of the meme coin market. Once the native token presale is complete, Shiba Memu (SHMU) will be ready to do a Zoomie. This platform will provide marketing campaigns tailored to the latest trends in the crypto industry. Most importantly, these strategies will grow increasingly influential as it learns from its successes and failures.

因為模因幣依賴它們獲得在線吸引力的能力。 Shiba Memu 的自動人工智慧同步行銷協議可能會使其登上迷因幣市場的頂峰。一旦原生代幣預售完成,Shiba Memu (SHMU) 將準備好進行 Zoomie。該平台將提供針對加密行業最新趨勢量身定制的行銷活動。最重要的是,隨著它從成功和失敗中學到教訓,這些策略的影響力將越來越大。

Why buy Shiba Memu?


Shiba Memu’s token presale (extended by popular demand from 60 days to 120 days) uses a unique price rise mechanism. It gradually drives the value of the SHMU token upwards. The meme coin price rises by $0.000225 daily. It will take the final presale price level approximately 240% higher by 31st October for those who bought in initially.

Shiba Memu 的代幣預售(根據大眾需求從 60 天延長至 120 天)採用了獨特的價格上漲機制。它逐漸帶動SHMU代幣的價值上升。 Meme 幣價格每天上漲 0.000225 美元。對於最初購買的人來說,到 10 月 31 日,最終預售價格水準將上漲約 240%。

The presale price mechanism will drive instant profits for the project’s earliest backers. The native SHMU token will also have a staking facility on the platform. Shiba Memu has already announced its first listing on the Bitmart exchange. It is rapidly gaining momentum toward further exchange releases of the protocol later in the year.

預售價格機制將為專案最早的支持者帶來即時利潤。原生 SHMU 代幣也將在平台上擁有質押設施。 Shiba Memu 已宣布首次在 Bitmart 交易所上市。它正迅速獲得動力,在今年稍後進一步發布該協議。

Shiba Memu is a top meme coin to buy right now. It could see massive price rises ahead of the next bull market! The AI integration makes this meme coin stand out as a potential pack leader. The SHMU meme coin shows genuine potential to skyrocket in bullish market conditions.

Shiba Memu 是目前值得購買的頂級迷因幣。在下一次多頭市場之前,價格可能會大幅上漲!人工智慧的整合使這款迷因幣脫穎而出,成為潛在的群體領導者。 SHMU 模因幣顯示出在看漲市場條件下飆升的真正潛力。

>>> You can find more information, including how to buy SHMU, here <<<

>>> 您可以在此處找到更多信息,包括如何購買 SHMU

What is Dogecoin (DOGE)?


Dogecoin rapidly gained popularity as the best meme coin in the crypto world when it was launched in 2013. Initially created as a joke by two software engineers. The digital currency features the likeness of the Shiba Inu dog breed from the popular “doge” meme.

狗狗幣於 2013 年推出後,迅速成為加密世界中最好的迷因硬幣。最初是由兩位軟體工程師開玩笑創建的。這種數位貨幣的特徵是與流行的“doge”模因中的柴犬品種相似。

Since its early days, DOGE has become more than just a joke. It became the biggest meme coin in the crypto market. It gained mainstream attention when influential figures such as Elon Musk announced that they liked the token.

從誕生之初起,DOGE 就不再只是個笑話。它成為加密貨幣市場上最大的迷因幣。當伊隆馬斯克等有影響力的人物宣布他們喜歡該代幣時,它獲得了主流關注。

Dogecoin is a fork of Litecoin, and Litecoin forked from Bitcoin. It means Dogecoin uses the same underlying consensus protocol as Bitcoin, making it a secure and efficient way of processing cross-border payments.


Why buy DOGE?


In recent years, DOGE has seen a growing adoption as a legitimate form of online payment processing. Tips for content creators, charity donations, and even payments for goods and services are just some methods by which DOGE holders can spend their crypto online.

近年來,DOGE 作為一種合法的線上支付處理形式得到了越來越多的採用。內容創作者的小費、慈善捐款,甚至商品和服務的付款只是 DOGE 持有者可以在線上使用加密貨幣的一些方法。

This cryptocurrency fell more than 90% from its all-time high in 2021. It has still held a relatively stable price between the $0.05 and $0.10 range since May 2022. This could indicate that DOGE has found its multi-year range low. Coin holders might expect the price to recover soon!

這種加密貨幣較2021 年的歷史高點下跌了90% 以上。自2022 年5 月以來,其價格仍保持在0.05 美元至0.10 美元的範圍內相對穩定。這可能表明DOGE 已發現其多年區間低點。硬幣持有者可能會期望價格很快就會恢復!

What is Floki Inu (FLOKI)?

什麼是弗洛基犬 (FLOKI)?

Floki Inu was dubbed one of the best meme coins to buy when it first launched in 2021. Unlike most meme coins, Floki Inu has an in-built token utility based on community-driven initiatives. 

Floki Inu 在 2021 年首次推出時被稱為最值得購買的迷因幣之一。與大多數迷因幣不同,Floki Inu 擁有基於社區驅動計劃的內建代幣實用程式。

The project aims to create a Web3 education platform known as Floki “Inuversity”. Besides, it aims to support charity events and be a sponsor for major sports teams such as Napoli SCC.

該計畫旨在創建一個名為 Floki「Inuversity」的 Web3 教育平台。此外,它還致力於支持慈善活動,並成為那不勒斯SCC等主要運動隊伍的贊助商。

Why buy FLOKI?

為什麼購買 FLOKI?

With its unique branding and active community, FLOKI has all the potential to become one of the better meme coins. The project has continued to build throughout the bear market. It may climb up the market cap rankings during more bullish market conditions.

憑藉其獨特的品牌和活躍的社區,FLOKI 完全有潛力成為更好的迷因幣之一。該項目在整個熊市期間持續建造。在更看漲的市場條件下,它的市值排名可能會攀升。

What is Shiba Inu (SHIB)?


Shiba Inu was initially launched as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. A 50% of its total supply was airdropped to Vitalik Buterin as a joke. Since then, SHIB has become one of the most valuable meme coins on the market for several key reasons.

Shiba Inu 最初是作為以太坊區塊鏈上的 ERC-20 代幣推出。其總供應量的 50% 被開玩笑地空投給了 Vitalik Buterin。從那時起,SHIB 出於幾個關鍵原因成為市場上最有價值的迷因幣之一。

SHIB now exists on its own native layer-1 blockchain, offering the token vast amounts of utility within the Web3 ecosystem. The Shiba Inu blockchain is a fork of Ethereum. It supports the development of Solidity smart contracts and custom dApps. Those features have led to DeFi applications, P2E games, and many more use cases for the SHIB token.

SHIB 現在存在於其自己的本機第 1 層區塊鏈上,為 Web3 生態系統中的代幣提供了大量的實用性。柴犬區塊鏈是以太坊的一個分支。它支援 Solidity 智能合約和自訂 dApp 的開發。這些功能催生了 DeFi 應用、P2E 遊戲以及 SHIB 代幣的更多用例。

Why buy SHIB?


The Shiba Inu development team just launched a layer-2 scalability solution called “Shibarium”. The testnet for Shibarium has supported 21 million user wallets and over 250,000 smart contracts. The hype around SHIB continues to build. Some are even suggesting that the blockchain could become a primary Web3 solution for decentralized media!

Shiba Inu 開發團隊剛剛推出了名為「Shibarium」的第 2 層可擴充性解決方案。 Shibarium 的測試網已支援 2,100 萬用戶錢包和超過 25 萬個智慧合約。圍繞 SHIB 的炒作仍在繼續。有些人甚至建議區塊鏈可以成為去中心化媒體的主要 Web3 解決方案!

Which is the Best Meme Coin in 2023?

2023 年最好的 Meme 幣是什麼?

The top meme crypto coins continue to go from strength to strength. Each of the listed projects brings in-built utility, and each has its bullish narrative that could be a real catalyst for price action.


However, Shiba Memu (SHMU) stands apart from the crowd. It is the latest on this list of meme coins. In the meme coin genre, the upside potential for SHMU is likely better than for older projects. With that in mind, experts consider Shiba Memu (SHMU) the best meme coin to buy in 2023 and beyond.

然而,Shiba Memu (SHMU) 脫穎而出。這是模因幣列表中最新的一個。在迷因幣類型中,SHMU 的上行潛力可能比舊專案更好。考慮到這一點,專家認為 Shiba Memu (SHMU) 是 2023 年及以後最值得購買的迷因幣。

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