首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2023 年結束時,SHIB、BONK、PEPE、DOGE 處於什麼位置

Where do SHIB, BONK, PEPE, DOGE stand as 2023 ends

2023 年結束時,SHIB、BONK、PEPE、DOGE 處於什麼位置

發布: 2023/12/18 21:18 閱讀: 661

原文作者:AMBCrypto - Latest Crypto News


  • Shiba Inu and Bonk’s price charts were green. 
  • Shiba Inu 和 Bonk 的價格圖表呈綠色。

  • Dogecoin and PEPE’s fates were not as good as their values dropped.
  • 狗狗幣和PEPE的命運並不像它們的價值下跌那麼好。

2023 is coming to an end, and top meme coins Shiba Inu [SHIB], Dogecoin [DOGE], Pepe [PEPE], and Bonk [BONK] have had an impactful year. AMBCrypto, thus, took a look at these meme coins to see what the close of 2023 holds for them.

2023 年即將結束,頂級模因幣 Shiba Inu [SHIB]、Dogecoin [DOGE]、Pepe [PEPE] 和 Bonk [BONK] 度過了影響深遠的一年。因此,AMBCrypto 對這些迷因幣進行了研究,看看 2023 年結束時它們會發生什麼。

Shiba Inu beats Dogecoin


While most cryptos’ weekly charts were red, Shiba Inu chose to act differently as its value rose. As per CoinMarketCap, SHIB was up by over 4% last week.

雖然大多數加密貨幣的周線圖都是紅色的,但隨著價值的上漲,柴犬選擇了不同的表現。根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,SHIB 上週上漲了 4% 以上。

At press time, it was trading at $0.00001008 with a market capitalization of over $5.9 billion.

截至發稿時,其交易價格為 0.00001008 美元,市值超過 59 億美元。

To understand what supported this surge, AMBCrypto checked Santiment’s data. As per our analysis, SHIB’s Price Volatility 1w spiked. Its Supply on Exchanges dropped, while its Supply outside of Exchanges increased slightly.

為了了解是什麼支撐了這種激增,AMBCrypto 檢查了 Santiment 的數據。根據我們的分析,SHIB 的價格波動率飆升了 1w。交易所供應量下降,場外供應量小幅增加。

This meant that the buying pressure on the meme coin was high at press time. Additionally, its network activity also remained high, as evident from its daily active addresses graph.


Source: Santiment


AMBCrypto checked SHIB’s daily chart to see whether the token would be able to sustain this pump during the year-end. To our surprise, we found that most indicators were bearish — SHIB’s price had touched the upper limit of the Bollinger Bands.

AMBCrypto 檢查了 SHIB 的日線圖,看看該代幣是否能夠在年底維持這種上漲。令我們驚訝的是,我們發現大多數指標都是看跌的——SHIB的價格已經觸及布林通道的上限。

Its MACD also displayed the possibility of a bearish crossover. Moreover, its Money Flow Index (MFI) registered a downtick, which showed the likelihood of a price correction during the concluding days of 2023.

其MACD也顯示出看跌交叉的可能性。此外,其資金流量指數(MFI)下跌,這表明 2023 年最後幾天價格可能會出現調整。

Source: TradingView


Dogecoin continues to suffer!


While SHIB’s weekly chart was green, Dogecoin shed much of its value as its price dropped by over 5% in the past seven days. At the time of writing, DOGE was trading at $0.09207 with a market cap of over $13 billion.

雖然 SHIB 的周線圖呈綠色,但狗狗幣的大部分價值都在下跌,因為其價格在過去 7 天內下跌了 5% 以上。截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.09207 美元,市值超過 130 億美元。

AMBCrypto’s analysis of DOGE’s liquidation heatmap revealed a possible reason behind the price plummet. We found out that the meme coin witnessed a massive surge in its liquidation levels near the $0.099 mark.

AMBCrypto 對 DOGE 清算熱圖的分析揭示了價格暴跌背後的可能原因。我們發現 Meme 代幣的清算水準大幅飆升,接近 0.099 美元大關。

The coin failed to move above that mark, resulting in multiple price corrections over the past week.


Source: Hyblock Capital

來源:Hyblock 資本

While its value dropped, DOGE’s Binance Funding Rate remained high at press time, meaning that Futures investors were actively buying the meme coin.

儘管其價值下跌,但截至發稿時,DOGE 的幣安融資利率仍然很高,這意味著期貨投資者正在積極購買這種 meme 代幣。

In the meantime, DOGE’s transaction counts spiked while its value sank in the recent past.

與此同時,DOGE 的交易數量激增,而其價值最近卻下跌。

Nonetheless, its Open Interest also plummeted, which generally hinted at a trend reversal. So whether DOGE manages to register green during the remaining days of 2023 will be worth keeping an eye on.

儘管如此,其持倉量也大幅下降,這通常暗示著趨勢的逆轉。因此,DOGE 能否在 2023 年剩餘的時間裡成功註冊綠色將值得關注。

Source: Santiment


PEPE is in a worse position


While DOGE’s value dropped by 5%, PEPE took a harder blow as its price sank by nearly 10% last week. Just in the last 24 hours, the meme coin value declined by 5%.

雖然 DOGE 的價值下跌了 5%,但 PEPE 受到了更嚴重的打擊,其價格上週下跌了近 10%。就在過去 24 小時內,meme 幣價值下跌了 5%。

At the time of writing, PEPE was trading at $0.000001304 with a market capitalization of over $544 million, making it the 98th largest crypto.

截至撰寫本文時,PEPE 的交易價格為 0.000001304 美元,市值超過 5.44 億美元,使其成為第 98 大加密貨幣。

Therefore, to understand what to expect from the meme coin over the next few days, AMBCrypto checked PEPE’s daily chart. Upon checking, we found that its Relative Strength Index (RSI) registered a sharp downtick.

因此,為了了解未來幾天對 meme 幣的預期,AMBCrypto 檢查了 PEPE 的日線圖。經核查,我們發現其相對強弱指數(RSI)大幅下跌。

A similar declining trend was also noted in terms of its Money Flow Index (MFI), increasing the chances of a continued downtrend in the days to follow.


More concerns were raised by the MACD as it displayed a clear bearish advantage in the market.  


Source: TradingView


BONK continues to lead the meme coin pack

BONK 繼續領跑 meme 幣包

Last but not least, let’s talk about a meme coin that recently gained traction thanks to its massive gains. BONK’s price skyrocketed over the last week as its value soared in triple-digits, which could be attributed to Binance listing the meme coin.

最後但並非最不重要的一點是,讓我們來談談最近因其巨大收益而受到關注的模因幣。 BONK 的價格在上週飆升,其價值飆升了三位數,這可能歸因於幣安上線了 meme 幣。

According to CoinMarketCap, in the last seven days, BONK was up by more than 77%. At the time of writing, it was trading at $0.00002143 with a market cap of over $1.3 billion, making it the 53rd largest crypto.

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,過去 7 天,BONK 上漲了 77% 以上。截至本文撰寫時,其交易價格為 0.00002143 美元,市值超過 13 億美元,使其成為第 53 大加密貨幣。

AMBCrypto then had a look at market sentiment around BONK and found that its Weighted Sentiment and Social Volume spiked on the 15th of December. This was also when its price surged exponentially.

AMBCrypto 隨後查看了 BONK 周圍的市場情緒,發現其加權情緒和社交量在 12 月 15 日飆升。這也是其價格呈指數級飆升的時候。

However, temperatures cooled down during the latter days as both metrics sank. 


Source: Santiment


Realistic or not, here’s BONK market cap in BTC’s terms

不管現實與否,這是以 BTC 計算的 BONK 市值

AMBCrypto’s analysis of TradingView also showed that the bulls were leading the market at press time, as suggested by the MACD indicator.

AMBCrypto 對 TradingView 的分析也表明,正如 MACD 指標所示,截至發稿時多頭正在引領市場。

However, both the RSI and MFI registered downticks from overbought zones, suggesting that selling pressure was increasing. BONK’s Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) also went southward, displaying increased chances of a correction before 2023 ends.

然而,RSI 和 MFI 均從超買區域下跌,顯示拋售壓力正在增加。 BONK 的 Chaikin 資金流向 (CMF) 也出現下滑,顯示 2023 年底前回檔的可能性增加。

Source: TradingView



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