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SHIB, PEPE, and BONK Rivalry Intensifies Amid Evolving Objectives

SHIB、PEPE 和 BONK 的競爭因目標不斷變化而加劇

發布: 2024/01/31 14:03 閱讀: 792

原文作者:CoinPedia News


SHIB、PEPE 和 BONK 的競爭因目標不斷變化而加劇

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SHIB、PEPE 和 BONK 的競爭在目標不斷變化的情況下加劇,首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

The rivalry among SHIB, PEPE, and BONK continues to escalate as each platform seeks to redefine its strategic objectives in the competitive memecoin market. But there’s one more player in the game – Meme Moguls, a new P2E platform that is now in the presale stages. Let’s review each platform’s background and their evolving objectives in this intense battle for memecoin dominance.

SHIB、PEPE 和 BONK 之間的競爭持續升級,因為每個平台都試圖在競爭激烈的 memecoin 市場中重新定義其策略目標。但遊戲中還有一個玩家——Meme Moguls,一個新的 P2E 平台,目前正處於預售階段。讓我們回顧一下每個平台的背景及其在這場激烈的迷因幣主導地位之戰中不斷變化的目標。

BONK: The Leading Solana Memecoin

BONK:領先的 Solana Memecoin

BONK is a Solana-based memecoin that has recently gone on a monster 16,500% run between late October and December. The Solana gains had to flow somewhere, and the main benefactor happened to be BONK.

BONK 是一種基於 Solana 的 memecoin,最近在 10 月底到 12 月之間飆升了 16,500%。 Solana 的收益必須流向某個地方,而主要的捐助者恰好是 BONK。

However, there’s been a decline from its December high of $0.0000350000 to the present value of $0.00001500. Solana users are now looking for the next memecoin to mimic BONK’s success.

然而,從 12 月的高點 0.0000350000 美元下降到現值 0.00001500 美元。 Solana 用戶現在正在尋找下一個迷因幣來模仿 BONK 的成功。

BONK was created to attract more attention and users to the Solana blockchain. In fact, BONK was given for free to holders of the Solana SAGA phone. The BONK team now aims for the coin to “become the #1 community coin in web3” by building DeFi and gaming products.

BONK 的創建是為了吸引更多的關注和用戶對 Solana 區塊鏈。事實上,BONK 是免費提供給 Solana SAGA 手機的持有者的。 BONK 團隊現在的目標是透過建立 DeFi 和遊戲產品,使該代幣「成為 web3 中排名第一的社群代幣」。

Pricewise, BONK recently rebounded from the $0.0000100000 support level that coincides with a diagonal trendline that has been consistent since November 2023. Looking ahead, a break above the resistance level between $0.0000180000 and $0.0000200000 could mean a new all-time high is on the horizon for BONK.

從價格角度來看,BONK 最近從0.0000100000 美元的支撐位反彈,該支撐位與自2023 年11 月以來一直一致的對角線趨勢線一致。展望未來,突破0.0000180000 美元至0.0000200000 美元之間的阻力位可能意味著新的歷史高點即將出現。邦克。

Meme Moguls: Combining Memes with Financial Savvy


Meme Moguls (MGLS) is set to enter the play-to-earn arena, blending the vibrant world of memes with financial trading strategies. The objective is straightforward: players aim to sharpen their meme-trading abilities and amass wealth.

Meme Moguls (MGLS) 將進軍玩賺錢領域,將充滿活力的 meme 世界與金融交易策略融為一體。目標很簡單:玩家的目標是提高他們的迷因交易能力並累積財富。

The core of Meme Moguls is a game centered on investment education. It offers players a chance to start with virtual capital, build their investment portfolios, engage in trading simulations, and convert virtual gains into real-life rewards.

Meme Moguls 的核心是一款以投資教育為核心的遊戲。它為玩家提供了從虛擬資本開始、建立投資組合、參與交易模擬並將虛擬收益轉化為現實獎勵的機會。

Participants in Meme Moguls can take part in tournaments that not only provide entertainment but also the chance to earn real prizes. Standout performers in these competitions can look forward to rewards in the form of the platform’s native tokens and exclusive NFTs, which hold in-game utility and can also be traded.

Meme Moguls 的參與者可以參加錦標賽,這些錦標賽不僅提供娛樂,而且還有機會贏得真正的獎品。在這些比賽中表現出色的選手可以獲得平台原生代幣和獨家 NFT 形式的獎勵,這些代幣具有遊戲內的實用性,也可以進行交易。

MGLS tokens serve as both the in-game currency and a governance tool on the platform. Earning these tokens is possible through tournament participation, completing challenges, and staking in the liquidity pool, which provides additional rewards.

MGLS 代幣既充當遊戲內貨幣,也充當平台上的治理工具。可以透過參加錦標賽、完成挑戰以及在流動性池中進行質押來賺取這些代幣,這提供了額外的獎勵。

An attractive aspect of MGLS is its accessibility during the initial presale phase, priced at just $0.0036. This presents a lucrative opportunity for early investors, with the potential for significant returns as the platform’s popularity escalates.

MGLS 的一個有吸引力的方面是它在初始預售階段的可訪問性,價格僅為 0.0036 美元。這為早期投資者提供了一個利潤豐厚的機會,隨著該平台受歡迎程度的提升,有可能獲得豐厚的回報。

There is a growing buzz in the crypto community surrounding MGLS. Some speculate that the cryptocurrency may experience a 100-fold increase in value during the 2024 bull run, similar to the success stories of cryptocurrencies like Shiba Inu.

加密貨幣社群中圍繞 MGLS 的討論日益增多。有些人推測,加密貨幣的價值可能會在 2024 年牛市期間經歷 100 倍的成長,類似於 Shiba Inu 等加密貨幣的成功故事。

PEPE: A Recognized Meme Legend


Pepe the Frog may be the most famous internet meme in the world, with the funny character appearing on countless forums, social media pages, and other online platforms. While the PEPE crypto creator is not the same person who created the meme, he has embraced its popularity as a driving force behind his project’s success.

佩佩青蛙可能是世界上最著名的網路迷因,這個有趣的角色出現在無數論壇、社群媒體頁面和其他線上平台。雖然 PEPE 加密貨幣的創建者與創建該模因的人不是同一個人,但他已將其受歡迎程度視為其專案成功的推動力。

The price of PEPE surged to a $2 billion market cap in early 2023 as it became the first memecoin to pump for the year, attracting widespread attention. However, the coin’s value has since experienced a 72% decline, bringing it to its current price of $0.000001220.

PEPE 的價格在 2023 年初飆升至 20 億美元市值,成為當年第一個上漲的 memecoin,引起了廣泛關注。然而,該代幣的價值此後經歷了 72% 的下跌,目前價格為 0.000001220 美元。

PEPE is the only memecoin in this list without an objective. Instead, its approach is to embrace the meme culture and let the community determine its value and purpose. The team holds frequent Twitter competitions where users are rewarded with PEPE tokens for creating the best memes or showing their support for the project.

PEPE 是此列表中唯一沒有目標的模因幣。相反,它的方法是擁抱模因文化,讓社區決定其價值和目的。該團隊經常舉辦 Twitter 競賽,用戶因創造最佳表情包或表達對專案的支持而獲得 PEPE 代幣獎勵。

PEPE faces a critical resistance level at $0.00000150. Should it successfully breach this threshold, there’s potential for the coin to climb to $0.00000200 in a matter of weeks before a potential bull run.

PEPE 面臨 0.00000150 美元的關鍵阻力位。如果它成功突破這個門檻,那麼在潛在牛市之前的幾週內,代幣有可能攀升至 0.00000200 美元。

SHIB: More Than Just a Meme


Shiba Inu rode on the back of Dogecoin to become one of the fastest-growing cryptocurrencies in history. The memecoin pumped more than 1000x during the 2020/21 bull run to reach a market cap of over $43.51 billion.

柴犬騎在狗狗幣的背上,成為史上成長最快的加密貨幣之一。 Memecoin 在 2020/21 年多頭期間上漲了 1000 多倍,市值超過 435.1 億美元。

Even though it has since declined in value, SHIB remains the second most popular memecoin after Dogecoin. The project was created to “kill Doge” by its anonymous founder, known as Ryoshi, and it is getting closer and closer to fulfilling that objective.

儘管此後其價值有所下降,SHIB 仍然是僅次於狗狗幣的第二大最受歡迎的迷因幣。該項目是由其匿名創始人 Ryoshi 創建的,其目的是“殺死 Doge”,並且距離實現這一目標越來越近。

While Dogecoin is nothing but pure speculation, SHIB has a more significant vision of becoming a decentralized ecosystem. There is a decentralized exchange, multiple supporting cryptocurrencies, and a Layer-2 solution known as Shibarium.

雖然狗狗幣只是純粹的投機,但 SHIB 有著更重要的願景,成為一個去中心化的生態系統。有一個去中心化交易所、多種支援的加密貨幣以及一個稱為 Shibarium 的 Layer-2 解決方案。

The Shiba Inu chart shows one clear level to break for further bullish momentum. The $0.000010 level has been a critical resistance point for months, and breaking past it will set SHIB up for another leg-up.

柴犬圖表顯示了一個明確的水平,需要突破才能進一步看漲勢頭。幾個月來,0.000010 美元的水平一直是關鍵阻力位,突破該水平將使 SHIB 迎來另一次上漲。

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