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Shiba Inu: 17% Americans Have Invested in SHIB

Shiba Inu:17% 的美國人投資了 SHIB

發布: 2023/09/04 22:00 閱讀: 859



A recent survey conducted by ConsenSys pointed out that Americans believe that the financial system is working ”well” currently. However, half of them feel that there is still room for improvement. In fact, they also agree that the country currently has the technology required to transform or rebuild the system. When it comes to digital assets, 98% of U.S. respondents have heard of crypto.

ConsenSys 最近進行的一項調查指出,美國人認為金融體系目前運作「良好」。然而,有一半的人認為仍有改進的空間。事實上,他們也同意該國目前擁有改造或重建系統所需的技術。談到數位資產,98% 的美國受訪者聽說過加密貨幣。

ConsenSys conducted 1018 interviews of people between 18 and 65 years old residing in the
U.S. and found out that nearly 1/3 of them had bought crypto assets in the past but sold them eventually. 20% of them currently own crypto, while 50% have never stepped into the trading or investing arena.

ConsenSys 對居住在美國的 18 至 65 歲人群進行了 1018 次訪談。發現近1/3的人過去曾購買過加密資產,但最後卻賣掉了。其中 20% 目前擁有加密貨幣,而 50% 從未踏入交易或投資領域。

Also Read: Dogecoin Averages 1.3% on its ‘Best’ Trade Day: Here’s Why

另請閱讀:狗狗幣在「最佳」交易日平均上漲 1.3%:原因如下

Shiba Inu Finds a Place in American Portfolios


The investors who had invested in crypto had a mix of several assets in their portfolios that included utility-centric coins, stablecoins, and memes. Let’s delve into the list of the top-invested crypto assets to find out if Shiba Inu made the cut or not. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin were the top three crypto assets held by Americans. They had a weightage of 58%, 37%, and 26%, respectively. Binance’s BNB and stablecoin’s USDC were the next top-held assets.

投資加密貨幣的投資者在其投資組合中混合了多種資產,其中包括以實用為中心的硬幣、穩定幣和迷因。讓我們深入研究投資最多的加密資產列表,看看柴犬是否上榜。比特幣、以太幣和狗狗幣是美國人持有的前三大加密資產。他們的權重分別為58%、37%和26%。幣安的 BNB 和穩定幣的 USDC 是第二大持有資產。

Also Read: Shiba Inu Investor Misses 200,000x Returns on SHIB, Here’s Why

另請閱讀:Shiba Inu 投資者錯過了 SHIB 200,000 倍的回報,原因如下

Shiba Inu was the sixth most popular asset among American investors. 17% of them had diverted their funds into this $4.5 billion market-capped asset. In fact, SHIB was ahead on the list when compared to other larger, more valuable assets like Tether, Solana, Cardano, and Polkadot. Owing to the uncertainty in the landscape, the majority of respondents who had heard about crypto felt that this asset class needed to be ”heavily regulated” to protect investors.

柴犬是美國投資人第六大最受歡迎的資產。其中 17% 已將資金轉移到這價值 45 億美元的市值資產。事實上,與 Tether、Solana、Cardano 和 Polkadot 等其他規模更大、更有價值的資產相比,SHIB 名列前茅。由於情勢的不確定性,大多數聽說過加密貨幣的受訪者認為,這個資產類別需要受到「嚴格監管」以保護投資者。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: SHIB to Hit $0.001 If Its Market Cap Touches $550 Billion?

另請閱讀:Shiba Inu:如果其市值達到 5500 億美元,SHIB 將達到 0.001 美元?

  • Americans
  • 美國人

  • shib
  • 希布

  • shiba inu
  • 柴犬



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