首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Shiba Inu 的銷毀率飆升 700%,導致 1500 萬枚 SHIB 代幣退出流通

Shiba Inu’s burn rate surges by 700%, removing 15 million SHIB tokens from circulation

Shiba Inu 的銷毀率飆升 700%,導致 1500 萬枚 SHIB 代幣退出流通

發布: 2024/09/24 04:30 閱讀: 377



Shiba Inu 的銷毀率飆升 700%,導致 1500 萬枚 SHIB 代幣退出流通

Shiba Inu Surges Amidst Optimistic Remarks from Shytoshi Kusama


Shiba Inu (SHIB) has experienced a surge of 700% in its burn rate, accompanied by positive comments from Shytoshi Kusama at the recent Token2049 event in Singapore.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的燒錢率飆升了 700%,最近在新加坡舉行的 Token2049 活動中,草間彌俊 (Shytoshi Kusama) 也給出了積極的評論。

The SHIB token initially saw an increase of over 9%, though it has since retracted to trade with a 0.18% decline over the past 24 hours. The recent increase in burn rate has removed 15 million SHIB tokens from circulation, fueling expectations of further gains.

SHIB 代幣最初上漲了 9% 以上,但後來回落交易,在過去 24 小時內下跌了 0.18%。最近銷毀率的增加已使 1500 萬個 SHIB 代幣退出流通,加劇了進一步上漲的預期。

The majority of the burned SHIB was sent to an unspendable blockchain address in a single transaction. Two additional transactions transferred approximately 100,000 SHIB to inactive wallets.

大部分被燒毀的 SHIB 在一次交易中被發送到一個無法使用的區塊鏈位址。另外兩筆交易將大約 100,000 SHIB 轉移到不活躍的錢包。

Altcoin Buzz predicts a 36% upswing, indicating that SHIB could reach $0.00002 if the current trend continues. Kusama's comments on "X" following the event have excited the market, along with speculation about a possible partnership with Tron DAO.

Altcoin Buzz 預測上漲 36%,顯示如果當前趨勢持續下去,SHIB 可能會達到 0.00002 美元。草間彌生在活動結束後對「X」的評論令市場興奮不已,同時也引發了對可能與 Tron DAO 合作的猜測。

Kusama was spotted with a card bearing the inscription "Tron DAO," which featured the Tron blockchain logo. Justin Sun, the founder of Tron, was also present at the crypto conference as a sponsor.

草間彌生被發現持有一張刻有「Tron DAO」字樣的卡片,上面有 Tron 區塊鏈標誌。 Tron創辦人孫宇晨也作為贊助商出席了加密會議。

As of the time of writing, 583,494,740,394,717 Shiba Inu coins are in circulation, with 410,728,825,806,575 SHIB held in inactive wallets.

截至本文撰寫時,有 583,494,740,394,717 枚柴犬幣在流通,其中 410,728,825,806,575 枚 SHIB 存放在不活躍的錢包中。


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