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FACT: Will Shiba Inu Coin reach $1 during the next Bullrun?

事實:柴犬幣會在下一次牛市期間達到 1 美元嗎?

發布: 2024/09/19 03:30 閱讀: 449

原文作者:CryptoTicker ENG


事實:柴犬幣會在下一次牛市期間達到 1 美元嗎?

Shiba Inu Coin: Price Predictions and Analysis


The demand for affordable cryptocurrencies remains strong within the crypto community. However, it's crucial to assess the feasibility of cryptocurrencies reaching specific price targets.


Shiba Inu Coin Overview


Shiba Inu is a popular Ethereum-based altcoin featuring the Shiba Inu dog as its mascot. Dubbed the "Dogecoin killer" by its supporters (the SHIBArmy), it's often seen as a Dogecoin alternative.


On October 29, 2021, Shiba Inu's price surged over tenfold, driving its market capitalization to $41 billion. Despite a subsequent decline, Shiba Inu remains among the top ten meme cryptocurrencies.

2021 年 10 月 29 日,柴犬價格飆升逾十倍,使其市值達到 410 億美元。儘管隨後有所下降,柴犬仍躋身十大迷因加密貨幣之列。

Hosted on the Ethereum blockchain, Shiba Inu is an ERC-20 token. Its founder, Ryoshi, chose Ethereum for its security, reliability, and decentralized nature.

Shiba Inu 託管在以太坊區塊鏈上,是一種 ERC-20 代幣。其創始人 Ryoshi 選擇以太坊是因為它的安全性、可靠性和去中心化性質。

Current Shiba Inu Price and Value


Shiba Inu's price fluctuates based on supply and demand, with slight variations across exchanges. As of writing, its price stands at approximately $0.00001347.

柴犬的價格會根據供需情況而波動,不同交易所略有差異。截至撰寫本文時,其價格約為 0.00001347 美元。

Mining vs. Staking Shiba Inu


Previously, Ethereum's Proof-of-Work mechanism allowed for mining of Shiba Inu. However, Ethereum's transition to Proof-of-Stake eliminates this option. Instead, stakeholders can participate in verifying transactions and earn rewards.


Buying Shiba Inu on Coinbase

在 Coinbase 購買柴犬

Bitget offers Shiba Inu for trading. By creating an account, you can purchase or deposit SHIB tokens into your account.

Bitget 提供柴犬交易。透過建立帳戶,您可以購買 SHIB 代幣或將其存入您的帳戶。

Shiba Inu Price Trend and Predictions


Analyzing Shiba Inu's price chart reveals two phases: a downtrend followed by consolidation. Currently, prices remain uncertain, fluctuating within a range.


The upper and lower trendlines of the consolidation are approximately $0.000018 and $0.000008, respectively. Shiba Inu is expected to move towards the upper trendline, but bearish sentiment in the crypto market may result in further price declines.

盤整趨勢線的上限和下限分別約為 0.000018 美元和 0.000008 美元。預計柴犬將向上方趨勢線移動,但加密貨幣市場的看跌情緒可能會導致價格進一步下跌。

Shiba Inu Price Targets


Should Shiba Inu cross the $0.000018 threshold, a market rally could ensue. In such a scenario, potential price targets include:

如果柴犬突破 0.000018 美元的門檻,市場可能會隨之上漲。在這種情況下,潛在的價格目標包括:

  • $0.000021
  • $0.000025
  • $0.000030

These targets may require at least two months to materialize as Shiba Inu may continue its downward trend in the short term. Therefore, opening long positions in SHIB may carry risks.


Shiba Inu's $1 Price Goal: A Distant Possibility

Shiba Inu 的 1 美元價格目標:遙遠的可能性

Reaching $1 per Shiba Inu coin would require a market capitalization of approximately $550 trillion, which exceeds the total US budget for 2022. Given the current market conditions, it's highly unlikely that Shiba Inu will reach such a valuation.

每一枚柴犬幣要達到 1 美元,需要約 550 兆美元的市值,這超出了美國 2022 年的預算總額。

1 Cent Target: Also Implausible

1 分目標:同樣難以置信

For Shiba Inu to reach 1 cent, its market capitalization would need to approach $5.5 trillion, nearly equivalent to the US budget for 2022. This scenario is also extremely improbable.

柴犬要達到 1 美分,其市值需要接近 5.5 兆美元,幾乎相當於美國 2022 年的預算。


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