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Why Shiba Inu And Dogecoin Dumping Hard Today?


發布: 2024/07/05 04:43 閱讀: 994




Shiba Inu and Dogecoin Spiraling Down Due to Bitcoin Price Crash


Shiba Inu and Dogecoin have witnessed significant market declines following the recent Bitcoin price crash. Both meme coins have lost over 7% of their value, leaving investors speculating about the reasons behind the downturn.

在最近的比特幣價格暴跌之後,柴犬和狗狗幣的市場大幅下跌。這兩種 Meme 幣的價值都已下跌超過 7%,讓投資者紛紛猜測經濟低迷背後的原因。

Bitcoin's Influence


The downward trend in Dogecoin and Shiba Inu prices mirrors Bitcoin's recent sell-offs. Bitcoin's price plummeted to $57,000 due to sell-offs by the US and German governments.

狗狗幣和柴犬價格的下跌趨勢反映了比特幣最近的拋售。由於美國和德國政府的拋售,比特幣的價格暴跌至 57,000 美元。

On-chain data platform Arkham Intelligence reported transactions from BTC wallets linked to both governments. The German government sent $29.95 million worth of BTC to the Bitstamp crypto exchange, indicating a potential sell-off.

鏈上數據平台 Arkham Intelligence 報告了與兩國政府相關的 BTC 錢包的交易。德國政府向 Bitstamp 加密貨幣交易所發送了價值 2,995 萬美元的 BTC,這表明可能出現拋售。

Another transaction involving 249.43 BTC was associated with the US government. However, it was not sent to a centralized exchange like Bitstamp but rather to an unknown wallet. This could indicate an over-the-counter (OTC) transaction, which avoids exchange fees.

另一項涉及 249.43 BTC 的交易與美國政府有關。然而,它並沒有被發送到像 Bitstamp 這樣的中心化交易所,而是被送到一個未知的錢包。這可能表示是場外交易(OTC),可以避免交易費用。

Bears in Control


Despite their resilience during the market crash, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have succumbed to bearish pressure. Dogecoin has dropped 7% to $0.11, while Shiba Inu has shed 8% to $0.0000153, marking a decline of over 50% from its early 2024 peak.

儘管狗狗幣和柴犬在市場崩盤期間表現強勁,但它們還是屈服於看跌壓力。狗狗幣下跌 7%,至 0.11 美元,而柴犬幣則下跌 8%,至 0.0000153 美元,較 2024 年初的峰值下跌超過 50%。

Market Outlook


The future trajectory of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu prices hinges heavily on Bitcoin's price recovery. As Bitcoin leads the market direction, a reversal in its downtrend is expected to positively impact these meme coins.



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