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Shiba Inu vs Dogecoin: SHIB To Flip DOGE in the Next Seven Days?

柴犬 vs 狗狗幣:SHIB 將在未來 7 天內翻轉 DOGE?

發布: 2024/03/10 06:28 閱讀: 645

原文作者:CryptoTicker ENG


柴犬 vs 狗狗幣:SHIB 將在未來 7 天內翻轉 DOGE?

The crypto community has been abuzz with talk of something called “flipping.” It’s basically the idea of Shiba Inu, a cryptocurrency, potentially surpassing Dogecoin in market value. If this were to happen, it would mark a big change in the world of cryptocurrencies. So, we’re going to dive into this idea and see if it holds water, using the latest market cap data. Let’s take a closer look at this comparison between Shiba Inu vs Dogecoin


Shiba Inu vs Dogecoin

How has the SHIB price moved in recent days?

Right now, Shiba Inu’s price is sitting at a cool $0.00003494, and in the last day, there’s been a trading frenzy totaling $2.69 billion. That’s some serious action! Its market cap is cruising at $20.59 billion, and it’s flexing with a market dominance of 0.79%. But hey, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows – the price of SHIB took a tiny dip of -1.06% in the past 24 hours.

柴犬 vs 狗狗幣 近幾天 SHIB 價格走勢如何? SHIB/USD 日線圖 - TradingView 目前,柴犬的價格處於 0.00003494 美元的酷位,最後一天的交易狂潮總計 26.9 億美元。這是一個嚴肅的行動!其市值目前徘徊在 205.9 億美元,市場主導地位為 0.79%。但是,嘿,這並不都是陽光和彩虹——SHIB 的價格在過去 24 小時內小幅下跌了 -1.06%。

Now, let’s rewind a bit. The highest Shiba Inu ever soared was on October 28, 2021, when it hit its all-time high of $0.00008819. On the flip side, its lowest low was on November 28, 2020, when it tanked to $0.000105637. Since its peak, the lowest it’s dropped to is $0.000055821 (yup, that’s the cycle low), and it peaked at $0.00004501 since the last low point (cycle high, if you’re keeping track).

現在,讓我們回顧一下。柴犬的最高漲幅是在 2021 年 10 月 28 日,當時創下了 0.00008819 美元的歷史新高。另一方面,其最低點出現在 2020 年 11 月 28 日,當時跌至 0.000105637 美元。自其峰值以來,其最低跌至 0.000055821 美元(是的,這是周期低點),自上一個低點以來,其峰值為 0.00004501 美元(週期高點,如果你跟踪的話)。

 And you know what? People are feeling pretty optimistic about where Shiba Inu’s price is headed, with a bullish sentiment in the air. Oh, and the Fear & Greed Index? It’s giving off vibes of extreme greed with a reading of 84.


Now, let’s talk supply. Right now, there are around 589.29 trillion SHIB tokens in circulation out of a total supply of 589.74 trillion SHIB. And get this – there’s a yearly supply inflation rate of about 7.33%, which means around 40.23 trillion SHIB have been added to the mix over the past year. Crazy, right?

現在,我們來談談供應。目前,在 589.74 兆個 SHIB 總供應量中,約有 589.29 兆個 SHIB 代幣正在流通。明白了——年供應通膨率約為 7.33%,這意味著過去一年增加了約 40.23 兆 SHIB。瘋了,對吧?

How has the DOGE price moved in recent days?

Alright, let’s break down the Dogecoin situation. Currently, Dogecoin is hanging out at a price of $0.180490. In the past day alone, there’s been a whirlwind of trading activity, racking up a hefty $5.85 billion in volume. Talk about some serious action, right? Its market cap is cruising at $25.88 billion, and it’s flexing with a market dominance of 1.00%. Plus, in the last 24 hours, the price of DOGE shot up by a whopping 8.00%. 

最近幾天 DOGE 價格走勢如何? DOGE/USD 每日圖表 - TradingView 好吧,讓我們來分析一下狗狗幣的情況。目前,狗狗幣的掛牌價格為 0.180490 美元。光是過去一天,交易活動就如旋風般,成交量高達 58.5 億美元。談論一些嚴肅的行動,對嗎?其市值目前徘徊在 258.8 億美元,並且以 1.00% 的市場主導地位不斷變化。此外,在過去 24 小時內,DOGE 的價格飆升了 8.00%。

Now, let’s talk peaks and valleys. Dogecoin hit its highest high on May 8, 2021, when it skyrocketed to an all-time high of $0.738595. On the flip side, its lowest low was recorded back on May 7, 2015, when it dipped to an all-time low of $0.00008547. 

現在,我們來談談高峰和低谷。狗狗幣於 2021 年 5 月 8 日創下最高點,當時飆升至 0.738595 美元的歷史新高。另一方面,其最低低點出現在 2015 年 5 月 7 日,當時跌至歷史低點 0.00008547 美元。

Since its peak, the lowest it’s dipped to is $0.049701 (yep, that’s the cycle low), and it hit a high of $0.203320 since the last low point (cycle high, if you’re keeping track). And guess what? The vibe around Dogecoin’s price prediction is pretty bullish, with folks feeling optimistic about where it’s headed. Oh, and speaking of vibes, the Fear & Greed Index is spiking at 84, indicating some serious extreme greed.

自其峰值以來,其最低價為 0.049701 美元(是的,這是周期低點),自上一個低點以來,其最高價格為 0.203320 美元(週期高點,如果您追蹤的話)。你猜怎麼著?狗狗幣的價格預測氛圍相當樂觀,人們對其發展方向感到樂觀。哦,說到共鳴,恐懼與貪婪指數飆升至 84,表明存在嚴重的極端貪婪。

Now, let’s talk supply. Right now, there are about 143.40 billion DOGE tokens out there in circulation. And get this – there’s a yearly supply inflation rate of about 8.08%, which means around 10.73 billion DOGE have been added to the mix over the past year. Crazy, right?

現在,我們來談談供應。目前,約有 1,434 億個 DOGE 代幣在流通。明白了——年供應通膨率約為 8.08%,這意味著過去一年增加了約 107.3 億 DOGE。瘋了,對吧?

Shiba Inu Vs Dogecoin: Understanding Market Capitalization and the ‘Flippening’

Alright, let’s simplify this market capitalization concept with a relatable analogy. Think of it like this: imagine you have a box filled with apples, and each apple is priced at $2. 

柴犬與狗狗幣:理解市值和「翻轉」好吧,讓我們用一個相關的類比來簡化這個市值概念。可以這樣想:假設您有一個裝滿蘋果的盒子,每個蘋果的售價為 2 美元。

Now, if you’ve got a total of 100 apples in that box, you’d calculate the total value of all those apples by multiplying the price per apple ($2) by the number of apples (100), giving you a grand total of $200. 

現在,如果該盒子裡總共有 100 個蘋果,您可以透過將每個蘋果的價格 (2 美元) 乘以蘋果的數量 (100) 來計算所有這些蘋果的總價值,從而得出總計200 美元。

Now, let’s apply this to the world of cryptocurrencies, specifically Shiba Inu (SHIB) coins. If each SHIB coin is valued at $0.00003531 and there are approximately 589.29 trillion SHIB coins circulating, you’d determine the total value of all SHIB coins by multiplying the price per coin ($0.00003531) by the number of coins (589.29 trillion). 

PEPE 幣價格將在未來 7 天內達到 5 美元?現在,讓我們將其應用於加密貨幣世界,特別是柴犬(SHIB)硬幣。如果每個SHIB 幣的價值為0.00003531 美元,並且大約有589.29 兆個SHIB 幣在流通,那麼您可以透過將每個幣的價格(0.00003531 美元)乘以幣的數量(589.29 兆)來確定所有SHIB 幣的總價值。

This calculation gives you the market capitalization, which currently stands at $20.81 billion. So, just like with the apples, market capitalization represents the total value of all the cryptocurrency units in circulation.

透過此計算可以得出目前的市值為 208.1 億美元。因此,就像蘋果一樣,市值代表所有流通中的加密貨幣單位的總價值。

Alright, let’s switch gears to another scenario. Imagine you’ve got a box of oranges now, and the total value of all those oranges is $300. Now, compared to our previous box of apples valued at $200, this box of oranges has a higher market cap. 

好吧,讓我們切換到另一個場景。想像一下,您現在有一盒橙子,所有這些橙子的總價值是 300 美元。現在,與我們之前價值 200 美元的一盒蘋果相比,這盒橘子的市值更高。

Now, here’s where it gets interesting in the crypto world. When one cryptocurrency’s market cap surpasses another, it’s like our box of oranges overtaking the box of apples. This phenomenon is colloquially known as ‘flipping’. 


Specifically, in the crypto sphere, we use the term “flippening” to describe the moment when Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) market cap surpasses that of Dogecoin (DOGE). So, if the total value of all SHIB coins in circulation exceeds the total value of all DOGE coins in circulation, then SHIB has successfully “flipped” DOGE in terms of market cap. It’s like the oranges winning the market cap race against the apples in our analogy.


Shiba Inu To Flip Dogecoin in the Next Seven Days?

Based on what we’ve got right now, it seems like Shiba Inu (SHIB) flipping Dogecoin (DOGE) in market cap over the next seven days is a bit of a stretch. SHIB’s market cap is sitting at around $21.01 billion, while DOGE’s is cruising at $26.20 billion. 

柴犬將在未來 7 天內翻轉狗狗幣?根據我們目前掌握的情況,柴犬 (SHIB) 在未來 7 天內翻轉狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的市值似乎有點牽強。 SHIB 的市值約為 210.1 億美元,而 DOGE 的市值則約為 262 億美元。

That’s a pretty noticeable gap between the two. Plus, DOGE has been riding a bit of a positive wave lately, showing some good growth in the past day. 

兩者之間的差距非常明顯。此外,DOGE 最近一直處於積極的狀態,在過去的一天中表現出了良好的成長。

So, while SHIB has been making some noise and getting attention, DOGE’s got the upper hand with its established presence and bigger market cap. 

因此,雖然 SHIB 一直在製造一些噪音並受到關注,但 DOGE 憑藉其既定的影響力和更大的市值佔了上風。

Also, Dogecoin (DOGE) has the upper hand over SHIB because it was the first to join the crypto scene. DOGE paved its way a decade ago, back in December 2013. Meanwhile, SHIB stepped into the game much later, kicking off in August 2020, just about three years back. But hey, even with its shorter time in the ring, SHIB has managed to make some impressive strides.

此外,狗狗幣(DOGE)比 SHIB 更具優勢,因為它是第一個加入加密貨幣領域的人。 DOGE 早在 2013 年 12 月就已經在十年前鋪平了道路。與此同時,SHIB 的介入要晚得多,於 2020 年 8 月開始,大約三年前。但是,嘿,儘管在擂台上的時間較短,SHIB 仍然取得了一些令人印象深刻的進步。

Adding to its arsenal, SHIB recently rolled out its layer-2 network, Shibarium, earlier IN 2023. This move could be a game-changer in boosting SHIB’s adoption rates after the halving. Plus, the team behind SHIB is cooking up a new burn mechanism that could torch trillions of tokens annually, giving an extra push to the asset’s price. These developments could potentially shake things up for SHIB in the crypto world.

作為其武器庫的補充,SHIB 最近於 2023 年初推出了其第 2 層網路 Shibarium。此舉可能會改變遊戲規則,在減半後提高 SHIB 的採用率。此外,SHIB 背後的團隊正在製定一種新的銷毀機制,每年可以銷毀數萬億代幣,從而進一步推高資產價格。這些發展可能會改變 SHIB 在加密世界中的情況。

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