首頁 > 資訊新聞 > ChatGPT 解釋說,柴犬在 2024 年的表現可能會輕鬆超越狗狗幣

Shiba Inu Might Easily Outperform Dogecoin in 2024, Explains ChatGPT

ChatGPT 解釋說,柴犬在 2024 年的表現可能會輕鬆超越狗狗幣

發布: 2023/11/02 22:15 閱讀: 814



Shiba Inu remains at loggerheads with Dogecoin since its inception and the two cryptocurrencies look to steadily outperform each other. Both SHIB and DOGE have a sea of fan following and the tokens enjoy a larger-than-life fanfare in the crypto community. Despite both the digital assets being on a downturn this year, they have not lost their hype and fame among investors. This puts Shiba Inu and Dogecoin in a unique position and stands apart from other tokens in the markets.

自從狗狗幣誕生以來,柴犬一直與狗狗幣不和,這兩種加密貨幣的表現似乎穩定優於對方。 SHIB 和 DOGE 都擁有大量粉絲,這些代幣在加密社群中享有盛譽。儘管這兩種數位資產今年都處於低迷狀態,但它們並沒有失去投資者的炒作和聲譽。這使柴犬和狗狗幣處於獨特的地位,並與市場上的其他代幣區分開來。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: $500 in SHIB Becomes $3.8 Million in November 2023

另請閱讀:Shiba Inu:2023 年 11 月,500 美元的 SHIB 變為 380 萬美元

Now that SHIB and DOGE are on a downward trajectory, will one outperform the other next year in 2024? We asked the leading AI bot ChatGPT if SHIB will perform better than DOGE in 2024. ChatGPT explained why Shiba Inu might outpace Dogecoin after the downturn is over next year.

現在 SHIB 和 DOGE 都處於下行軌道,明年即 2024 年,其中一個的表現會優於另一個嗎?我們詢問領先的人工智慧機器人 ChatGPT,SHIB 在 2024 年的表現是否會比 DOGE 更好。ChatGPT 解釋了為什麼 Shiba Inu 在明年經濟低迷結束後可能會超過 Dogecoin。

Shiba Inu Could Outperform Dogecoin in 2024: ChatGPT

ChatGPT:柴犬在 2024 年的表現可能會超越狗狗幣

ChatGPT gave out a scenario on how Shiba Inu might outperform Dogecoin in 2024. According to ChatGPT, Shiba Inu could “easily outperform” Dogecoin if all its developments are released. The AI bot also explained that if SHIB’s ecosystem expands further, there are chances of its price rallying next.

ChatGPT 給出了 Shiba Inu 在 2024 年如何超越狗狗幣的情景。根據 ChatGPT 的說法,如果柴犬的所有開發成果都發布,那麼它可以「輕鬆超越」狗狗幣。人工智慧機器人還解釋說,如果 SHIB 的生態系統進一步擴大,接下來其價格就有可能上漲。

Also Read: Ripple: XRP Forecasted To Rise 35% In the First Week of November

另請閱讀:Ripple:XRP 預計將在 11 月第一周上漲 35%

“Shiba Inu could easily outperform Dogecoin if its development goals are met and its ecosystem successfully expands,” said ChatGPT. The upcoming releases in the ecosystem are SHIB: The Metaverse, ShibaSwap 2.0, ShibaNet, SHI stablecoin, and Treat token, among others.

ChatGPT 表示:“如果柴犬的發展目標得以實現並且其生態系統成功擴展,那麼它的表現將很容易超越狗狗幣。”生態系統中即將發布的版本包括 SHIB:The Metaverse、ShibaSwap 2.0、ShibaNet、SHI 穩定幣和 Treat 代幣等。

On the other hand, Dogecoin has little to no releases and its ecosystem is not growing as much as SHIB’s. In conclusion, Shiba Inu has more chances of outperforming Dogecoin as it produces use cases for transactions. Additionally, more businesses announced they would accept SHIB as payment since last year.

另一方面,狗狗幣幾乎沒有發布,其生態系統的發展也沒有 SHIB 那麼多。總而言之,柴犬有更多機會超越狗狗幣,因為它產生了交易用例。此外,自去年以來,越來越多的企業宣布接受 SHIB 作為付款方式。

Also Read: Bitcoin Forecasted to Triple in Price, Reach $150,000 in 18 Months

另請閱讀:比特幣價格預計將在 18 個月內增長兩倍,達到 150,000 美元

Read here for a realistic price prediction on when SHIB might hit the $0.01 milestone. Also, read here for a price prediction on when DOGE could reach the $1 mark next.

請閱讀此處,以了解有關 SHIB 何時可能達到 0.01 美元里程碑的實際價格預測。另外,請閱讀此處,了解 DOGE 接下來何時達到 1 美元大關的價格預測。

  • Dogecoin
  • 狗狗幣

  • shib
  • 希布

  • shiba inu
  • 柴犬

Source: https://thebittimes.com/shiba-inu-might-easily-outperform-dogecoin-in-2024-explains-chatgpt-tbt68787.html



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