首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Shiba Inu 擊敗 Cardano 躋身加密貨幣前 10 名;這個 Solana 殺手將以 10,000% 的漲幅超越狗狗幣

Shiba Inu Flips Cardano In Crypto Top 10; This Solana Killer Will Overtake Dogecoin With 10,000% Rally

Shiba Inu 擊敗 Cardano 躋身加密貨幣前 10 名;這個 Solana 殺手將以 10,000% 的漲幅超越狗狗幣

發布: 2024/05/31 22:39 閱讀: 906

原文作者:CoinPedia News


Shiba Inu Overtakes Cardano in Crypto Top 10; Experts Predict Solana Killer ETFSwap to Surpass Dogecoin with 10,000% Rally

Shiba Inu 超越 Cardano 躋身加密貨幣前十名;專家預測 Solana Killer ETFSwap 將以 10,000% 的漲幅超越狗狗幣

One of the leading cryptocurrencies, Shiba Inu (SHIB), has surpassed Cardano (ADA) in market capitalization, knocking it out of the top 10. Amidst this development, experts speculate that ETFswap (ETFS), dubbed the "Solana Killer," is poised to overtake Dogecoin (DOGE) with a projected 10,000% rally during its ongoing presale event.

領先的加密貨幣之一 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的市值已超過 Cardano (ADA),將其擠出前 10 名。在正在進行的預售活動期間,其漲幅將達到10,000%,從而超越狗狗幣(DOGE)。

ETFswap (ETFS): Transforming ETF Trading with Tokenization

ETFswap (ETFS):透過代幣化改變 ETF 交易

ETFswap (ETFS) aims to make exchange-traded funds (ETFs) accessible to the crypto community by tokenizing them. This platform connects decentralized and traditional finance through blockchain technology and smart contracts. Tokenized ETFs represent traditional ETFs on a 1:1 basis, enabling investors to access a diverse range of ETFs on a single platform at affordable prices.

ETFswap (ETFS) 旨在透過代幣化的方式讓交易所交易基金 (ETF) 可供加密貨幣社群使用。該平台透過區塊鏈技術和智慧合約連接去中心化金融和傳統金融。代幣化 ETF 以 1:1 的比例代表傳統 ETF,使投資者能夠在單一平台上以實惠的價格購買各種 ETF。

ETFS also offers leverage trading and fractional ownership, empowering users to amplify their earnings and portfolios. Its DeFi protocol, Zero Knowledge Proofs, safeguards user privacy and allows anonymous transactions. New users can register without providing sensitive personal information, reducing the risk of identity theft.

ETFS 還提供槓桿交易和部分所有權,使用戶能夠擴大其收益和投資組合。其 DeFi 協議零知識證明保護用戶隱私並允許匿名交易。新用戶無需提供敏感個人資訊即可註冊,降低身分被盜用的風險。

Furthermore, the platform's smart contract has undergone rigorous auditing by Cyberscope, a renowned blockchain security firm, ensuring its security and reliability. The platform's seamless swapping option facilitates the conversion of tokenized ETFs into crypto assets and vice versa.

此外,平台的智慧合約經過知名區塊鏈安全公司Cyber​​scope的嚴格審核,確保其安全可靠。該平台的無縫交換選項有助於將代幣化 ETF 轉換為加密資產,反之亦然。

Shiba Inu's Surge: Overtaking Cardano from Crypto Top 10

Shiba Inu 的崛起:超越 Cardano 從加密貨幣前 10 名中脫穎而出

On May 29, 2024, Shiba Inu (SHIB) surged by 16%, enabling it to surpass Cardano (ADA) in market capitalization. This milestone, announced by Shiba Inu's marketing lead Lucie, solidifies SHIB's position as a top 10 cryptocurrency.

2024 年 5 月 29 日,柴犬 (SHIB) 飆升 16%,市值超越卡爾達諾 (ADA)。 Shiba Inu 的行銷主管 Lucie 宣布的這一里程碑鞏固了 SHIB 作為十大加密貨幣的地位。

Strategic partnerships and increased investor interest have played a crucial role in the growth of the Shiba Inu ecosystem. Additionally, the launch of its L2 protocol, Shibarium, and its decentralized exchange, ShibaSwap, have transformed SHIB from a mere meme coin to a significant player in the DeFi industry.

策略夥伴關係和投資者興趣的增加在柴犬生態系統的發展中發揮了至關重要的作用。此外,L2 協議 Shibarium 及其去中心化交易所 ShibaSwap 的推出,使 SHIB 從單純的 meme 幣轉變為 DeFi 行業的重要參與者。

Experts Predict ETFSwap to Overtake Dogecoin (DOGE)

專家預測 ETFSwap 將超越狗狗幣 (DOGE)

Experts predict that ETFswap (ETFS) will surpass Dogecoin (DOGE) as its presale event attracts investors worldwide. Currently in stage 1, ETFS offers its native token at $0.00854 per coin. The price is set to increase to $0.01831 in stage 2, indicating potential profits for early investors.

專家預測,ETFswap(ETFS)將超越狗狗幣(DOGE),因為其預售活動吸引了全球投資者。目前處於第一階段,ETFS 以每枚代幣 0.00854 美元的價格提供其原生代幣。第二階段的價格將上漲至 0.01831 美元,這表明早期投資者有潛在的利潤。

Over 120 million tokens have been sold, signifying the platform's strong investor appeal. Experts forecast a surge of over 10,000% to the $1 mark, resulting in exceptional returns for those who invest early.

已售出超過 1.2 億枚代幣,顯示該平台對投資者俱有強大的吸引力。專家預測,其價格將飆升 10,000% 以上,達到 1 美元大關,為早期投資的人帶來非凡的回報。



ETFS presale has generated significant buzz, attracting investors with the prospect of high returns. Its innovative features, such as tokenized ETFs, fractional ownership, and DeFi integration, make it a compelling investment opportunity. As the presale progresses, ETFS is well-positioned to overtake Dogecoin (DOGE) and establish itself as a leading cryptocurrency in the market.

ETFS預售引起了廣泛關注,吸引了具有高回報前景的投資者。其創新功能,例如代幣化 ETF、部分所有權和 DeFi 集成,使其成為一個引人注目的投資機會。隨著預售的進行,ETFS 有望超越狗狗幣 (DOGE),成為市場上領先的加密貨幣。


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