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Shiba Inu Price Poised For A Massive Rally As It Enter Into Buy Zone


發布: 2024/06/28 21:48 閱讀: 450

原文作者:CoinPedia News



Shiba Inu Price Poised for a Surge as it Enters Buy Zone


Shiba Inu (SHIB), dubbed the "Dogecoin killer," has garnered attention once again. Following a sharp decline below $0.000017, the meme coin has entered a buy zone, according to analysts. This presents an opportunity for investors seeking entry points at a discounted price, with expectations of a potential rally towards $0.000052.

被稱為「狗狗幣殺手」的柴犬(SHIB)再次受到關注。分析師稱,在大幅跌破 0.000017 美元之後,Meme 幣已進入買入區域。這為投資者提供了一個機會,以折扣價尋求入場點,並預期價格可能會上漲至 0.000052 美元。

Shiba Inu Enters Buy Zone


Crypto analyst SHIB Knight shared insights in a recent tweet, including a chart showcasing crucial price levels for SHIB. The analysis indicates that SHIB has entered a buy zone, offering favorable opportunities for investors.

加密貨幣分析師 SHIB Knight 在最近的一條推文中分享了見解,其中包括一張顯示 SHIB 關鍵價格水平的圖表。分析表明,SHIB已進入買入區域,為投資者提供了有利的機會。

[Image of tweet from @army_shiba]


Key price levels of $0.00002392, $0.00002105, and $0.00001837 have been identified, with particular focus on levels below $0.000018, representing significant dips and investment potential.

已確定關鍵價格水平為 0.00002392 美元、0.00002105 美元和 0.00001837 美元,特別關注低於 0.000018 美元的水平,代表顯著下跌和投資潛力。

SHIB Knight's buy zone analysis is based on weekly chart analysis. In cryptocurrency markets, bulls generally defend specific price points to trigger upward momentum. For Shiba Inu, essential support levels are noted around $0.00001760 and $0.00001766, which are crucial for monitoring potential bullish trends.

SHIB Knight 的買進區域分析是基於週線圖分析。在加密貨幣市場中,多頭通常會捍衛特定的價格點以引發上漲動力。對於 Shiba Inu 來說,基本支撐位約為 0.00001760 美元和 0.00001766 美元,這對於監控潛在看漲趨勢至關重要。

Can SHIB Reach $0.000052?

SHIB 能達到 0.000052 美元嗎?

At its launch in August 2020, half of the SHIB token supply was allocated to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin. Buterin burned 90% of his tokens and donated the rest to charity. This burn roughly amounted to 410 trillion tokens, resulting in a significant price surge for SHIB.

在 2020 年 8 月推出時,SHIB 代幣供應量的一半分配給了以太坊聯合創始人 Vitalik Buterin。 Buterin 燒毀了 90% 的代幣,並將其餘的捐贈給慈善機構。此次銷毀量約為 410 兆枚代幣,導致 SHIB 的價格大幅上漲。

Currently, there are approximately 589 trillion SHIB tokens in circulation. If another 400 trillion SHIB tokens were burned, the circulating supply would be reduced to about 189 trillion. With SHIB's market cap of approximately $10 billion, this could potentially elevate the price to $0.00005291.

目前,流通中的SHIB代幣數量約為589兆。如果再銷毀 400 兆個 SHIB 代幣,流通量將減少至約 189 兆。由於 SHIB 的市值約為 100 億美元,這可能會將其價格提升至 0.00005291 美元。

However, a burn of this magnitude is challenging and requires the participation of numerous SHIB holders worldwide.

然而,如此大規模的銷毀具有挑戰性,需要全球眾多 SHIB 持有者的參與。

Shiba Inu Price Analysis


As of now, Shiba Inu's price exhibits a slight recovery, rising by 2.04% to trade at $0.00001742. The surge in trading volume by 15% to $223.22 million indicates active investor interest.

截至目前,柴犬價格略有回升,上漲 2.04%,交易價格為 0.00001742 美元。交易量激增 15% 至 2.2322 億美元,顯示投資者興趣濃厚。

Moreover, the token's open interest has increased nearly 4% to $33.73 million, reflecting positive market sentiment and engagement.

此外,該代幣的未平倉合約增加了近 4%,達到 3,373 萬美元,反映出積極的市場情緒和參與度。


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