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Shiba Inu Price Prediction: How High Can Shiba Inu reach Short-Term?


發布: 2023/09/25 02:08 閱讀: 235

原文作者:CryptoTicker ENG


The crypto market seems to be stuck in a rut, moving sideways and seeking a direction. Shiba Inu’s prices are no exception as they have consolidated around the support price of $0.0000070. With everyone asking, what’s next for SHIB? Will its prices touch the much-anticipated $0.000010 mark? Let’s analyze in this Shiba Inu price prediction.

加密貨幣市場似乎陷入了困境,橫向移動並尋求方向。 Shiba Inu 的價格也不例外,因為它們已在 0.0000070 美元的支撐價附近盤整。大家都在問,SHIB 的下一步是什麼?它的價格會觸及備受期待的 0.000010 美元大關嗎?讓我們來分析一下這隻柴犬的價格預測。

What is Shiba Inu Coin?


Shiba Inu, often referred to as SHIB, emerged as a decentralized meme token that grew into a vibrant ecosystem. Touted as a potential “Dogecoin killer,” this ERC-20 only token can remain well under a penny and still outpace Dogecoin in a small amount of time.

Shiba Inu,通常被稱為 SHIB,作為一種去中心化的迷因代幣出現,並發展成為一個充滿活力的生態系統。這種僅適用於 ERC-20 的代幣被吹捧為潛在的“狗狗幣殺手”,其價格可以遠低於一美分,並且在短時間內仍能超過狗狗幣。

What’s happening to Cyptos today

今天 Cyptos 發生了什麼

The entire crypto landscape seems to be taking a breather, consolidating between a market cap of $1 trillion and $1.2 trillion. Currently, at $1.05 trillion, the indications are that prices should soon rebound to the higher end of this range.

整個加密貨幣領域似乎正在喘口氣,市值在 1 兆美元到 1.2 兆美元之間整合。目前,價格為 1.05 兆美元,有跡象表明價格應該很快就會反彈至該範圍的高端。

Shiba Inu Price Analysis: Why is SHIB Down?


SHIB prices touched $0.0000073 and have been demonstrating strong consolidation around this price. With a market cap of $4.3 billion, its 7-day performance shows a mild increase at +1.56%. However, the bearish sentiment is evident with a -2.28% performance in the past day. Notably, SHIB’s price movements have been significantly influenced by Bitcoin, which has also been consolidating since Q3 of 2023.

SHIB 價格觸及 0.0000073 美元,並在該價格附近表現出強勁的盤整。其市值為 43 億美元,7 天表現溫和上漲,增幅為 +1.56%。然而,看跌情緒很明顯,過去一天的表現為-2.28%。值得注意的是,SHIB 的價格走勢受到比特幣的顯著影響,比特幣自 2023 年第三季以來也一直在盤整。

Shiba Inu Price Prediction: How High can Shiba Inu reach?


Observing the broader crypto market, there are subtle signs of an impending bull run. Should this materialize, SHIB prices could also experience a northward journey, possibly reaching between the $0.0000080- $0.000010 range.

觀察更廣泛的加密貨幣市場,有一些微妙的跡象表明牛市即將來臨。如果這種情況成為現實,SHIB 價格也可能會經歷一次北上之旅,可能達到 0.0000080 美元至 0.000010 美元之間的範圍。

Should you Buy Shiba Inu today?


Considering the potential uptick in prices, now might be an opportune moment to invest in SHIB, especially since it’s hovering around a strong support level. However, the unpredictable nature of the crypto market warrants caution. Hence, placing a stop loss trigger would be a prudent strategy.

考慮到價格的潛在上漲,現在可能是投資 SHIB 的好時機,特別是因為它徘徊在強勁的支撐位附近。然而,加密貨幣市場的不可預測性值得謹慎對待。因此,設定止損觸發器將是一個謹慎的策略。


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