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Shiba Inu: Can SHIB Reach $0.05 in 2024?

Shiba Inu:2024 年 SHIB 能否達到 0.05 美元?

發布: 2024/01/06 07:01 閱讀: 624



Shiba Inu (SHIB) and the larger cryptocurrency market faced a significant correction in the last few days. The popular memecoin has regained a zero, which it lost in late 2023. However, fans and investors are hopeful that SHIB will regain traction later this year.

柴犬(SHIB)和更大的加密貨幣市場在過去幾天面臨重大調整。流行的 memecoin 已經恢復到 0,它在 2023 年底失去了這一點。然而,粉絲和投資者希望 SHIB 將在今年晚些時候重新獲得關注。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) fans, popularly called the SHIB Army, have long pursued a higher price for the memecoin. In the case of Dogecoin (DOGE), many were weary about the cryptocurrency when it launched in 2013. However, when DOGE broke the $0.7 level, people went into a frenzy, and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) set in. A similar situation may unfold if SHIB executes a similar move.

柴犬 (SHIB) 粉絲(俗稱 SHIB Army)長期以來一直在追求更高的 memecoin 價格。以狗狗幣(DOGE)為例,當它在2013 年推出時,許多人都對該加密貨幣感到厭倦。然而,當DOGE 突破0.7 美元的水平時,人們陷入了瘋狂,並且出現了FOMO(害怕錯過)。類似的情況如果 SHIB 採取類似行動,情況可能會發生。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: How Much To Invest To Be a Millionaire If It Hits $0.05?

另請閱讀:柴犬:如果股價達到 0.05 美元,要投資多少才能成為百萬富翁?

Nonetheless, the journey to $0.05 will not be easy.

儘管如此,要達到 0.05 美元的旅程並不容易。

Will Shiba Inu (SHIB) reach $0.05 in 2024?

柴犬 (SHIB) 到 2024 年會達到 0.05 美元嗎?

Reaching $0.05 from current levels would translate to a growth of about 555,455%. Although the figure may seem incredibly large, it is not something the project has not achieved before. From its launch in August 2020 to hitting its all-time high in October 2021, SHIB’s price rallied by many million percent. However, for SHIB to repeat its 2020-2021 run, it needs to do a few things.

從目前水準達到 0.05 美元將意味著約 555,455% 的成長。雖然這個數字看起來非常大,但這並不是該專案以前沒有實現過的。從2020年8月推出到2021年10月創下歷史新高,SHIB的價格上漲了數百萬%。然而,SHIB 要重複 2020-2021 年的運行,需要做些什麼。

Firstly, during its rally in 2020-2021, half of Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) supply was burnt by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin. Buterin received half of SHIB’s supply upon the project’s launch. However, Buterin decided to burn 90% of the supply and donate the rest to charity. The massive burn had a significant impact on SHIB’s price. The project must carry out a similar burn for its price to rally.

首先,在 2020-2021 年的反彈期間,柴犬(SHIB)一半的供應量被以太坊聯合創始人 Vitalik Buterin 燒毀。在該計畫啟動後,Buterin 收到了 SHIB 一半的供應量。然而,Buterin 決定銷毀 90% 的供應量,並將其餘部分捐贈給慈善機構。大規模銷毀對 SHIB 的價格產生了重大影響。該項目必須進行類似的銷毀才能使其價格上漲。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: What Will You Do If SHIB Reaches $0.01?

另請閱讀:Shiba Inu:如果 SHIB 達到 0.01 美元,你會怎麼做?

The Shiba Inu (SHIB) team recently revealed that the Shibarium network will automatically carry out burns from this month. Moreover, SHIB team member Lucie had previously said the project aims to burn 111 trillion tokens yearly, or roughly 10 trillion a month. If the team can execute such a burn rate from now on, we may see a spike in SHIB’s price soon.

Shiba Inu(SHIB)團隊最近透露,Shibarium網路將從本月開始自動進行銷毀。此外,SHIB 團隊成員 Lucie 先前曾表示,該計畫的目標是每年銷毀 111 兆枚代幣,即每月約 10 兆枚。如果團隊從現在開始能夠執行這樣的燃燒率,我們可能很快就會看到 SHIB 的價格飆升。

However, to reach $0.05, a significant portion of SHIB’s supply has to be destroyed. Burning such a large quantity of tokens in one year might be a little far-fetched. Hence, we might not reach the $0.05 target in 2024, but if the project continues its burn initiative, we may get there soon.

然而,要達到 0.05 美元,SHIB 供應的很大一部分必須被銷毀。一年內銷毀如此大量的代幣可能有點牽強。因此,我們可能無法在 2024 年達到 0.05 美元的目標,但如果該項目繼續其銷毀計劃,我們可能很快就能實現這一目標。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/shiba-inu-can-shib-reach-0-05-in-2024-tbt75746.html



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