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Shiba Inu Wallet Maker Teams Up with Visa for Crypto Payments

Shiba Inu 錢包製造商與 Visa 合作推出加密支付

發布: 2024/07/08 20:48 閱讀: 488



Shiba Inu 錢包製造商與 Visa 合作推出加密支付

Tangem Partners with Visa to Launch Crypto Payment Integration

Tangem 與 Visa 合作推出加密支付集成

Tangem, the developer of Shiba Inu's customized hardware wallet, has forged a partnership with Visa to seamlessly integrate cryptocurrencies into everyday transactions.

柴犬訂製硬體錢包的開發商 Tangem 與 Visa 建立了合作夥伴關係,將加密貨幣無縫整合到日常交易中。

Combining Accessibility with Security


By merging Visa's payment infrastructure with Tangem's secure wallet technology, the collaboration aims to enhance the accessibility and usability of digital assets. This step bridges the divide between traditional financial systems and the burgeoning world of cryptocurrency.

透過將 Visa 的支付基礎設施與 Tangem 的安全錢包技術相結合,此次合作旨在增強數位資產的可及性和可用性。這一步驟彌合了傳統金融體系和新興的加密貨幣世界之間的鴻溝。

Tangem Pay: Crypto Payments Made Easy

Tangem Pay:加密支付變得簡單

The partnership will introduce Tangem Pay, a product designed to allow users to spend cryptocurrencies directly from their wallets at Visa-supported merchants. Initially, it will support USDT on the Polygon network, with plans to expand to other cryptocurrencies in the future.

此次合作將推出 Tangem Pay,該產品旨在允許用戶直接從錢包在 Visa 支援的商家使用加密貨幣。最初,它將在 Polygon 網路上支援 USDT,並計劃在未來擴展到其他加密貨幣。

Self-Custody Meets Convenience


Tangem Pay seamlessly combines the self-custodial nature of Tangem wallets with the convenience of a traditional bank card. Andrey Kurennykh, Tangem's CEO, emphasized the dual benefits of this integration, bridging the gap between conventional finance and digital assets.

Tangem Pay 將 Tangem 錢包的自我託管特性與傳統銀行卡的便利性無縫結合。 Tangem 執行長 Andrey Kurennykh 強調了這種整合的雙重好處,彌合了傳統金融和數位資產之間的差距。

Beyond Tangem Wallets

超越 Tangem 錢包

Tangem Pay is not limited to Tangem wallets alone. The company intends to extend this solution to popular crypto wallets like Metamask, Trust Wallet, and Ledger.

Tangem Pay 不僅限於 Tangem 錢包。該公司打算將此解決方案擴展到 Metamask、Trust Wallet 和 Ledger 等流行的加密錢包。

Tangem's Crypto Custody Leadership

Tangem 的加密貨幣託管領導力

Since its launch in 2021, Tangem has established itself as a leading provider of crypto custody solutions. Its card-shaped hardware wallets offer convenient activation options and have sold over one million units, including customized versions for major crypto assets like Shiba Inu.

自 2021 年推出以來,Tangem 已成為加密貨幣託管解決方案的領先提供者。其卡片狀硬體錢包提供便利的啟動選項,已售出超過 100 萬個,其中包括針對 Shiba Inu 等主要加密資產的定製版本。

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.



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