首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Slerf 價格預測:正如專家所說,SLERF 暴跌 15% 考慮這款 PEPE 2.0 Meme 代幣的指數潛力

Slerf Price Prediction: SLERF Slumps 15% As Experts Say Consider This PEPE 2.0 Meme Coin For Exponential Potential

Slerf 價格預測:正如專家所說,SLERF 暴跌 15% 考慮這款 PEPE 2.0 Meme 代幣的指數潛力

發布: 2024/07/05 00:04 閱讀: 335

原文作者:InsideBitcoin News


The Slerf price plunged 15% in the past 24 hours, trading at $0.1983 as of 8.45 a.m. EST. Trading volume surged 30% to $43 million.

截至美國東部時間上午 8.45 點,Slerf 價格在過去 24 小時內暴跌 15%,交易價格為 0.1983 美元。交易量猛增 30% 至 4,300 萬美元。

Like most other cryptocurrencies, SLERF's price has been declining amidst a bearish market trend. Bitcoin has fallen below $60k for the first time since late February, fueling a sentiment that few cryptocurrencies have been able to withstand.

與大多數其他加密貨幣一樣,SLERF 的價格在看跌的市場趨勢中一直在下跌。比特幣自 2 月底以來首次跌破 6 萬美元,引發了幾乎沒有加密貨幣能夠承受的情緒。

Previously, the SLERF price had been fluctuating between a support level of $0.20 and a resistance level of $0.50 for several months. It often reached midway to the resistance level before losing momentum and falling back to the support level. However, the support level appears to have been breached, leading SLERF to its all-time low and creating uncertainty about its future.

前幾個月,SLERF 價格一直在 0.20 美元的支撐位和 0.50 美元的阻力位之間波動。它通常會到達阻力位的中間位置,然後失去動力並回落至支撐位。然而,支撐位似乎已被突破,導致 SLERF 跌至歷史低點,並為其未來帶來不確定性。

Slerf Price Prediction


Despite SLERF's prolonged decline, technical indicators suggest that the situation may not improve anytime soon.

儘管 SLERF 長期下跌,但技術指標表明情況可能不會很快改善。

  • Bollinger bands: The project's Bollinger bands widened significantly during the initial price drop, but have since narrowed to their smallest extent this week. Additionally, the price continues to break below the lower band, indicating a strong bearish signal.
  • Relative Strength Index (RSI): Pepe Unchained's RSI has repeatedly dipped into the oversold zone in the past two days before briefly recovering to the neutral zone, indicating buying opportunities for some traders. However, these recoveries have been met with profit-taking and renewed selling, as evidenced by the subsequent RSI drops. The RSI score is currently falling back into the oversold zone, suggesting the possibility of further price decline in the coming hours.

布林通道:該項目的布林帶在最初的價格下跌期間顯著擴大,但自本週以來收窄至最小程度。此外,價格繼續跌破下軌,顯示強烈的看跌訊號。盤一些交易者的機會。然而,這些復甦遭遇了獲利了結和新一輪拋售,隨後的 RSI 下跌證明了這一點。 RSI 得分目前回落至超賣區域,顯示未來幾個小時價格可能會進一步下跌。

Alternative Options to Slerf

Slerf 的替代選項

While SLERF's current price trend may seem concerning, investors seeking to enter the lucrative meme coin sector still have promising alternatives. One such option is to consider presales that are immune to market volatility until their launch.

雖然 SLERF 目前的價格趨勢可能令人擔憂,但尋求進入利潤豐厚的迷因幣領域的投資者仍然有有前途的選擇。其中一個選擇是考慮在推出之前不受市場波動影響的預售。

Pepe Unchained (PEPU)

解放的佩佩 (PEPU)

Pepe Unchained (PEPU) is a promising presale that has gained investor attention, raising over $2.2 million in just 19 days. It positions itself as the superior Pepe token and is the first to operate on its own blockchain, a Layer 2 chain built on Ethereum.

Pepe Unchained (PEPU) 是一項前景光明的預售,贏得了投資者的關注,在短短 19 天內籌集了超過 220 萬美元。它將自己定位為卓越的 Pepe 代幣,並且是第一個在自己的區塊鏈(基於以太坊構建的第 2 層鏈)上運行的代幣。

Benefits of Pepe Unchained's Layer 2 blockchain:

Pepe Unchained 第 2 層區塊鏈的優勢:

  • Enhanced security: Inherits the security features of the Ethereum Layer 1 network.
  • Scalability: Higher transaction volume and faster speeds compared to Ethereum-based meme coins.
  • Low fees: Lower transaction fees in comparison.
  • Instant bridging: Facilitates instant bridging between ETH and Pepe chain.
  • Transparency: Provides a dedicated block explorer for increased transparency.

Pepe Unchained has caught the attention of popular crypto influencers like Jacob Crypto Bury, who has recommended PEPU as a potential 10x Pepe alternative. Currently, PEPU tokens are priced at $0.0082596 each. Investors can purchase PEPU tokens on the official website using ETH, BNB, USDT, or credit/debit cards with a price increase expected in less than two days.

增強安全性:繼承以太坊第1 層網路的安全特性。即時橋接:促進ETH 和Pepe 鏈之間的即時橋接透明度:提供專用的區塊瀏覽器以提高透明度。 Pepe 替代品。目前,PEPU 代幣的價格為每個 0.0082596 美元。投資者可以使用 ETH、BNB、USDT 或信用卡/金融卡在官網購買 PEPU 代幣,預計價格將在兩天內上漲。


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