首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 聰明的狗與醜陋的青蛙。為什麼投資者更喜歡 Shiba Memu 而不是 Evil Pepe。

Smart Dogs vs. Ugly Frogs. Why Investors Prefer Shiba Memu Over Evil Pepe.

聰明的狗與醜陋的青蛙。為什麼投資者更喜歡 Shiba Memu 而不是 Evil Pepe。

發布: 2023/08/17 06:00 閱讀: 661



2023 has undoubtedly been the year of the meme coin, with several newbies making their debut on the market to great effect, while old favorites Dogecoin and Shiba Inu continue to impress investors.

2023 年無疑是 meme 幣的一年,一些新手在市場上首次亮相並取得了巨大的效果,而老牌狗狗幣和柴犬繼續給投資者留下深刻印象。

Pepe coin leaped into the public consciousness earlier this year with its astonishing early performance. Yet, this excitable frog is under pressure from another new pup in the meme coin sector, Shiba Memu, a meme coin with a little twist.

今年早些時候,佩佩幣憑藉其驚人的早期表現躍入公眾視野。然而,這隻興奮的青蛙正面臨來自模因幣領域的另一隻新幼崽 Shiba Memu 的壓力,這是一種有點扭曲的模因幣。

Shiba Inu has recently launched its revolutionary presale event to support its AI-powered self-marketing capability and Pepe is hopping mad thanks to its impressive utility and pioneering use of AI technologies. Here’s why investors see Shiba Memu as the best crypto to buy now, not evil Pepe.

柴犬最近發起了革命性的預售活動,以支持其人工智慧驅動的自我行銷能力,而佩佩因其令人印象深刻的實用性和人工智慧技術的開創性使用而感到興奮。這就是為什麼投資者認為 Shiba Memu 是現在最好購買的加密貨幣,而不是邪惡的 Pepe。

What is Shiba Memu?


Shiba Memu isn’t just a cutesy meme coin providing your digital wallet with canine art. It offers owners access to autonomous AI-driven marketing capabilities that does the work of 100 executive-filled ad agencies with a simple command.

Shiba Memu 不僅僅是一個可愛的迷因硬幣,為您的數位錢包提供犬類藝術。它為所有者提供了自主的 AI 驅動行銷功能,只需一個簡單的命令即可完成 100 家由高階主管擔任的廣告代理商的工作。

How? Shiba Memu uses cutting-edge AI technology, such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to assess the effectiveness of existing marketing campaigns and create new ones where required. 

如何? Shiba Memu 使用自然語言處理 (NLP) 和機器學習等尖端人工智慧技術來評估現有行銷活動的有效性,並根據需要創建新的行銷活動。

NLP digs out mentions of Shiba Memu across online communities before sentiment analysis assesses whether investors are feeling puppy love towards this upstart newbie.

NLP 會在網路社群中挖掘出有關 Shiba Memu 的提及,然後進行情緒分析來評估投資者是否對這個新貴萌芽感到早戀。

Better still, Shiba Memu is such a clever canine that it learns daily through its machine-learning algorithm, proving that it’s possible to teach this dog new tricks. 

更好的是,Shiba Memu 是一種非常聰明的狗,它每天都透過機器學習演算法進行學習,這證明了可以教這隻狗新的技巧。

This continuous feedback loop increases Shiba Memu’s exposure to new audiences, potentially driving the price of the native SHMU token even higher.

這種持續的回饋循環增加了 Shiba Memu 對新受眾的曝光度,可能會推高原生 SHMU 代幣的價格。

How does SHMU work?

SHMU 如何運作?

Anyone unconvinced by Shiba Memu’s claim to be the best crypto to buy now might be persuaded by the enormously appealing structure of the coin’s ICO. Rather than releasing a set number of coins in a limited number of phases, after SHMU released at $0.011125, the price has been rising daily by the specified amount of $0.000225. This means those who claimed their SHMU tokens on day one of the ICO have already seen a 86.97% increase in their holding.

任何不相信 Shiba Memu 聲稱是現在最值得購買的加密貨幣的人可能會被該代幣 ICO 極具吸引力的結構所說服。 SHMU 以 0.011125 美元發行後,價格每天上漲 0.000225 美元,而不是在有限的階段內發行一定數量的貨幣。這意味著那些在 ICO 第一天認領 SHMU 代幣的人,其持有量已經增加了 86.97%。

With the presale lasting 60 days, there’s still time for investors to get involved with this hot dog and lap up hefty gains before the coin reaches its final presale value of $0.0244, a sizable 119.33% increase from its release value. 

由於預售持續 60 天,投資者仍有時間參與這款熱狗,並在代幣達到最終預售價 0.0244 美元(較發行值大幅上漲 119.33%)之前獲得巨額收益。

With $1.9m raised already in just 7 weeks, it’s clear why so many investors are seeing Shiba Memu as the best crypto to buy now as it makes inroads into the $20 billion-valued meme coin market.

短短 7 週內就籌集了 190 萬美元,很明顯為什麼這麼多投資者將 Shiba Memu 視為現在最好購買的加密貨幣,因為它進軍了價值 200 億美元的模因幣市場。

SHMU price prediction


Shiba Memu is currently available at the knockdown price of $0.020800 and still has a significant distance to travel before it reaches its final presale price. Once it’s released into the wild world of crypto exchanges for the wider crypto-buying public to pet, analysts believe that SHMU could skyrocket in value at levels unusual even for meme coins.

Shiba Memu 目前的售價為 0.020800 美元,距離達到最終預售價還有很長的路要走。一旦它被發佈到加密貨幣交易所的狂野世界中,供更廣泛的加密貨幣購買公眾寵愛,分析師認為,SHMU 的價值可能會飆升到甚至對於模因幣來說也是不尋常的水平。

Many experts believe that SHMU could be the best meme coin to buy in 2023, with predictions that the coin could break the $0.35 barrier this year. Conservative estimates then have SHMU racing over the $0.75 barrier by 2025 before the next bull market takes hold.

許多專家認為,SHMU 可能是 2023 年最值得購買的迷因幣,並預測該幣今年可能會突破 0.35 美元大關。保守估計,到 2025 年,在下一次多頭市場到來之前,SHMU 的股價將突破 0.75 美元的關口。

What is Pepe?


Pepe coin is the frog meme sensation that leaped from the crypto pond into people’s consciousness in 2023. After spawning in April, Pepe created almost instant 7,500% returns for early investors within a few weeks despite the coin’s self-confessed lack of intrinsic value.

Pepe 幣是一種青蛙模因,於2023 年從加密貨幣池躍入人們的意識。在4 月誕生後,Pepe 在幾週內為早期投資者創造了幾乎即時7,500% 的回報,儘管該幣承認缺乏內在價值。

Dubbed in some crypto circles as evil Pepe due to its lack of utility, Pepe does have a roadmap for the future to fill in some gaps. For example, Pepe Academy and Pepe Tools are in the pipeline, but there is precious little detail on how these features will drive value for investors.

由於缺乏實用性,Pepe 在一些加密圈中被稱為邪惡的 Pepe,但 Pepe 確實有一個未來的路線圖來填補一些空白。例如,Pepe Academy 和 Pepe Tools 正在籌備中,但關於這些功能將如何為投資者帶來價值的細節卻很少。

This lack of detail is part of the reason why so many see this frog as evil Pepe. In addition, the unsustainability that’s already seen the coin’s market cap drop 40% from its May high and lack of durability under scrutiny has had investors seeking more value from their meme coin investments than evil Pepe has provided.

缺乏細節是許多人認為這隻青蛙是邪惡的佩佩的部分原因。此外,由於不可持續性,該代幣的市值已較5 月份的高點下跌了40%,而且在審查下缺乏持久性,這使得投資者從他們的模因代幣投資中尋求比邪惡佩佩所提供的更多價值。

Pepe price prediction


Evil Pepe reached its all-time high in July, hitting $0.00000190 before dipping to its current value of $0.000001288. This trend looks likely to continue throughout the next couple of months, potentially culminating in a value of $0.000001 by the end of the year.

Evil Pepe 在 7 月創下歷史新高,達到 0.00000190 美元,然後跌至當前價值 0.000001288 美元。這種趨勢可能會在接下來的幾個月中持續下去,到年底可能會達到 0.000001 美元的最高值。

Depending on the value associated with any new releases, a boost could be seen during 2024, with analysts predicting $0.000003 by 2024 should Pepe Academy and Pepe Tools realize genuine utility. While this would mark 3x gains for investors, these returns would be eclipsed by Shiba Memu’s anticipated value appreciation.

根據與任何新版本相關的價值,2024 年可能會出現成長,分析師預測,如果 Pepe Academy 和 Pepe Tools 實現真正的實用性,到 2024 年將達到 0.000003 美元。雖然這將為投資者帶來 3 倍的收益,但這些回報將因 Shiba Memu 的預期價值升值而黯然失色。

Why Shiba Memu could be the best new crypto to buy in 2023

為什麼 Shiba Memu 可能成為 2023 年最值得購買的新加密貨幣

The crypto world continues to evolve so rapidly that meme coin fans are now content with a more complex NFT in their wallet alongside their investment. Meme coin providers, including Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, recognize the need to provide investors with genuine value to sustain the long-term viability of their assets.

加密世界繼續快速發展,以至於 Meme 幣粉絲現在對錢包裡的更複雜的 NFT 和投資感到滿意。包括狗狗幣和柴犬在內的 Meme 幣提供者認識到需要為投資者提供真正的價值,以維持其資產的長期生存能力。

With evil Pepe’s momentum turning bearish almost as quickly as it leaped into people’s consciousness, Shiba Memu looks to have a head start in the race to become the top dog in the meme coin industry. 

隨著邪惡佩佩的勢頭幾乎在進入人們意識的同時就轉為看跌,Shiba Memu 看起來在成為模因幣行業領頭羊的競爭中佔據了先機。

Its exciting mix of utility and an appealing ICO have already got investors’ tails wagging in anticipation. With SHMU tipped as potentially the best new crypto to buy in 2023, this is one ICO not to delay on purchasing. Grab yours today to enjoy the thrill of instant returns!

其令人興奮的實用性和有吸引力的 ICO 組合已經讓投資者翹首以盼。由於 SHMU 被認為是 2023 年最值得購買的新加密貨幣,因此這是一個不要拖延購買的 ICO。立即購買,享受即時回報的快感!

You can participate in the SHMU presale here.

您可以在這裡參與 SHMU 預售。

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