首頁 > 資訊新聞 > SOL Meme 和 PolitiFi Colossus、Solciety 在 48 小時內籌集了 30 萬美元

SOL Meme and PolitiFi Colossus, Solciety Raises $300k in Under 48 Hours

SOL Meme 和 PolitiFi Colossus、Solciety 在 48 小時內籌集了 30 萬美元

發布: 2024/06/20 18:03 閱讀: 476



SOL Meme 和 PolitiFi Colossus、Solciety 在 48 小時內籌集了 30 萬美元

Solciety: A Political Party for Degens


London, June 20th, 2024, Chainwire

倫敦,2024 年 6 月 20 日,Chainwire

Solciety, a leading player in the PolitiFi meme coin sector, has exceeded expectations by raising over $300,000 within the first 48 hours of its presale, which commenced on June 18th at 14:00 UTC. The presale will continue for 30 days, concluding on July 18th.

Solciety 是 PolitiFi meme 硬幣領域的領先參與者,其預售於 6 月 18 日 14:00 UTC 開始,在 48 小時內籌集了超過 300,000 美元,超出了預期。預售將持續30天,7月18日結束。

This success reflects the growing interest in PolitiFi tokens, particularly during this election year in the United States. Solciety is capitalizing on this trend by targeting a diverse audience with its unique "political party for degens" branding. Interested parties are encouraged to join Solciety's online channels for discussions.

這一成功反映了人們對 PolitiFi 代幣日益增長的興趣,特別是在美國這個選舉年。 Solciety 正在利用這一趨勢,透過其獨特的「德根斯政黨」品牌瞄準不同的受眾。鼓勵有興趣的各方加入 Solciety 的線上管道進行討論。

Presale Details


During the month-long presale, 3 billion out of the 10 billion Solciety tokens are available for purchase before the coin is made available to the public. The presale includes incremental price increases every 72 hours, offering early supporters a chance to purchase tokens at a lower rate. Stage 1 buyers can acquire tokens for $0.0015, and the price will gradually rise to $0.0040 by the end of the presale, resulting in a 169% price increase for initial participants.

在為期一個月的預售期間,100 億枚 Solciety 代幣中的 30 億枚可供購買,然後再向公眾發售。預售包括每 72 小時遞增價格,為早期支持者提供以較低價格購買代幣的機會。第一階段買家可以以 0.0015 美元的價格購買代幣,到預售結束時價格將逐漸上漲至 0.0040 美元,導致初始參與者的價格上漲 169%。

Leveraging SOL Meme Coins and PolitiFi

利用 SOL Meme 幣和 PolitiFi

Solciety combines elements of popular SOL meme coins and the emerging PolitiFi sector, which have both demonstrated strong performance in the current market.

Solciety 結合了流行的 SOL meme 幣和新興的 PolitiFi 領域的元素,這兩個領域在當前市場上都表現出了強勁的表現。

Token Distribution


Solciety (SLCTY) tokens are available for purchase on the Solciety website.

Solciety (SLCTY) 代幣可在 Solciety 網站上購買。

Overview of Solciety


Solciety aims to become the "political party for degens," uniting meme enthusiasts and investors. Its Meme Campaigner drives viral success through politically-themed memes featuring characters like Donald Pump, Badimir Putin, and Kim Wrong Un.

Solciety 的目標是成為“德根人的政黨”,團結模因愛好者和投資者。它的 Meme Campaigner 透過以唐納德·龐普 (Donald Pump)、巴迪米爾·普丁 (Badimir Putin) 和金·錯恩 (Kim Wrong Un) 等人物為主角的政治主題表情包,推動病毒式成功。

To encourage content creation, Solciety has allocated 10% of the token supply (one billion tokens) to reward active meme creators. This initiative aims to enhance the project's social media visibility and leverage the 2024 election cycle for wider outreach.

為了鼓勵內容創作,Solciety 分配了 10% 的代幣供應(10 億代幣)來獎勵活躍的 meme 創作者。該舉措旨在提高該項目的社交媒體知名度,並利用 2024 年選舉週期進行更廣泛的宣傳。

Solciety has gained recognition from prominent crypto influencers, including ALTCOIN-BEAR, The PEPE ARMY, ShibArmy1000x, and BscGems1000x, who collectively have a reach of over 835,000 followers.

Solciety 獲得了著名加密貨幣影響者的認可,包括 ALTCOIN-BEAR、The PEPE ARMY、ShibArmy1000x 和 BscGems1000x,他們的粉絲總數超過 835,000 名。

Additional Security


Solciety's smart contract has been thoroughly audited by Solid Proof, ensuring that it is secure for both new and seasoned investors.

Solciety 的智慧合約已經過 Solid Proof 的徹底審核,確保它對於新投資者和經驗豐富的投資者來說都是安全的。

Solana Memes and PolitiFi: Solciety's PR Strategy

Solana Memes 和 PolitiFi:Solciety 的公關策略

Solana meme coins and the PolitiFi sector have emerged as defining trends in 2024. Solciety benefits from Solana's lower transaction fees compared to Ethereum, facilitating the growth of projects like dogwifhat and Bonk.

Solana meme 幣和 PolitiFi 領域已成為 2024 年的決定性趨勢。

SLCTY tokens are currently available for $0.0015, with prices increasing every 72 hours. Early participation provides the lowest entry point.

SLCTY 代幣目前售價為 0.0015 美元,每 72 小時上漲一次。早期參與提供了最低的切入點。

Solciety (SLCTY) tokens can be purchased on the Solciety website.

Solciety (SLCTY) 代幣可以在 Solciety 網站上購買。

About Solciety

關於 Solciety

Solciety aims to address the complexities of modern politics with humor and potential for financial gain. Its advanced meme-generating capabilities and SLCTY token empower users to participate in current affairs in a fun and potentially lucrative way.

Solciety 旨在以幽默和經濟利益的潛力來解決現代政治的複雜性。其先進的模因生成功能和 SLCTY 代幣使用戶能夠以有趣且可能有利可圖的方式參與時事。

For more information about Solciety (SLCTY), visit the website.

有關 Solciety (SLCTY) 的更多信息,請訪問該網站。

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