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Solana’s On-Chain Activity Rises – SOL Price To Rally?

Solana 的鏈上活動增加 – SOL 價格上漲?

發布: 2024/07/01 01:02 閱讀: 878



Solana 的鏈上活動增加 – SOL 價格上漲?

Solana's On-Chain Activity Surges, Signaling Potential Price Rally

Solana 的鏈上活動激增,預示著潛在的價格上漲

In recent days, crucial metrics on the Solana blockchain have experienced a significant uptick, sparking speculation about a possible price surge for SOL.

最近幾天,Solana 區塊鏈的關鍵指標經歷了顯著上升,引發了有關 SOL 價格可能飆升的猜測。

Rising On-Chain Metrics


Data from Solscan reveals that active wallets on the Solana blockchain have climbed to over 919,000 within the past seven days. Additionally, new token accounts have exceeded 9 million. These surging metrics hint at a possible shift in price trajectory.

Solscan 的數據顯示,Solana 區塊鏈上的活躍錢包在過去 7 天內已攀升至超過 91.9 萬個。此外,新增代幣帳戶已超過 900 萬。這些飆升的指標暗示價格軌跡可能會改變。

SOL Price Reaction

SOL 價格反應

The rise in on-chain metrics aligns with a sustained uptrend in SOL's price over the past week. The price, which was in a downtrend five weeks ago, has since enjoyed its longest period of bullish days.

鏈上指標的上升與過去一周 SOL 價格的持續上漲趨勢一致。該價格在五週前處於下跌趨勢,此後經歷了最長的看漲日。

However, it's worth noting that SOL's price remains below the 50-day simple moving average (SMA), which could act as a potential resistance level. Furthermore, it is still within a falling wedge pattern. A breakout from these levels is necessary to confirm any substantial upward movement.

然而,值得注意的是,SOL 的價格仍低於 50 日簡單移動平均線 (SMA),這可能是潛在的阻力位。此外,它仍然處於下降楔形模式內。突破這些水平是確認任何大幅上漲的必要條件。

Potential for a Short-Term Rally


A breakout above the 50 SMA and the falling wedge pattern, combined with continued bullish on-chain metrics, could trigger a short-term rally for SOL.

突破 50 SMA 和下降楔形形態,再加上持續看漲的鏈上指標,可能會引發 SOL 的短期反彈。


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