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Solana launches ‘token extensions’ for enhanced dev control and compliance

Solana 推出「令牌擴充」以增強開發控制和合規性

發布: 2024/01/25 06:28 閱讀: 898



Solana is elevating its token functionality, providing developers with enhanced control by implementing customizable token ownership and usage rules. 

Solana 正在提升其代幣功能,透過實施可自訂的代幣所有權和使用規則為開發人員提供增強的控制。

This development is the result of the Solana (SOL) Foundation’s recent announcement about the activation of “token extensions” on Solana’s SPL token standard, a project that has been in the works for over a year, previously known as Token-2022.

這項進展是 Solana (SOL) 基金會最近宣布啟動 Solana SPL 代幣標準「代幣擴展」的結果,該計畫已經進行了一年多,之前稱為 Token-2022。

The key objective of these token extensions is to bolster compliance capabilities for entities creating tokens on the Solana network. The Solana Foundation highlights that these extensions enable businesses to embed specific functionalities directly into their tokens. Features such as whitelisting, automatic transaction fees, and confidential transfer mechanisms are now possible, marking a significant upgrade from previous capabilities.

這些令牌擴展的主要目標是增強在 Solana 網路上建立令牌的實體的合規能力。 Solana 基金會強調,這些擴展使企業能夠將特定功能直接嵌入其代幣中。現在可以實現白名單、自動交易費用和機密傳輸機制等功能,這標誌著先前功能的重大升級。

Solana’s extensions come in two primary forms: mint and account extensions. The platform has unveiled a variety of mint extensions currently available for use.

Solana 的擴展有兩種主要形式:鑄幣擴展和帳戶擴展。該平台推出了多種目前可供使用的 Mint 擴充功能。

These include confidential transfers, which maintain the privacy of transaction amounts between parties, interest-accruing tokens, and transfer hooks. Transfer hooks function by triggering a program to verify the permissibility of a token transfer, with the ability to revoke transfers that do not meet the set criteria. These Features represent a selection of the innovative mint extensions now accessible on Solana.

其中包括保密轉帳(維護各方之間交易金額的隱私)、計息代幣和轉帳掛鉤。轉帳掛鉤透過觸發程序來驗證代幣轉帳的許可性,並且能夠撤銷不符合設定標準的轉帳。這些功能代表了現在可以在 Solana 上存取的一系列創新 Mint 擴充。

The update is particularly advantageous for stablecoin issuers, as the Solana Foundation noted in a statement. Notable crypto service providers, including Paxos and GMO-Z.com Trust Company, a New York-based issuer of Yen and USD-pegged stablecoins, have already utilized Solana’s new token extensions for their stablecoin operations on the platform.

正如 Solana 基金會在聲明中指出的那樣,這項更新對穩定幣發行人特別有利。著名的加密服務提供商,包括Paxos 和GMO-Z.com Trust Company(一家總部位於紐約的日元和美元掛鉤穩定幣發行人),已經在該平台上使用Solana 的新代幣擴展來運營其穩定幣。

With this announcement, SOL’s market price has also reacted positively, as the altcoin is up by nearly 6% in the past 24 hours. 

隨著這一消息的發布,SOL 的市場價格也做出了積極反應,該山寨幣在過去 24 小時內上漲了近 6%。

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/solana-launches-token-extensions-for-enhanced-dev-control-and-compliance-tbt77615.html



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