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Solana Meme Coins Outpace Dogecoin and Shiba Inu in Recent Rally

Solana Meme 幣在最近的上漲中超過了狗狗幣和柴犬幣

發布: 2024/07/02 22:49 閱讀: 528

原文作者:Coin Edition


Solana Meme 幣在最近的上漲中超過了狗狗幣和柴犬幣

Meme Coins Surge: BONK, FLOKI, and BRETT Lead the Rally

Meme 幣激增:BONK、FLOKI 和 BRETT 領漲

Meme coins are experiencing a resurgence, with significant gains in the past 24 hours. Leading the charge are Bonk (BONK), Floki (FLOKI), and Brett (BRETT), which have driven the bullish momentum after a period of sluggishness.

Meme 幣正在復甦,在過去 24 小時內漲幅顯著。領頭羊是 Bonk (BONK)、Floki (FLOKI) 和 Brett (BRETT),它們在經歷了一段時間的低迷後推動了看漲勢頭。

BONK Surges Over 10%


BONK emerged as the top performer, surging 10.9% to reach a price of $0.00002629. This marks a significant increase in value for the token, which recently launched as the first dog-themed coin on Solana. BONK's volume has reached $341 million, while its market capitalization stands at $1.79 billion, edging it closer to the top 50 digital assets by market cap.

BONK 成為表現最好的股票,飆升 10.9%,達到 0.00002629 美元的價格。這標誌著該代幣的價值顯著增加,該代幣最近作為 Solana 上第一個以狗為主題的代幣推出。 BONK的交易量已達3.41億美元,市值為17.9億美元,接近市值前50名數位資產。

FLOKI and BRETT Join the Rally


FLOKI also saw a notable gain of 5.28%, propelling it to new seven-day highs. Its volume during the past 24 hours reached $206 million. Meanwhile, BRETT increased 3.16% in value, benefiting from the overall popularity of Solana-based meme coins.

FLOKI 也大幅上漲 5.28%,創下 7 日新高。過去 24 小時內交易量達到 2.06 億美元。同時,受益於基於 Solana 的 meme 幣的整體受歡迎程度,BRETT 的價值增長了 3.16%。

Meme Coins Market Thriving

Meme 硬幣市場蓬勃發展

The resurgence of meme coins has contributed to a surge in the sector's total market capitalization, which now stands at $48 billion according to CoinMarketCap. Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), the two most prominent dog-themed meme coins, continue to dominate the market in terms of capitalization. The trading volume for the meme coin sector has also surged, reaching $3.49 billion.

Meme 幣的復甦導致該行業總市值激增,根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,目前該行業總市值已達 480 億美元。狗狗幣(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)是兩個最著名的狗主題迷因幣,在資本方面繼續主導市場。 Meme 幣領域的交易量也激增,達到 34.9 億美元。



BONK, FLOKI, and BRETT have led the recent rally in meme coins, signaling a renewed interest in these crypto assets. The overall resurgence in the sector highlights the potential for growth and volatility in the meme coin market.

BONK、FLOKI 和 BRETT 引領了近期 meme 幣的上漲,顯示人們對這些加密資產重新產生了興趣。該行業的整體復甦凸顯了模因幣市場的成長潛力和波動性。


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