首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新 Solana Memecoin 爸爸馬斯克將在兩天內爆炸 14,000% – 你應該購買嗎?

New Solana Memecoin Daddy Musk Will Explode 14,000% in Two Days – Should You Buy?

新 Solana Memecoin 爸爸馬斯克將在兩天內爆炸 14,000% – 你應該購買嗎?

發布: 2024/06/21 18:42 閱讀: 773

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence


新 Solana Memecoin 爸爸馬斯克將在兩天內爆炸 14,000% – 你應該購買嗎?

Daddy Musk (DADMUSK), a recently launched Solana memecoin, has the potential to experience significant growth in the near future.

馬斯克老爹 (DADMUSK) 是最近推出的 Solana memecoin,有可能在不久的將來實現顯著增長。

Currently, DADMUSK can only be purchased on decentralized exchanges such as Jupiter and Raydium.

目前,DADMUSK 只能在 Jupiter 和 Raydium 等去中心化交易所購買。

Early investors in Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) have made significant profits, and DADMUSK has the potential to become the next successful memecoin. Several early SHIB and DOGE investors have expressed interest in investing in DADMUSK.

柴犬(SHIB)和狗狗幣(DOGE)的早期投資者已經獲得了可觀的利潤,DADMUSK 有潛力成為下一個成功的 memecoin。一些早期的 SHIB 和 DOGE 投資者已表示有興趣投資 DADMUSK。

With an initial liquidity of over $3,000, DADMUSK holds an advantage over many other new memecoins, offering potential returns for early adopters.

DADMUSK 的初始流動性超過 3,000 美元,比許多其他新模因幣更具優勢,為早期採用者提供潛在回報。

To purchase DADMUSK on Raydium or Jupiter, users can connect their Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom wallet. They can then swap Solana (SOL) for DADMUSK by entering its contract address, 2cknwYhfTymzjMjuWAWPfk92C9C6znpZPEraFN192gnY, into the designated field.

要在 Raydium 或 Jupiter 上購買 DADMUSK,用戶可以連接其 Solflare、MetaMask 或 Phantom 錢包。然後,他們可以透過在指定欄位中輸入合約位址 2cknwYhfTymzjMjuWAWPfk92C9C6znpZPEraFN192gnY,將 Solana (SOL) 換成 DADMUSK。

Similar to early investors in SHIB and DOGE, DADMUSK investors could potentially experience substantial returns if the memecoin were to gain popularity.

與 SHIB 和 DOGE 的早期投資者類似,如果 memecoin 受到歡迎,DADMUSK 投資者可能會獲得可觀的回報。

Currently, the Solana memecoin market remains active, with larger coins like SHIB, DOGE, and DogWifHat (WIF) showing signs of stagnation.

目前,Solana memecoin 市場仍然活躍,SHIB、DOGE 和 DogWifHat (WIF) 等較大的代幣顯示出停滯跡象。

As a result, SHIB, DOGE, and WIF investors are seeking new opportunities in Solana memecoins such as DADMUSK.

因此,SHIB、DOGE 和 WIF 投資者正在尋找 DADMUSK 等 Solana memecoin 的新機會。


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