首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Solana Memecoin 花花公子拜登暴漲 860%,並將再飆升 11,000%,準備與 SHIB 和 DOGE 競爭

Solana Memecoin Playboy Biden Explodes 860% and Will Skyrocket Another 11,000%, As It Prepares to Rival SHIB and DOGE

Solana Memecoin 花花公子拜登暴漲 860%,並將再飆升 11,000%,準備與 SHIB 和 DOGE 競爭

發布: 2024/07/03 14:46 閱讀: 829

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence


Solana Memecoin 花花公子拜登暴漲 860%,並將再飆升 11,000%,準備與 SHIB 和 DOGE 競爭

Playboy Biden Emerges as Potential Memecoin Giant


Playboy Biden (PLAYBID), a recently launched Solana memecoin, aspires to challenge established memecoin heavyweights like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

花花公子拜登 (PLAYBID) 是最近推出的 Solana memecoin,渴望挑戰 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等老牌 memecoin 重量級人物。

Early Investment Opportunity with High Returns


Early investors in SHIB and DOGE witnessed remarkable returns. Playboy Biden presents a similar opportunity, with a market capitalization currently below $185,000. A modest increase to a market cap of $10 million could generate approximately 5,000% returns for early investors within hours or days.

SHIB和DOGE的早期投資者獲得了可觀的回報。花花公子拜登也提供了類似的機會,目前其市值低於 185,000 美元。市值適度增加至 1000 萬美元,可以在數小時或數天內為早期投資者帶來約 5,000% 的回報。

Projected Market Cap Growth and Multi-Million Dollar Potential


Over the next two days, Playboy Biden is forecasted to experience an 11,000% rally, potentially reaching a multi-million dollar market capitalization within weeks.

在接下來的兩天裡,《花花公子·拜登》預計將上漲 11,000%,市值可能在幾週內達到數百萬美元。

Acquisition and Trading


Currently, Playboy Biden can be purchased on decentralized exchanges such as Jupiter and Raydium. To acquire PLAYBID, users must connect their Solana-compatible wallet (Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom) and swap Solana for Playboy Biden using its contract address: D4xVc71di6F8187sD2Mkvo1Bs87QHGoHzbcJKdFPBhvt

目前,花花公子拜登可以在Jupiter和Raydium等去中心化交易所購買。要取得 PLAYBID,使用者必須連接其相容於 Solana 的錢包(Solflare、MetaMask 或 Phantom),並使用其合約位址將 Solana 交換為 Playboy拜登:D4xVc71di6F8187sD2Mkvo1Bs87QHGoHzbcJKdFPBhvt

Potential Millionaire Creation


If Playboy Biden achieves viral status, it could create a new generation of memecoin millionaires in a short period.


Solana's Memecoin Boom

Solana 的 Memecoin 繁榮

Playboy Biden's emergence coincides with a surge in Solana memecoins, while established memecoins like SHIB, DOGE, and DogWifHat (WIF) have experienced a recent decline. This has prompted SHIB, DOGE, and WIF investors to explore new opportunities in the Solana ecosystem, including PLAYBID.

花花公子拜登的出現恰逢 Solana memecoin 的激增,而 SHIB、DOGE 和 DogWifHat (WIF) 等成熟的 memecoin 最近經歷了下跌。這促使 SHIB、DOGE 和 WIF 投資者探索 Solana 生態系統中的新機會,包括 PLAYBID。


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