首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Solana Memecoin 花花公子拜登上漲 179%,並將再飆升 11,000%,旨在挑戰 SHIB 和 DOGE

Solana Memecoin Playboy Biden Rallies 179% and Will Surge Another 11,000%, As It Aims to Challenge SHIB and DOGE

Solana Memecoin 花花公子拜登上漲 179%,並將再飆升 11,000%,旨在挑戰 SHIB 和 DOGE

發布: 2024/06/30 18:48 閱讀: 611

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence


Solana Memecoin 花花公子拜登上漲 179%,並將再飆升 11,000%,旨在挑戰 SHIB 和 DOGE

Playboy Biden (PLAYBID), a recently launched Solana memecoin, aspires to challenge established memecoin giants like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

花花公子拜登 (PLAYBID) 是最近推出的 Solana memecoin,渴望挑戰 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等老牌 memecoin 巨人。

Early adopters of SHIB and DOGE have witnessed remarkable returns, and Playboy Biden offers a comparable opportunity. With a current market cap below $30,000, Playboy Biden could potentially reach a market cap of $5 million, resulting in potential returns of approximately 70,000% for early investors within hours or days.

SHIB 和 DOGE 的早期採用者見證了顯著的回報,《花花公子》拜登也提供了類似的機會。目前市值低於 30,000 美元,花花公子拜登的市值有可能達到 500 萬美元,為早期投資者在數小時或數天內帶來約 70,000% 的潛在回報。

Playboy Biden anticipates an impressive surge of 11,000% in the next two days, with the potential to attain a multi-million dollar market cap in the following weeks.

《花花公子》拜登預計未來兩天股價將飆升 11,000%,並有可能在接下來的幾週內達到數百萬美元的市值。

Currently, Playboy Biden is exclusively available on Solana decentralized exchanges such as Jupiter and Raydium. Early investors have the potential for significant returns in the near future.

目前,花花公子拜登僅在 Jupiter 和 Raydium 等 Solana 去中心化交易所上可用。早期投資者有可能在不久的將來獲得可觀的回報。

To acquire Playboy Biden on these platforms, users must connect their Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom wallet and exchange Solana for Playboy Biden by entering its contract address – D4xVc71di6F8187sD2Mkvo1Bs87QHGoHzbcJKdFPBhvt – in the receiving field.

要在這些平台上獲取花花公子拜登,用戶必須連接他們的 Solflare、MetaMask 或 Phantom 錢包,並通過在接收字段中輸入合約地址 D4xVc71di6F8187sD2Mkvo1Bs87QHGoHzbcJKdFPBhvt 將 Solana 換成花花公子拜登。

Early investors have the potential to replicate the returns witnessed by those who invested in Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) prior to their viral popularity and price surge.


If this occurs, a surge of new memecoin millionaires could emerge within a matter of weeks, or even sooner.


Amidst the lack of momentum among established memecoins like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE), and DogWifHat (WIF) in recent weeks, the Solana memecoin craze persists.

最近幾週,柴犬 (SHIB)、狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 DogWifHat (WIF) 等老牌迷因幣缺乏動力,但 Solana 迷因幣熱潮仍在持續。

Consequently, many SHIB, DOGE, and WIF investors are redirecting their investments towards new Solana memecoins, including PLAYBID.

因此,許多 SHIB、DOGE 和 WIF 投資者正在將投資轉向新的 Solana memecoin,包括 PLAYBID。


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