首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Solana 新聞:Dogwifhat 價格回到 2 美元,Sealana 空投 7 月 2 日

Solana News: Dogwifhat Price Back To $2, Sealana Airdrop July 2

Solana 新聞:Dogwifhat 價格回到 2 美元,Sealana 空投 7 月 2 日

發布: 2024/06/27 01:06 閱讀: 550



Solana 新聞:Dogwifhat 價格回到 2 美元,Sealana 空投 7 月 2 日

The Surge of Solana Meme Coins and the Rise of Sealana

Solana Meme 幣的激增和 Sealana 的崛起

The recent surge in interest in Solana-based meme coins has sparked a significant uptrend in the price of dogwifhat. After a period of decline, dogwifhat has rebounded, soaring by up to 7% in the past 24 hours and currently trading above the $2 mark.

最近人們對基於 Solana 的 meme 幣的興趣激增,引發了 Dogwifhat 價格的大幅上漲。經過一段時間的下跌後,Dogwifhat 出現反彈,在過去 24 小時內飆升了 7%,目前交易價格高於 2 美元大關。

This uptick in demand for Solana meme coins has also benefited smaller projects, including the upcoming launch of Sealana token. The seal-themed meme coin has attracted substantial investment, totaling over $6 million, during its presale.

對 Solana meme 幣的需求上升也使小型專案受益,包括即將推出的 Sealana 代幣。這款以海豹為主題的 meme 硬幣在預售期間吸引了大量投資,總額超過 600 萬美元。

Sealana Token Airdrop and DEX Launch

Sealana 代幣空投和 DEX 啟動

After a successful ICO, Sealana is preparing for its eagerly awaited token airdrop and DEX launch. Both events are scheduled to take place on July 2, 2024, at 1 PM UTC. However, the presale campaign has officially ended, providing a final opportunity for investors to purchase the token at its discounted rate of $0.022 before 1 PM UTC on July 1.

在成功完成 ICO 後,Sealana 正在為期待已久的代幣空投和 DEX 啟動做準備。這兩項活動均計劃於世界標準時間 2024 年 7 月 2 日下午 1 點舉行。然而,預售活動已正式結束,為投資者提供了在 7 月 1 日下午 1 點(世界標準時間)之前以 0.022 美元折扣價購買代幣的最後機會。

What Makes Sealana Unique?

是什麼讓 Sealana 獨一無二?

Inspired by "World of Warcraft" character, Sealana introduces a novel meme concept: an overweight American redneck seal who has become consumed by cryptocurrency trading. This narrative resonates with investors, fostering a sense of relatability and humor.

受到《魔獸世界》角色的啟發,Sealana 引入了一個新穎的迷因概念:一隻超重的美國鄉巴佬海豹,已經被加密貨幣交易所吞噬。這種敘述引起了投資者的共鳴,培養了一種相關性和幽默感。

Sealana's appeal also stems from its simplicity and flexibility. Unlike complex whitepapers, Sealana has adopted a straightforward approach to keep investors engaged and anticipate future developments.

Sealana 的吸引力也源自於其簡單性和靈活性。與複雜的白皮書不同,Sealana 採用了一種直接的方法來維持投資者的參與並預測未來的發展。

Cross-Chain Functionality and Investment Flexibility


Sealana is active on multiple chains, allowing investors to receive and trade their tokens on their preferred platforms. This cross-chain functionality provides increased accessibility and liquidity.

Sealana 在多個鏈上都很活躍,允許投資者在他們喜歡的平台上接收和交易他們的代幣。這種跨鏈功能提供了更高的可訪問性和流動性。

Comparison to Dogwifhat

與 Dogwifhat 的比較

Dogwifhat, introduced in December 2023, quickly gained prominence in the meme coin market. However, after an initial surge, its price experienced a correction. Bulls have recently re-emerged, driving dogwifhat's price above $2.

Dogwifhat 於 2023 年 12 月推出,迅速在 meme 幣市場中佔據主導地位。然而,在最初的飆升之後,其價格經歷了調整。多頭最近重新出現,推動 Dogwifhat 的價格突破 2 美元。

Sealana's Potential


With its cross-chain functionality, vibrant community, and unique narrative, Sealana is poised to make a significant impact in the competitive meme coin market. Experts and media alike anticipate that Sealana will attract tier-1 exchanges and potentially outperform its predecessors.

憑藉其跨鏈功能、充滿活力的社群和獨特的敘事,Sealana 預計將在競爭激烈的迷因幣市場中產生重大影響。專家和媒體都預計 Sealana 將吸引一級交易所,並有可能超越其前輩。



The launch of Sealana is highly anticipated within the crypto community. Its discounted presale price offers an opportunity to invest before its potential surge in value. Investors should act promptly to avoid missing out on this potential investment.

Sealana 的推出在加密社群中備受期待。其折扣預售價格提供了在其潛在價值飆升之前進行投資的機會。投資者應立即採取行動,以免錯過這項潛在投資。


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