首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Solana 和 Tron 復甦,但交易者傾向於這種具有 100 倍增長潛力的新山寨幣

Solana and Tron Recover, but Traders Gravitate To This New Altcoin With 100x Growth Potential

Solana 和 Tron 復甦,但交易者傾向於這種具有 100 倍增長潛力的新山寨幣

發布: 2024/06/24 16:02 閱讀: 494



Solana 和 Tron 復甦,但交易者傾向於這種具有 100 倍增長潛力的新山寨幣

Altcoins Set for Surge: Solana (SOL), Tron (TRX), and Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)

山寨幣即將激增:Solana (SOL)、Tron (TRX) 和 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)

Solana (SOL) and Tron (TRX) have demonstrated signs of resurgence in recent days. However, amidst this revival, a new altcoin has emerged to captivate traders: Angry Pepe Fork (APORK). This altcoin has generated significant buzz during its Stage 1 presale, with many analysts speculating its potential to become a 100x crypto in 2024.

Solana (SOL) 和 Tron (TRX) 最近幾天顯示出復甦的跡象。然而,在這種復興中,出現了一種新的山寨幣來吸引交易者:Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)。這種山寨幣在第一階段預售期間引起了巨大反響,許多分析師推測其有潛力在 2024 年成為價值 100 倍的加密貨幣。

Solana (SOL): North America's First Solana ETP

Solana (SOL):北美第一個 Solana ETP

Solana has witnessed significant developments recently. Notably, 3iQ Corp has announced a preliminary prospectus filing for The Solana Fund in Canada, which has the potential to establish North America's first Solana ETP. This news has sparked optimism and could lead to a potential rally for SOL.

Solana 最近取得了重大進展。值得注意的是,3iQ Corp 已宣布向加拿大 Solana 基金提交初步招股說明書,該基金有可能建立北美首個 Solana ETP。這一消息引發了樂觀情緒,並可能導致 SOL 潛在反彈。

With a price increase exceeding 680% in the past year, Solana's bullish momentum is evident. Trading above its 100- and 200-day EMAs, with 12 technical indicators in positive territory, analysts predict a potential price of $149 before the end of Q2 2024.

過去一年價格漲幅超過 680%,Solana 的看漲動能顯而易見。目前交易價格高於 100 日和 200 日均線,且 12 項技術指標處於正值區域,分析師預測 2024 年第二季末之前的潛在價格為 149 美元。

Tron (TRX): Analyst Optimism Remains


Tron is another altcoin garnering attention. According to CoinMarketCap data, TRON has surged over 60% year-to-date. Crypto analyst Dona.inj continues to express bullish sentiment for this altcoin, holding a substantial position for passive income. Dona.inj believes TRX has the potential to become one of the market's scarcest assets.

Tron 是另一種引起關注的山寨幣。根據 CoinMarketCap 數據,TRON 今年迄今已飆升超過 60%。加密貨幣分析師 Dona.inj 繼續表達對這種山寨幣的看漲情緒,持有大量被動收入部位。 Dona.inj 相信 TRX 有潛力成為市場上最稀缺的資產之一。

Technical analysis also paints a positive picture for Tron. With 21 technical indicators in the green and trading above both 100- and 200-day EMAs, experts forecast a rise to $0.14 for TRX within Q2 2024.

技術分析也為 Tron 描繪了一幅正面的圖像。由於 21 項技術指標呈綠色且交易價格均高於 100 日和 200 日均線,專家預測 TRX 在 2024 年第二季內將上漲至 0.14 美元。

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK): An Investment Opportunity


Despite the upward trajectories of Solana and Tron, traders are shifting their focus to Angry Pepe Fork. This new altcoin is gaining traction due to its unique features and high growth potential.

儘管 Solana 和 Tron 的走勢呈上升趨勢,但交易者正在將注意力轉向 Angry Pepe Fork。這種新的山寨幣因其獨特的功能和高成長潛力而受到關注。

APORK is a community-driven, meme-inspired project that introduces the conquer-to-earn system. This system allows users to team up against zombie projects and earn APORK tokens and other rewards in return. Unlike many meme-based cryptocurrencies, APORK provides utility for holders.

APORK 是一個社群驅動、受 meme 啟發的項目,引入了「征服即賺錢」系統。該系統允許用戶組隊對抗殭屍項目並賺取 APORK 代幣和其他獎勵作為回報。與許多基於 meme 的加密貨幣不同,APORK 為持有者提供實用性。

During its presale, users can stake APORK to earn rewards. Staking periods include 30, 60, or 90 days, with longer periods yielding higher earnings. Due to these factors, traders are eagerly purchasing APORK during its presale, which has raised over $158K thus far. Projections indicate a potential $250K by the end of the week.

預售期間,用戶可以質押APORK以獲得獎勵。質押期限包括 30 天、60 天或 90 天,期限越長,效益越高。由於這些因素,交易者在 APORK 預售期間踴躍購買,迄今已籌集超過 158,000 美元。預測顯示,到本週末,潛在收入將達到 25 萬美元。

Audited by Solid Proof, APORK currently costs $0.014 in Stage 1 of its presale. Experts forecast a potential 100x surge once it hits Tier-1 exchanges in Q3 2024.

經 Solid Proof 審計,APORK 目前預售第一階段的售價為 0.014 美元。專家預測,一旦 2024 年第三季進入一級交易所,其價格可能會飆升 100 倍。

Conclusion: APORK's Potential Eclipse of Solana and Tron

結論:APORK 可能超越 Solana 和 Tron

Angry Pepe Fork stands apart from Solana and Tron due to its fixed token supply, real-world utility, and connection to the multi-billion-dollar meme industry. As APORK's scarcity increases, its price is expected to rise exponentially.

Angry Pepe Fork 與 Solana 和 Tron 的區別在於其固定的代幣供應、現實世界的實用性以及與數十億美元的 meme 行業的聯繫。隨著APORK的稀缺性增加,其價格預計將呈指數級上漲。


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