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Solana-Based Meme Coin BONK Surges 45% after Coinbase Listing

Coinbase 上市後,基於 Solana 的 Meme 代幣 BONK 飆升 45%

發布: 2023/12/14 18:07 閱讀: 681



Coinbase 上市後,基於 Solana 的 Meme 代幣 BONK 飆升 45%

Source: Adobe


Solana-based meme coin BONK has gained more than 45% in the past 24 hours following the announcement of its listing on prominent exchange Coinbase.

基於 Solana 的 meme 代幣 BONK 在著名交易所 Coinbase 宣布上市後,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 45% 以上。

The move positions BONK as the third-largest meme coin, trailing only Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), to be offered on the platform.

此舉使 BONK 成為第三大迷因幣,僅次於狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB),並在該平台上提供。

Coinbase announced on Wednesday that it would list BONK.


“Once sufficient supply of this asset is established, trading on our BONK-USD trading pairs will launch in phases,” the exchange said, noting that the support for BONK might be limited in certain jurisdictions.

該交易所表示:「一旦該資產的供應充足,我們的 BONK 美元交易對的交易將分階段啟動。」並指出,在某些司法管轄區,對 BONK 的支持可能會受到限制。

Coinbase’s listings often lead to short-term price pumps for the tokens involved, as the exchange maintains a selective approach to the tokens it offers. 

Coinbase 的上市通常會導致相關代幣的短期價格上漲,因為該交易所對其提供的代幣保持選擇性的態度。

Being listed on Coinbase can provide a sense of legitimacy to the projects and attract traders’ attention.

在 Coinbase 上上市可以為專案提供合法感並吸引交易者的注意。

Following the announcement, BONK prices quickly reversed nearly all the losses it had incurred in the previous week. 

消息公佈後,BONK 價格迅速扭轉了上週幾乎所有的跌幅。

At the time of writing, BONK was trading at $0.00001467, up by more than 44% over the past day. 

截至撰寫本文時,BONK 的交易價格為 0.00001467 美元,較過去一天上漲超過 44%。

How BONK Meme Coin Found Momentum?

BONK Meme Coin 是如何找到動力的?

BONK tokens were issued in December last year, following the downfall of Sam Bankman-Fried, which negatively impacted sentiment towards the Solana ecosystem at the time, as Bankman-Fried had been a prominent supporter of the network.

BONK 代幣於去年 12 月發行,當時 Sam Bankman-Fried 垮台,這對當時對 Solana 生態系統的情緒產生了負面影響,因為 Bankman-Fried 一直是該網絡的重要支持者。

Although initially conceived as a meme coin, BONK quickly gained adoption within the Solana ecosystem. 

儘管 BONK 最初被認為是一種模因幣,但很快就在 Solana 生態系統中得到了採用。

Numerous Solana projects integrated the token for use as payment for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), while others employed “burn” mechanisms for NFT-based events in the weeks after its launch.

許多 Solana 專案都整合了該代幣,用作不可替代代幣 (NFT) 的支付,而其他專案則在其啟動後幾週內針對基於 NFT 的事件採用了「銷毀」機制。

The BONK project consists of a team of 22 individuals without a singular leader, all of whom were involved in its inception. 

BONK 計畫由 22 人組成的團隊組成,沒有一個單獨的領導者,所有這些人都參與了計畫的啟動。

Prior to BONK, the team had developed decentralized applications (dapps), NFTs, and other related products on the Solana blockchain.

在 BONK 之前,該團隊已在 Solana 區塊鏈上開發了去中心化應用程式 (dapps)、NFT 和其他相關產品。

The strong interest in the Solana ecosystem since October has significantly boosted the appeal of BONK. 

自 10 月以來,人們對 Solana 生態系統的濃厚興趣極大地提升了 BONK 的吸引力。

SOL Extends Gains as Market Rally Continues

隨著市場持續上漲,SOL 擴大漲幅

Over the past couple of days, Solana’s native cryptocurrency SOL has posted significant gains and its leading meme coin BONK reached new all-time highs. 

在過去的幾天裡,Solana 的原生加密貨幣 SOL 大幅上漲,其領先的迷因幣 BONK 創下歷史新高。

On Friday, SOL reached a new 19-month peak, touching $73.85.

週五,SOL 觸及 19 個月新高,觸及 73.85 美元。

Although still a far cry from its all-time high of nearly $260 in November 2021, SOL has made a remarkable recovery from its low of around $8 in late 2022. 

儘管與 2021 年 11 月接近 260 美元的歷史高點相比仍相去甚遠,但 SOL 已從 2022 年底約 8 美元的低點顯著回升。

Currently trading above $71, SOL has recorded a 8% surge in the past 24 hours, according to CoinGecko.

據 CoinGecko 稱,SOL 目前的交易價格高於 71 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 8%。

As reported, Solana’s NFTs have also witnessed considerably higher trading volume, surpassing even that of Ethereum.

據報導,Solana 的 NFT 交易量也相當高,甚至超過了以太坊。

Projects like Mad Lads and Tensorians have seen significant price increases, multiplying several times over in recent weeks. 

《Mad Lads》和《Tensorians》等項目的價格大幅上漲,最近幾週翻了好幾倍。

Moreover, the collective trading volume of Solana NFTs has now surpassed that of Ethereum, which traditionally leads in trading volume and hosts the most valuable projects.

此外,Solana NFT 的總交易量現已超過以太坊,以太坊傳統上交易量領先並擁有最有價值的項目。


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