首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 這款基於 Solana 的 meme 代幣在預售後 48 小時內籌集了超過 30 萬美元

This Solana-based meme coin raises over $300,000 within the first 48 hours of its presale

這款基於 Solana 的 meme 代幣在預售後 48 小時內籌集了超過 30 萬美元

發布: 2024/06/20 19:04 閱讀: 936



這款基於 Solana 的 meme 代幣在預售後 48 小時內籌集了超過 30 萬美元

Solciety Secures Over $300,000 in Presale with Its Unique Political Meme Proposition

Solciety 以其獨特的政治迷因主張獲得了超過 30 萬美元的預售

Solciety, a prominent player in the PolitiFi meme currency market, has successfully raised over $300,000 within the first 48 hours of its presale launch on June 18th.

Solciety 是 PolitiFi meme 貨幣市場的知名參與者,在 6 月 18 日啟動預售後的 48 小時內成功籌集了超過 30 萬美元。

This month-long presale, set to end on July 18th, is designed to leverage the popularity of PolitiFi tokens during the US election year by appealing to a diverse demographic with its distinct branding as a "political party for degens."

這次為期一個月的預售將於 7 月 18 日結束,旨在利用 PolitiFi 代幣在美國大選年的受歡迎程度,以其「墮落政黨」的獨特品牌來吸引多元化的人群。

From Solciety's total supply of 10 billion tokens, 3 billion are currently available for purchase in this pre-public trading phase.

在 Solciety 的 100 億枚代幣供應總量中,目前有 30 億枚可供在公開前交易階段購買。

The presale operates on a 72-hour smart contract price increment system, giving early adopters the opportunity to secure tokens at discounted rates.

預售採用 72 小時智慧合約價格增量系統,讓早期採用者有機會以折扣價獲得代幣。

Initially, tokens are available at $0.0015, gradually increasing to $0.0040 by the end of the presale, resulting in a significant 169% return for early investors.

代幣最初售價為 0.0015 美元,在預售結束時逐漸上漲至 0.0040 美元,為早期投資者帶來了 169% 的豐厚回報。

Solciety seamlessly combines elements from successful SOL meme coins and PolitiFi, offering a unique proposition in the crypto market. Its key component is the Meme Campaigner, a tool designed to drive viral success through politically-themed memes featuring personas like Donald Pump and Badimir Putin.

Solciety 無縫結合了成功的 SOL meme 硬幣和 PolitiFi 的元素,在加密市場提供了獨特的主張。其關鍵組成部分是 Meme Campaigner,該工具旨在透過以唐納德·普普姆 (Donald Pump) 和巴迪米爾·普丁 (Badimir Putin) 等角色為特色的政治主題模因來推動病毒式成功。

To incentivize content creation, Solciety allocates 10% of its total SLCTY token supply (1 billion tokens) to reward prolific meme creators.

為了激勵內容創作,Solciety 分配其 SLCTY 代幣供應總量(10 億代幣)的 10% 來獎勵多產的表情包創作者。

Solciety has garnered significant interest from prominent cryptocurrency influencers, including ALTCOIN-BEAR, The PEPE ARMY, ShibArmy1000x, and BscGems1000x, collectively reaching over 835k followers.

Solciety 引起了著名加密貨幣影響者的極大興趣,包括 ALTCOIN-BEAR、The PEPE ARMY、ShibArmy1000x 和 BscGems1000x,粉絲總數超過 83.5 萬。

The highly secure smart contract ensures confidence in investments for both seasoned traders and new entrants.


Disclaimer: This press release does not constitute investment advice. Readers are encouraged to conduct thorough research and make investment decisions based on their own findings.



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