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SpaceX accepts DOGE, Cardano updates as KangaMoon presale thrives

隨著 KangaMoon 預售的蓬勃發展,SpaceX 接受 DOGE、Cardano 更新

發布: 2024/02/19 21:04 閱讀: 340



隨著 KangaMoon 預售的蓬勃發展,SpaceX 接受 DOGE、Cardano 更新

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SpaceX now accepts DOGE, Cardano announces updates and KangaMoon presale sees massive buyouts.

SpaceX 現在接受 DOGE,Cardano 宣布更新,KangaMoon 預售看到大規模買斷。

As SpaceX now accepts DOGE as a payment, Dogecoin (DOGE) has recorded a positive milestone. Similarly, Cardano (ADA) CEO just announced a new update that’ll be introduced into the network.

隨著 SpaceX 現在接受 DOGE 作為付款方式,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 已經創下了一個積極的里程碑。同樣,卡爾達諾(ADA)首席執行官剛剛宣布將引入網路的新更新。

Meanwhile, KangaMoon (KANG) is on its way to becoming a top meme coin, having recorded massive buyouts in its presale.

與此同時,KangaMoon (KANG) 正在成為頂級模因幣,在預售中記錄了大量買斷記錄。

KangaMoon (KANG) at first presale stage as investors queue up

KangaMoon (KANG) 處於第一預售階段,投資者排隊

Over $250,000 has been raised by KangaMoon in its ongoing presale, with more investors joining the project daily. On the current trajectory, KangaMoon is on the path of toppling top meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

KangaMoon 在正在進行的預售中籌集了超過 25 萬美元,每天都有更多的投資者加入該計畫。從目前的軌跡來看,KangaMoon 正走在推翻狗狗幣和柴犬等頂級迷因幣的道路上。

The KANG token is sold for just  $0.0075. Investors who buy the KANG token might be positioning themselves for the future profit that will come with the project.

KANG 代幣售價僅 0.0075 美元。購買 KANG 代幣的投資者可能會為該項目帶來的未來利潤做好準備。

Meanwhile, the KangaMoon platform is a unique play-to-earn platform that aims to promote the meme culture through interactive meme games and fun-filled interactions. As such, the KangaMoon platform is creating a strong community of meme enthusiasts through the socialfi model. As a play-to-earn project, community members on the KangaMoon ecosystem will earn passive income by earning game rewards and collectibles, which they can trade for cash on the platform.

同時,KangaMoon 平台是一個獨特的邊玩邊賺錢的平台,旨在透過互動迷因遊戲和充滿樂趣的互動來推廣迷因文化。因此,KangaMoon 平台正在透過 Socialfi 模式創建一個強大的迷因愛好者社群。作為一個邊玩邊賺錢的項目,KangaMoon 生態系統的社群成員將透過賺取遊戲獎勵和收藏品來獲得被動收入,他們可以在平台上交易現金。

Also, as part of the gaming rewards, members can earn the KANG token when they monetize their gaming time and compete with players across the globe. The platform now gives users who purchase the KangaMoon token a 15% bonus. Meanwhile, analysts have forecasted a huge 22x price growth before the end of the presale and 35x when the token hits major exchanges.  

此外,作為遊戲獎勵的一部分,會員在將遊戲時間貨幣化並與全球玩家競爭時可以獲得 KANG 代幣。該平台現在為購買 KangaMoon 代幣的用戶提供 15% 的獎勵。同時,分析師預計預售結束前價格將大幅成長 22 倍,而當代幣登陸主要交易所時,價格將成長 35 倍。

Having shown strong utility, the KANG token is likely to become the next big meme coin. As such, now is the best time to purchase February’s top meme coin, which experts have predicted will return 35x before the end of 2024. 

KANG 代幣顯示出強大的實用性,很可能成為下一個大模因代幣。因此,現在是購買 2 月頂級 meme 代幣的最佳時機,專家預測代幣在 2024 年底前將獲得 35 倍的回報。

Dogecoin rallies as SpaceX accepts it as payment

SpaceX 接受狗狗幣作為付款方式,狗狗幣價格上漲

In a significant development for Dogecoin, SpaceX has opted to accept Dogecoin as payment from Geometric Energy, having rescheduled the DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon. This was made known in a tweet citing DOGE-1 re-booking of the mission to the moon. 

作為狗狗幣的重大發展,SpaceX 在重新安排 DOGE-1 登月任務後,選擇接受狗狗幣作為 Geometric Energy 的付款方式。這是在一條推文中宣布的,該推文引用了 DOGE-1 重新預訂登月任務的消息。

The news could be tied to the recent Dogecoin price rally. In the last week, Dogecoin gained 8.6% and is gathering more bullish momentum in the market. As such, the market could see another round of rally from the token.

這項消息可能與最近狗狗幣價格上漲有關。上週,狗狗幣上漲了 8.6%,並在市場上累積了更多看漲勢頭。因此,市場可能會看到該代幣的另一輪反彈。

Cardano founder announces imminent network upgrade


The Cardano (ADA) founder, Charles Hoskinson, has announced the Plutus V3 upgrade on the Cardano network. According to the announcement, the upgrade will open doors for advanced cryptographic capabilities on the network and an overall improved performance on the ADA network. 

Cardano (ADA) 創辦人 Charles Hoskinson 宣布對 Cardano 網路進行 Plutus V3 升級。根據公告,此次升級將為網路上的高級加密功能以及 ADA 網路的整體效能提升打開大門。

Hoskinson tagged the Plutus V3 as a massive upgrade to Cardano DApps and general interoperability. Meanwhile, the Cardano token is bullish, having gained over 14% within the last month, making it one of the top cryptos to invest in at the moment.

Hoskinson 將 Plutus V3 標記為 Cardano DApp 和一般互通性的大規模升級。與此同時,卡爾達諾代幣看漲,上個月上漲了 14% 以上,使其成為目前最值得投資的加密貨幣之一。

Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the KangaMoon (KANG) Presale Today!

立即探索 KangaMoon (KANG) 預售的令人興奮的機會!



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