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SpaceX Receives Dogecoin Payment for Rescheduling DOGE-1 Lunar Mission

SpaceX 收到狗狗幣付款以重新安排 DOGE-1 月球任務

發布: 2024/02/07 06:17 閱讀: 262

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


SpaceX 收到狗狗幣付款以重新安排 DOGE-1 月球任務

SpaceX’s decision to embrace Dogecoin (DOGE) as payment for rescheduling the highly anticipated DOGE-1 Lunar mission is a remarkable fusion of cutting-edge technology and the decentralized world of cryptocurrency.

SpaceX 決定採用狗狗幣(DOGE)作為重新安排備受期待的 DOGE-1 月球任務的付款,這是尖端技術與去中心化加密貨幣世界的非凡融合。

As announced on X, this unexpected move by Elon Musk’s aerospace company has stirred excitement and sparked debates within the crypto and space communities.

正如 X 上所宣布的那樣,馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 的航空航天公司這一出人意料的舉動激起了加密貨幣和太空社區的興奮並引發了爭論。

Dogecoin to Fund Space Exploration Endeavors


Created as a meme-inspired cryptocurrency, Dogecoin has recently gained traction due to endorsements from high-profile figures like Musk. Its acceptance as a form of payment for SpaceX’s mission highlights the increasing, mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies beyond traditional financial transactions.

狗狗幣是一種受迷因啟發的加密貨幣,最近因得到馬斯克等知名人士的認可而受到關注。它被接受作為 SpaceX 任務的一種支付方式,突顯了加密貨幣在傳統金融交易之外越來越被主流接受。

Rescheduling the DOGE-1 Lunar mission adds another layer of intrigue to this development. Originally announced as a collaborative effort between SpaceX and Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC), the mission aims to demonstrate the viability of using cryptocurrencies to fund space exploration endeavors.

重新安排 DOGE-1 探月任務為這一發展增添了另一層陰謀。該任務最初宣佈為 SpaceX 和 Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) 之間的合作項目,旨在展示使用加密貨幣為太空探索活動提供資金的可行性。

With Dogecoin now part of the equation, the mission takes on a new dimension, capturing the imagination of crypto enthusiasts worldwide.


DOGE-1 Lunar Mission’s Success Will Make History

DOGE-1 登月任務的成功將創造歷史

Recall that, the intuitive machines IM-1 launch was postponed in 2022 due to the satellite not being ready in time for the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket payload.

回想一下,直覺式機器 IM-1 的發射被推遲於 2022 年,因為該衛星沒有及時準備好裝載 SpaceX Falcon 9 火箭的有效載荷。

GEC CEO Samuel Reid explained in his tweet that the new agreement involves a rebooking fee paid in Dogecoin. Additionally, the DOGE-1 satellite will be placed on an open manifest basis for a mission that may take place after IM-1, depending on when the satellite is shipped to the United States.

GEC 執行長 Samuel Reid 在推文中解釋說,新協議涉及以狗狗幣支付的重新預訂費用。此外,DOGE-1 衛星將根據 IM-1 之後可能執行的任務進行公開清單,具體取決於衛星運送到美國的時間。

The success of the DOGE-1 Lunar mission and its use of Dogecoin could pave the way for future collaborations between the crypto and space sectors. As technology continues to advance and barriers to entry lower, we may witness a new era of innovation fueled by the intersection of finance and space exploration.  

DOGE-1 月球任務的成功及其對狗狗幣的使用可以為加密貨幣和太空領域之間的未來合作鋪平道路。隨著科技不斷進步和進入門檻降低,我們可能會見證金融和太空探索交叉推動的創新新時代。

Dogecoin vs Bitcoin   


Meanwhile, the major DOGE supporter Musk has reiterated that he would prefer Dogecoin over Bitcoin (BTC) for day-to-day transactions.  Likewise, during an interview on the Full Send Podcast, the Tesla CEO said that the DOGE blockchain has much more transactional capacity than BTC.           

同時,狗狗幣的主要支持者馬斯克重申,在日常交易中,他更喜歡狗狗幣而不是比特幣(BTC)。同樣,特斯拉執行長在接受 Full Send Podcast 採訪時表示,DOGE 區塊鏈的交易能力比 BTC 大得多。

Musk noted that while Bitcoin transactions take around 10 minutes to complete, Dogecoin transactions are completed in just 60 seconds. However, this is not the first time Elon Musk is taking the side of DOGE. previously, Musk-owned The Boring Company announced it would accept dogecoin as a payment option.

馬斯克指出,比特幣交易大約需要 10 分鐘才能完成,而狗狗幣交易只需 60 秒即可完成。然而,這並不是伊隆馬斯克第一次站在 DOGE 這邊。此前,馬斯克旗下的 The Boring Company 宣布將接受狗狗幣作為支付選項。

The post SpaceX Receives Dogecoin Payment for Rescheduling DOGE-1 Lunar Mission appeared first on Latest News and Insights on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Investing.

SpaceX 因重新安排 DOGE-1 月球任務而收到狗狗幣付款的貼文首先出現在區塊鏈、加密貨幣和投資的最新新聞和見解上。


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