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How To Spot The Next Game-Changing Crypto


發布: 2024/07/17 00:04 閱讀: 940




Investors and traders constantly seek projects with the potential to become game-changers, providing opportunities for substantial returns. In 2024, key projects with this potential include MoonBag (MBAG), Popcat (POPCAT), PONKE (PONKE), and Angry Pepe Fork.

投資者和交易者不斷尋找有潛力改變遊戲規則的項目,提供豐厚回報的機會。 2024年,具有這種潛力的重點項目包括MoonBag(MBAG)、Popcat(POPCAT)、PONKE(PONKE)和Angry Pepe Fork。

MoonBag Crypto Attracts Attention with Growth Potential

MoonBag 加密貨幣因其成長潛力而受到關注

MoonBag (MBAG) positions itself as a project with substantial growth potential through its unique features. These include a referral-based earning system, competitive Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on holdings, and a focus on utility within its ecosystem.

MoonBag(MBAG)透過其獨特的功能將自己定位為具有巨大成長潛力的專案。其中包括基於建議的收入系統、具有競爭力的持股年收益率 (APY) 以及對生態系統內實用性的關注。

To foster price stability, MoonBag incorporates a Liquidity Blast mechanism, Buyback Bonanza program, and Space Guard system, all contributing towards a potential price increase. While there is no definitive MoonBag price prediction, it could reach new heights in 2024 due to its early stages of development.

為了促進價格穩定,MoonBag 結合了流動性爆炸機制、回購 Bonanza 計畫和太空衛士系統,所有這些都有助於潛在的價格上漲。雖然目前還沒有明確的 MoonBag 價格預測,但由於其處於早期開發階段,其價格可能會在 2024 年達到新的高度。

Popcat Price Poised to Reach New All-Time High

Popcat 價格預計將創下歷史新高

Popcat (POPCAT) has exhibited bullishness, with its value increasing by 60% on the weekly price chart. The Popcat crypto has risen from $0.4136 to $0.751, aiming to surpass $1 to reach new heights.

Popcat (POPCAT) 表現出看漲情緒,其價值在周價格圖表上上漲了 60%。 Popcat 加密貨幣已從 0.4136 美元上漲至 0.751 美元,目標是突破 1 美元,達到新的高度。

For the Popcat price to reach this goal, it requires renewed bullish attention. Its all-time high was $0.7571 on June 15, 2024. Popcat's price prediction suggests it can end 2024 at $1.10.

Popcat 價格要達到這一目標,需要重新獲得看漲關注。 2024 年 6 月 15 日,其歷史新高為 0.7571 美元。

PONKE Crypto Moves Upwards

PONKE 加密貨幣不斷進步

PONKE (PONKE) is also moving upwards on the charts, potentially breaking through new price barriers. On the weekly time-frame, PONKE has gained 16%, with its price moving up from $0.37 to $0.46. $0.50 is the next major price barrier that it needs to pass to reach new heights. PONKE's price prediction projects it can reach $0.52 by Q4 of 2024.

PONKE (PONKE) 也在圖表上向上移動,有可能突破新的價格障礙。在每週時間範圍內,PONKE 上漲了 16%,其價格從 0.37 美元上漲至 0.46 美元。 $0.50 是其達到新高度所需跨越的下一個主要價格障礙。 PONKE 的價格預測預計到 2024 年第四季將達到 0.52 美元。

Angry Pepe Fork Redefines the Memecoin Landscape

憤怒的 Pepe Fork 重新定義了 Memecoin 格局

Angry Pepe Fork aims to redefine the memecoin landscape by establishing a novel, utility-driven ecosystem with unique staking opportunities. Built on the Solana blockchain, APORK fosters collaboration through its innovative "Conquer to Earn" model. This model incentivizes strategic acquisitions within the memecoin market, potentially leading to a curated landscape shaped by community action.

Angry Pepe Fork 旨在透過建立一個新穎的、實用驅動的生態系統以及獨特的質押機會來重新定義 memecoin 格局。 APORK 基於 Solana 區塊鏈構建,透過其創新的「征服以賺取」模式促進協作。這種模式激勵了迷因幣市場內的策略性收購,有可能導致由社區行動塑造的精心策劃的景觀。

Community members stake their tokens, with the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) tied to the successful elimination of low-utility memecoins. This approach incentivizes collective action and strategic decision-making within the community.


To foster long-term stability and mitigate volatility, Angry Pepe Fork has adopted a capped total token supply of 1.9 billion. This strategic approach creates token scarcity, potentially contributing to future price appreciation.

為了促進長期穩定性並減輕波動性,Angry Pepe Fork 採用了 19 億枚代幣的總供應上限。這種戰略方法造成了代幣稀缺,可能導致未來價格升值。

Spotting the Next Game-Changing Crypto


Moonbag, Popcat, and PONKE present solid opportunities for diversification. However, the true game-changing crypto in 2024 is Angry Pepe Fork. Its unique and rich ecosystem will enable its army to defeat useless meme coins, potentially dominating the charts.

Moonbag、Popcat 和 PONKE 為多元化提供了堅實的機會。然而,2024 年真正改變遊戲規則的加密貨幣是 Angry Pepe Fork。其獨特而豐富的生態系統將使其軍隊能夠擊敗無用的模因幣,並有可能主宰排行榜。


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