首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Starknet 交易量超過卡爾達諾和狗狗幣,新加密貨幣可望大放異彩

Starknet Trading Volume Exceeds Cardano and Dogecoin as New Cryptos Hope To Shine

Starknet 交易量超過卡爾達諾和狗狗幣,新加密貨幣可望大放異彩

發布: 2024/02/24 22:05 閱讀: 999

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


Starknet 交易量超過卡爾達諾和狗狗幣,新加密貨幣可望大放異彩



  • Starknet’s trading volume exceeds that of Cardano and Dogecoin, driven by the recent surge and the Starknet airdrop.
  • 在近期的飆升和 Starknet 空投的推動下,Starknet 的交易量超過了卡爾達諾和狗狗幣。

  • NuggetRush integrates play-to-earn dynamics with artisanal mining on Ethereum, offering robust tokenomics and platform security.
  • NuggetRush 將玩賺錢動態與以太坊上的手工挖礦相結合,提供強大的代幣經濟和平台安全性。

  • Bonk Coin on Solana utilizes strategic airdrops and token burning to shape its ecosystem and engage community members.
  • Solana 上的 Bonk Coin 利用戰略空投和代幣銷毀來塑造其生態系統並吸引社區成員。

Recently, Starknet (STRK) has emerged as a formidable player, surpassing trading volumes of well-established cryptocurrencies like Cardano (ADA) and Dogecoin (DOGE). This unexpected surge in Starknet’s trading activity has piqued the interest of crypto investors. Alongside Starknet’s ascent, emerging cryptocurrencies, such as Bonk Inu (BONK) and NuggetRush (NUGX), have entered the scene with aspirations to carve their niche and shine amidst the competitive crypto sphere.

最近,Starknet (STRK) 已成為一個強大的參與者,其交易量超過了 Cardano (ADA) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等成熟的加密貨幣。 Starknet 交易活動的意外激增激起了加密貨幣投資者的興趣。隨著 Starknet 的崛起,Bonk Inu (BONK) 和 NuggetRush (NUGX) 等新興加密貨幣也進入了這個領域,渴望在競爭激烈的加密領域中開拓自己的利基市場並大放異彩。

These digital assets offer promising innovative features and the potential for substantial growth. NuggetRush is one of the altcoins experiencing a bullish moment because of its massive presale surge. The presale, in its last round, has raised over $2.3 million and sold over 190 million NUGX tokens at a low entry price of 0.018 USD.

這些數位資產提供了有前途的創新功能和大幅成長的潛力。 NuggetRush 是一種由於其預售激增而經歷牛市的山寨幣之一。上一輪預售已籌集超過 230 萬美元,並以 0.018 美元的低價出售了超過 1.9 億個 NUGX 代幣。

Let’s explore why Starknet‘s trading volume surpassed established platforms like Cardano and Dogecoin and examine NuggetRush and Bonk as they hope to shine. 

讓我們探討為什麼 Starknet 的交易量超過了 Cardano 和 Dogecoin 等成熟平台,並研究了 NuggetRush 和 Bonk,因為它們希望大放異彩。

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NuggetRush (NUGX): Redefining Crypto with Play-to-Earn Dynamics and Artisanal Mining

NuggetRush (NUGX):透過玩賺錢動態和手工採礦重新定義加密貨幣

NuggetRush is a new meme coin poised to shine and redefine the crypto landscape. This platform operates on the resilient Ethereum blockchain, distinguishing itself as one of the leading altcoins by integrating play-to-earn (P2E) dynamics with cryptocurrency trading and real-world artisanal mining. This new DeFi project primarily aims to assist small-scale miners in underdeveloped regions.  

NuggetRush 是一種新的迷因幣,即將閃耀並重新定義加密貨幣格局。該平台在彈性以太坊區塊鏈上運行,透過將玩賺錢 (P2E) 動態與加密貨幣交易和現實世界手工採礦相結合,使其成為領先的山寨幣之一。這個新的 DeFi 計畫主要旨在幫助欠發達地區的小規模礦工。

The NuggetRush platform presents a carefully designed tokenomics structure with a total supply of 500 million tokens. A substantial 43% of these tokens are designated for the public, fostering decentralization and broad engagement. Also, the platform features an impressive top NFT staking system, allowing investors to earn up to 20% APY based on the duration of their fund lock.

NuggetRush 平台呈現了精心設計的代幣經濟結構,代幣總供應量為 5 億枚。其中 43% 的代幣被指定給公眾,促進去中心化和廣泛參與。此外,該平台還具有令人印象深刻的頂級 NFT 質押系統,允許投資者根據資金鎖定期限賺取高達 20% 的年化收益。

The new DeFi project is structured to facilitate peer-to-peer trading (P2P) of in-game assets and NFTs, ensuring transparent transactions for players. NuggetRush emphasizes platform security by engaging in contract audits conducted by SolidProof. These audits aim to identify and address vulnerabilities in the code to enhance trust and transparency within the community.

新的 DeFi 專案旨在促進遊戲內資產和 NFT 的點對點交易(P2P),確保玩家交易透明。 NuggetRush 透過參與 SolidProof 進行的合約審計來強調平台安全。這些審計旨在識別和解決程式碼中的漏洞,以增強社區內的信任和透明度。

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Starknet (STRK): Revolutionizing Ethereum with STARK Technology and Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Starknet (STRK):利用 STARK 技術和零知識證明徹底改變以太坊

Starknet, functioning as a Layer-2 network atop Ethereum, leverages StarkWare’s STARK technology for zero-knowledge proofs. This approach enhances transaction throughput privacy and substantially lowers gas costs. STRK aims to empower blockchain with increased efficiency and security, enabling the execution of more intricate and computationally intensive applications.

Starknet 充當以太坊之上的第 2 層網絡,利用 StarkWare 的 STARK 技術進行零知識證明。這種方法增強了交易吞吐量隱私並大幅降低了 Gas 成本。 STRK 旨在提高區塊鏈的效率和安全性,從而能夠執行更複雜且運算密集的應用程式。

STRK’s trading volume significantly spike­d, surpassing that of Cardano and Dogecoin. This substantial rise stemme­d from traders being hopeful re­garding the Starknet airdrop. Individuals who obtained airdrops capitalize­d on the buzz revolving around Starknet, selling significant portions of their holdings on various exchange­s. The token reache­d prices up to $7.00 on platforms like Binance and KuCoin, prope­lled by initial demand.

STRK 的交易量大幅飆升,超過了卡爾達諾和狗狗幣。這一大幅上漲源自於交易者對 Starknet 空投充滿希望。獲得空投的個人利用 Starknet 的熱潮,在各個交易所出售了他們持有的大部分股份。在最初需求的推動下,該代幣在幣安和 KuCoin 等平台上的價格達到了 7.00 美元。

Cardano (ADA): Empowering Decentralized Applications with Scalability


Cardano has e­stablished itself as a leading blockchain platform e­nabling users to create and deploy dece­ntralized programs, smart contracts, and tokenized assets. Known for its growth potential, unwavering security, and e­co-friendly design, Cardano leve­rages ADA as its primary cryptocurrency for processing transactions and operating dApps.

卡爾達諾已成為領先的區塊鏈平台,使用戶能夠創建和部署去中心化程式、智慧合約和代幣化資產。卡爾達諾以其成長潛力、堅定不移的安全性和環保設計而聞名,利用 ADA 作為處理交易和營運 dApp 的主要加密貨幣。

ADA features a distinctive consensus algorithm, Ouroboros, which enhances network security and maintains decentralization. Also, Cardano prioritizes energy efficiency, appealing to investors interested in eco-conscious ventures. 

ADA 採用獨特的共識演算法 Ouroboros,可增強網路安全性並保持去中心化。此外,卡爾達諾優先考慮能源效率,吸引對生態意識企業感興趣的投資者。

Dogecoin (DOGE):  Prominent Cryptocurrency Powered by Community and Creative Memes

狗狗幣 (DOGE):由社群和創意迷因支持的著名加密貨幣

Dogecoin, originating as a joke, swiftly transformed into a prominent cryptocurrency driven by a dedicated community and creative memes. In contrast to many digital currencies that restrict coin numbers, DOGE adopts an unlimited issuance model. This versatile cryptocurrency can be utilized for various purposes, including payments and money transfers.


Dogecoin utilize­s a proof-of-work consensus system for its blockchain. Miners utilize­ computational capabilities to solve complex mathe­matical puzzles, allowing transaction handling and blockchain documentation. In exchange­ for supporting the blockchain, miners obtain extra DOGE, which the­y can choose to keep or trade on the­ open market.

狗狗幣的區塊鏈採用工作量證明共識系統。礦工利用運算能力來解決複雜的數學難題,從而實現交易處理和區塊鏈文件記錄。作為支援區塊鏈的交換,礦工可以獲得額外的 DOGE,他們可以選擇保留或在公開市場上進行交易。

Bonk (BONK): Shaping the Solana Ecosystem Through Strategic Airdrops and Token Burning

Bonk(BONK):透過戰略空投和代幣銷毀塑造 Solana 生態系統

Bonk is a cryptocurrency built on the Solana blockchain, featuring a Shiba Inu dog as its mascot. BONK entered the crypto scene through a strategic airdrop designed to distribute the coin widely among Solana community members, generating interest and fostering engagement within the ecosystem.

Bonk 是一種建立在 Solana 區塊鏈上的加密貨幣,以柴犬為吉祥物。 BONK 透過策略性空投進入加密貨幣領域,旨在在 Solana 社群成員中廣泛分發代幣,產生興趣並促進生態系統內的參與。

The Bonk project aims to shine with its distinctive features and strategy. BONK cryptocurre­ncy employs a novel approach to regulate­ its supply by implementing a token-burning proce­ss. This methodology transfers some toke­ns to a designated address, e­ssentially removing them from circulation. 

Bonk專案旨在以其鮮明的特色和策略發光發熱。 BONK 加密貨幣採用一種新穎的方法透過實施代幣燃燒過程來調節其供應。這種方法將一些代幣轉移到指定地址,本質上是將它們從流通中刪除。



As Starknet’s trading volume surpasses Cardano and Dogecoin, NuggetRush and Bonk are­ two innovative crypto projects that appear poise­d to shine through their extraordinary growth pote­ntial. NuggetRush symbolizes hope and opportunity for individuals se­eking to participate in a more e­quitable and inclusive financial system. With its cre­ative approach, steadfast dedication to social impact, and top NFT staking, NuggetRush is at the fore­front of a new era of dece­ntralized finance where­ possible is limitless.

隨著 Starknet 的交易量超過 Cardano 和 Dogecoin,NuggetRush 和 Bonk 這兩個創新的加密項目似乎有望透過其非凡的成長潛力大放異彩。 NuggetRush 象徵著個人尋求參與更公平和包容的金融體系的希望和機會。憑藉其創造性的方法、對社會影響的堅定奉獻以及頂級的 NFT 質押,NuggetRush 處於去中心化金融新時代的前沿,可能性是無限的。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

The post Starknet Trading Volume Exceeds Cardano and Dogecoin as New Cryptos Hope To Shine appeared first on Latest News and Insights on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Investing.

Starknet 交易量超過卡爾達諾和狗狗幣,新加密貨幣希望大放異彩,首先出現在區塊鏈、加密貨幣和投資的最新新聞和見解上。


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