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Sudden Dogecoin Whale Activity Sparks Speculation of Price Breakout


發布: 2023/11/24 07:29 閱讀: 581



  • Dogecoin (DOGE) is experiencing heightened activity.
  • 狗狗幣(DOGE)的活動正在增加。

  • 121 new wallets containing at least 1 million DOGE each emerged in the past month.
  • 過去一個月出現了 121 個新錢包,每個錢包至少包含 100 萬個 DOGE。

  • Historical data indicates that previous spikes in whale activity have correlated with increased liquidity and volatility.
  • 歷史數據表明,先前鯨魚活動的激增與流動性和波動性的增加有關。

The original meme-inspired cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE) is exhibiting a flurry of activity not seen in years, prompting speculation of an impending price rally.


Over the past month, 121 new Dogecoin wallets have emerged, containing at least 1 million DOGE each, marking substantial interest from “whale” investors. Additionally, high-value wallets that have been long-dormant are suddenly on the move again, unlocking troves of Shiba Inu-themed tokens.

過去一個月,出現了 121 個新的狗狗幣錢包,每個錢包至少包含 100 萬個 DOGE,這標誌著「鯨魚」投資者的濃厚興趣。此外,長期休眠的高價值錢包突然再次活躍起來,釋放出大量以柴犬為主題的代幣。

Historically, such spikes in activity by whales led to increased liquidity and volatility in DOGE pricing. The meme-favorite asset has already seen upward momentum after a long consolidation period and now approaches key resistance levels.

從歷史上看,鯨魚的活動激增導致 DOGE 定價的流動性和波動性增加。經過漫長的盤整期後,這種深受人們喜愛的資產已經出現了上升勢頭,目前已接近關鍵阻力位。

Dogecoin could stage another parabolic surge


If able to break past prices not reached since 2021’s massive rally, analysts predict DOGE could stage another parabolic leg-up fueled by returning whale money. Unlike that previous mania, however, developing utility use cases this time could impart some staying power.

分析師預測,如果 DOGE 能夠突破 2021 年大幅上漲以來未曾達到的價格,那麼在返還鯨魚資金的推動下,DOGE 可能會再次上演拋物線上漲。然而,與之前的狂熱不同,這次開發實用用例可以帶來一些持久力。

Hints were recently dropped about Dogecoin integration into payment systems being built for Twitter by new owner Elon Musk, himself a vocal DOGE proponent. Any implementation as a digital tender would further validate the cryptocurrency’s cultural sensation into more tangible financial rails.

最近有消息稱,狗狗幣將被納入 Twitter 的新所有者 Elon Musk 所構建的支付系統中,馬斯克本人也是狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的堅定支持者。任何作為數位貨幣的實施都將進一步驗證加密貨幣的文化感受,使其成為更切實的金融軌道。

Still, beyond its celeb-powered hype and potential payment functions, DOGE suffers from a lack of advanced functionality like smart contracts that power wider decentralized finance and Web3 ecosystems. This may hinder larger adoption.

儘管如此,除了明星炒作和潛在的支付功能之外,DOGE 還缺乏先進的功能,例如為更廣泛的去中心化金融和 Web3 生態系統提供支援的智慧合約。這可能會阻礙更廣泛的採用。

Yet for speculators and crypto-curious drawn to the absurdist origins of a joke that somehow manifested billions in market value, Dogecoin retains an irreverent appeal aligned with larger cultural currents.


Its recent consolidation also offers a more disciplined entry point than 2021’s unfounded exuberance. For lightly-exposed risk-takers, a few bucks of play-money in DOGE poses as good a bet as any to ride the next viral wave.

與 2021 年毫無根據的繁榮相比,其最近的整合也提供了一個更有紀律的切入點。對於風險較小的冒險者來說,幾塊錢的 DOGE 遊戲幣是駕馭下一波病毒浪潮的絕佳賭注。


  • 狗狗幣鯨魚活動
  • 狗狗幣挖礦
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