首頁 > 資訊新聞 > SUNDOG 發布 10 天內效能就可與 PEPE 相媲美 — SunPump 重新定義 Meme 遊戲玩法

SUNDOG’s Performance Rivals PEPE Within 10 Days of Launch — SunPump Redefines Meme Gameplay

SUNDOG 發布 10 天內效能就可與 PEPE 相媲美 — SunPump 重新定義 Meme 遊戲玩法

發布: 2024/08/28 17:06 閱讀: 550



SUNDOG 發布 10 天內效能就可與 PEPE 相媲美 — SunPump 重新定義 Meme 遊戲玩法

In August 2024, following significant declines, Bitcoin and Ethereum entered a prolonged period of sideways oscillation. As the market needed new stimuli, meme coins once again became the focus of investors. In the past two weeks, the meme market has been exceptionally hot. Inspired by rags-to-riches stories, a large amount of capital has flowed into the market, and the crypto community is enthusiastically discussing who will be the next golden dog.


In previous meme seasons, Ethereum, Solana, BSC, and other chains were the main players, but this time, the leader is a new player from this track: TRON. Currently, TRON’s top meme coin, SUNDOG, has been launched for 10 days, and its outstanding performance has attracted the attention of the entire crypto circle. Moreover, SunPump and the entire TRON ecosystem have demonstrated the ability to create more compelling narratives.

在之前的 meme 季中,以太坊、Solana、BSC 等鏈都是主要參與者,但這一次,領頭羊是這個賽道的新參與者:TRON。目前,波場TRON頂級表情幣SUNDOG已上線10天,其出色的表現吸引了整個加密圈的關注。此外,SunPump 和整個 TRON 生態系統已經證明了創造更引人注目的故事的能力。

4,000+x in 10 Days: SUNDOG on Par with SHIB and Pepe

10 天內 4,000+x:SUNDOG 與 SHIB 和 Pepe 不相上下

SUNDOG has skyrocketed since its birth, becoming a top coin in just 10 days, with its performance even comparable to some established meme coins. On August 16, SUNDOG was launched on SunPump, the first platform for the fair launch of meme coins in the TRON ecosystem. Within less than 3 hours of issuance, its market capitalization exceeded $10 million. Due to SunPump’s partnership with HTX, SUNDOG, as the project with the highest market capitalization on SunPump, was listed on HTX on the first day of its launch. At dawn on August 19, less than 3 days after its launch, SUNDOG’s market capitalization exceeded $100 million for the first time. It’s worth noting that Pepe, the most successful meme coin in recent years, took 4 days from launch to reach a market cap of $100 million.

SUNDOG自誕生以來一路飆升,僅10天就成為頂級幣,其表現甚至可以與一些老牌meme幣相媲美。 8月16日,SUNDOG在波場TRON生態首個Meme幣公平上線平台SunPump上線。發行不到3小時,市值就突破1,000萬美元。由於SunPump與HTX的合作,SUNDOG作為SunPump上市值最高的項目,上線首日就在HTX上市。 8月19日凌晨,上線不到3天,SUNDOG市值首次突破1億美元。值得注意的是,Pepe 是近年來最成功的迷因幣,從推出僅 4 天就達到了 1 億美元的市值。

As of the evening of August 25 (UTC), SUNDOG has surged over 4,100x since its launch, with a market capitalization exceeding $260 million. In comparison, Pepe saw a rise of about 260x within the first 10 days after its launch. Other well-known meme coins with high market cap rankings, such as SHIB, BONK, FLOKI, etc., all remained dormant for a considerable period after launch before experiencing a breakout. It can be said that the wealth effect brought upon by SUNDOG in the first week of its launch has surpassed most top meme coins.

截至 8 月 25 日晚間(UTC),SUNDOG 自上線以來已飆升超過 4,100 倍,市值超過 2.6 億美元。相比之下,Pepe 在推出後的前 10 天內成長了約 260 倍。其他知名的市值排名較高的 meme 幣如 SHIB、BONK、FLOKI 等均在上線後沉寂了相當長一段時間才出現突破。可以說,SUNDOG上線首周所帶來的財富效應就已經超越了大多數頂級表情幣。

TRON Has Held All the Aces to Enter the Meme Sector

TRON 擁有進入 Meme 領域的所有王牌

Of course, SUNDOG still needs to prove its vitality over a longer timeline to truly be mentioned in the same breath as legendary coins like Pepe. However, SUNDOG’s meteoric rise has an even greater significance: TRON is redefining the meme game. On August 13, Justin, the founder of TRON and a member of the HTX Global Advisory Board, announced the launch of SunPump, marking TRON’s entry into the meme field. Within just one week, TRON had its first meme project with a market cap exceeding $100 million. This strong rise can be said to be the result of the combined effect of strong support, favorable conditions, and perfect timing.

當然,SUNDOG還需要在更長的時間裡證明自己的生命力,才能真正與Pepe這樣的傳奇幣相提並論。然而,SUNDOG 的快速崛起還有更大的意義:TRON 正在重新定義 meme 遊戲。 8月13日,波場TRON創辦人、HTX全球顧問委員會成員Justin宣布推出SunPump,標誌著波場TRON進軍表情包領域。僅僅一週之內,TRON 就推出了第一個市值超過 1 億美元的 meme 項目。這次強勢上漲可說是強力支撐、有利條件、完美時機綜合作用的結果。

● Strong Support

● 強力支持

Looking back at the development history of some top meme coins, the amplifying effect brought by important figures is immense. DOGE, the first meme coin in the crypto world, truly experienced a huge takeoff after establishing a connection with Elon Musk; Pepe’s rapid growth is also related to the early promotion by a large number of KOLs and the enthusiasm driven by the community. SUNDOG, and even all meme projects on the TRON chain, are naturally tied to one person — Justin, one of the most talked-about and prominent figures in the crypto world.

回顧一些頂級梗幣的發展歷史,重要人物帶來的放大效應是巨大的。 DOGE,加密世界第一個迷因幣,​​在與伊隆馬斯克建立聯繫後,真正經歷了巨大的起飛; Pepe的快速成長也與大量KOL的早期推廣以及社區的熱情帶動有關。 SUNDOG,甚至波場鏈上的所有 meme 項目,都自然地與一個人聯繫在一起——Justin,加密世界中最受關注和最著名的人物之一。

On August 13, Justin announced the launch of SunPump. Since then, he has spared no effort in promoting SunPump and TRON on social media, X (Twitter) Space, and in communities. He even personally engages in meme-making to drive attention to the meme field. Simultaneously, he receives user feedback on one hand and urges the SunPump team to upgrade the platform on the other. This enthusiasm is the best guarantee for memes in the TRON ecosystem to gain long-term traffic.

8月13日,賈斯汀宣布推出SunPump。此後,他不遺餘力地在社群媒體、X(Twitter)空間和社群上推廣SunPump和TRON。他甚至親自參與模因製作,以引起人們對模因領域的關注。同時,他一方面收到用戶回饋,另一方面督促SunPump團隊升級平台。這種熱情是波場生態中 meme 獲得長期流量的最佳保證。

On public chains like Ethereum, Solana, and BSC, memes have existed for a long time, but these chains lack a meme leader. Therefore, it’s difficult for different projects to form a joint force to create a wealth effect, and for users, the gambling component is also greater. Under Justin’s guidance, the TRON ecosystem is more likely to give birth to meme projects with topicality and popularity.


● Favorable Conditions

● 有利條件

TRON is the public chain with the second-largest TVL and holds 99% of USDT reserves, providing fertile ground for ecosystem explosion. At the same time, TRON is the most profitable public chain. On August 21, TRON set a new all-time high since its mainnet launch in 2018 with a record single-day revenue of $5.33 million. This remarkable achievement gives TRON the confidence and ability to provide even more robust support for ecosystem development. At the beginning of SunPump’s launch, it introduced a gas fee reduction event of up to 99% and launched a $10 million Meme Ecosystem Boost Incentive Program on August 15. Coupled with SunPump’s low fees, TRON has a huge appeal to both investors and project teams. For other meme coins, getting listed on top exchanges is often a challenging and time-consuming process, while memes in the TRON ecosystem have unique advantages. Due to TRON’s partnerships with HTX and Poloniex, there is a good interaction between the public chain ecosystem and exchanges. High-quality meme projects can be listed on top exchanges at the first opportunity, driving a new round of growth through the exchanges’ market advantages; exchanges can also use the wealth effect of memes to attract more users and increase exposure.

TRON是TVL第二大的公鏈,擁有99%的USDT儲備,為生態系統的爆發提供了肥沃的土壤。同時,波場TRON是獲利能力最強的公鏈。 8月21日,波場TRON創下2018年主網上線以來的新高,單日收入創紀錄的533萬美元。這一驕人的成績讓波場TRON有信心、有能力為生態發展提供更有力的支持。 SunPump上線之初,就推出了高達99%的Gas費減免活動,並於8月15日推出了1000萬美元的Meme生態系統助推激勵計劃。團隊都具有巨大的吸引力。對於其他 Meme 幣來說,在頂級交易所上市往往是一個充滿挑戰且耗時的過程,而 TRON 生態中的 Meme 具有獨特的優勢。由於波場TRON與HTX、Poloniex的合作,公鏈生態與交易所之間有著良好的互動。優質表情包專案第一時間登陸頂​​級交易所,透過交易所市場優勢帶動新一輪成長;交易所還可以利用表情包的財富效應來吸引更多用戶並增加曝光。

● Perfect Timing

● 完美的時機

In fact, in the first half of this year, the Solana ecosystem’s meme projects, driven by Pump.fun, also achieved excellent results. However, during that period, Bitcoin and Ethereum garnered increased attention due to narratives related to spot ETFs, halving events, and the Dencun upgrade, while the market experienced significant growth. Now, SunPump has emerged during a sluggish overall market, where liquidity is scarce and investors are actively seeking new targets. This has created one of the most magical wealth effects in the second half of the year. It can be said that TRON seized the opportunity at the most opportune time. SunPump’s emergence indeed aligns with the current market dynamics, making it a fascinating development for investors and the TRON ecosystem.

事實上,今年上半年,由 Pump.fun 推動的 Solana 生態的 meme 項目也取得了優異的成績。然而,在此期間,由於現貨 ETF、減半事件和 Dencun 升級相關的敘述,比特幣和以太坊獲得了越來越多的關注,而市場也經歷了顯著的增長。如今,SunPump在整體市場低迷、流動性稀缺、投資者積極尋找新標的的情況下脫穎而出。這就創造了下半年最神奇的財富效應之一。可以說,波場TRON抓住了最有利的時機。 SunPump 的出現確實符合當前的市場動態,使其成為投資者和 TRON 生態系統的一個令人著迷的發展。

Dimensional Strike: SUNDOG May Be a Repeatable Success

次元打擊:SUNDOG 可能會取得可重複的成功

With a thriving investment environment and an outstanding leader, plus a bit of market favor, it seems natural for TRON to give birth to a new meme noble like SUNDOG. More importantly, this is just the result achieved by TRON in just over 10 days of entering the meme field. There is even greater capital and traffic potential yet to be tapped on TRON. With Justin’s continued efforts, the wealth effect of SUNDOG may very well be replicable.

有了蓬勃發展的投資環境和傑出的領導者,再加上一點市場的青睞,TRON 誕生像 SUNDOG 這樣的新迷因貴族似乎是理所當然的。更重要的是,這只是TRON進入meme領域短短10多天的時間所取得的成績。波場TRON還有更大的資本和流量潛力有待挖掘。在Justin的持續努力下,SUNDOG的財富效應很可能會被複製。

Following SUNDOG, other high-quality projects on SunPump, such as FOFAR, SUNCAT, SUNWUKONG, and DRGN, have also been listed on HTX. TRON’s meme projects are rapidly coalescing into a collective advantage. Currently, TRON resembles a new continent in the meme world and sustained attention could unveil the next treasure trove.

繼SUNDOG之後,SunPump上的其他優質項目如FOFAR、SUNCAT、SUNWUKONG、DRGN也已上線HTX。 TRON 的 meme 專案正快速凝聚成集體優勢。目前,波場就像迷因世界中的一塊新大陸,持續的關注可能會揭開下一個寶庫的面紗。


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