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Super Bowl Disappoints Bitcoin Army, Solution Comes out of Blue


發布: 2024/02/13 06:00 閱讀: 215




Cryptocurrency trader Bob Loukas has published a tweet that reveals why Bitcoin is “still early.”

加密貨幣交易員鮑勃·盧卡斯(Bob Loukas)發布了一條推文,揭示了為什麼比特幣「還處於早期」。

As Super Bowl LVIII is in full swing now and everybody is watching it, the aforementioned trader noted the complete absence of any advertisements of Bitcoin or any other crypto. He believes this is another reason to think that Bitcoin and crypto adoption and awareness are still in an early stage.


However, the “disaster” was unexpectedly saved by Twitter founder and former chief executive Jack Dorsey. Being a Bitcoin maximalist, he attended the Super Bowl wearing a “Satoshi” T-shirt. Photos of him watching a game with a somewhat bored facial expression and wearing that T-shirt have gone viral on Crypto Twitter. Thus, Jack Dorsey sort of acted as a billboard with a Bitcoin advertisement on it.

然而這場「災難」卻出人意料地被推特創辦人、前執行長傑克·多西拯救了。身為比特幣極端主義者,他穿著「中本聰」T 卹出席超級盃比賽。他穿著那件 T 卹、表情有些無聊地觀看比賽的照片在 Crypto Twitter 上瘋傳。因此,傑克·多西(Jack Dorsey)有點像是帶有比特幣廣告的廣告看板。

No #bitcoin #crypto Super Bowl commercials. Still early.

沒有#bitcoin #crypto 超級盃廣告。還早。

— Bob Loukas 🗽 (@BobLoukas) February 12, 2024

— 鮑伯‧盧卡斯 (Bob Loukas) 🗽 (@BobLoukas) 2024 年 2 月 12 日

Curiously, last year, Elon Musk attended the same sporting event, wearing a T-shirt with a Dogecoin mascot on it. Perhaps, Dorsey decided to follow Musk's example.

奇怪的是,去年,馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 出席了同一場體育賽事,穿著一件印有狗狗幣吉祥物的 T 卹。也許,多西決定效法馬斯克的榜樣。

Elon Musk at the Superbowl last year pic.twitter.com/cugKsOnt6x

伊隆馬斯克去年在超級盃 pic.twitter.com/cugKsOnt6x

— Tesla Owners Silicon Valley (@teslaownersSV) February 11, 2024

— 特斯拉車主矽谷 (@teslaownersSV) 2024 年 2 月 11 日

Snowden and Kiyosaki prefer Bitcoin to Super Bowl


Earlier today, famous whistleblower Edward Snowden tweeted that while everybody was watching the Super Bowl, he was watching a Bitcoin chart. This happened as the world’s flagship cryptocurrency regained the $48,000 level.

今天早些時候,著名舉報人愛德華·斯諾登在推特上表示,當每個人都在觀看超級碗比賽時,他正在觀看比特幣圖表。這發生在世界旗艦加密貨幣重新回到 48,000 美元水平之際。

Today, Bitcoin has dropped back and is now exchanging hands at $47,944. However, prior to this rollback, BTC made the highest weekly close since December 2021 as it closed at $48,158.

今天,比特幣已經回落,目前價格為 47,944 美元。然而,在此次回溯之前,BTC 創下了自 2021 年 12 月以來的最高單週收盤價,收於 48,158 美元。

Snowden is known for his strong Bitcoin support. Earlier this year, he criticized the head of JP Morgan bank, Jamie Dimon, for his heavy Bitcoin criticism that Dimon spread during the annual Economic Forum in Davos in January.

斯諾登以其對比特幣的強烈支持而聞名。今年早些時候,他批評摩根大通銀行行長傑米·戴蒙 (Jamie Dimon) 在 1 月的達沃斯年度經濟論壇上發表了對比特幣的嚴厲批評。

He was not the only influencer who found Bitcoin more interesting than the Super Bowl. Over the weekend, the author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” Robert Kiyosaki also endorsed Bitcoin in his tweet, mentioning the Super Bowl.


Kiyosaki predicted the upcoming crash of the U.S. empire, similar to how the Roman Empire collapsed. The financial guru also likened the Super Bowl to gladiator games in which Roman emperors distracted citizens from big economic issues faced by the empire. He urged users to buy Bitcoin rather than bet on the game.



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