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Surge in Mega Dogecoin Transactions Hints at Building Rally


發布: 2023/12/27 16:05 閱讀: 369



  • Dogecoin whale transactions surged by over 26% in the last 24 hours to $1.19 billion.
  • 過去 24 小時內,狗狗幣鯨魚交易量激增 26% 以上,達到 11.9 億美元。

  • Fewer whales are accumulating but buying larger amounts of DOGE tokens.
  • 累積 DOGE 代幣的鯨魚數量減少,但購買的 DOGE 代幣數量增加。

  • Whale accumulation is seen as a positive sign for price growth in the long run.
  • 從長遠來看,鯨魚的累積被視為價格成長的正面訊號。

A fresh wave of large Dogecoin transactions from whale holders suggests accumulation may be underway ahead of a potential price rally. According to crypto analytics platform IntoTheBlock, these DOGE whales have stepped up their activity over the past day.

來自鯨魚持有者的新一輪大規模狗狗幣交易表明,在潛在的價格上漲之前,狗狗幣可能正在累積。根據加密分析平台 IntoTheBlock 的數據,這些 DOGE 鯨魚在過去一天中加強了活動。

Data shows that as of December 23rd, Dogecoin whale volume totaled $939 million. But in the span of 24 hours, that figure has ballooned to over $1.19 billion, representing a 26.19% single-day increase.

數據顯示,截至12月23日,狗狗幣鯨魚交易量總計9.39億美元。但在 24 小時內,這一數字已飆升至超過 11.9 億美元,單日成長 26.19%。

Fewer Dogecoin whales and bigger transactions


Alongside the rapid appreciation in trading volume, IntoTheBlock noted an intriguing trend in the actual count of whale transactions. Despite the flood of capital, there were markedly fewer large individual movements this week.

除了交易量的快速增長之外,IntoTheBlock 還注意到鯨魚交易的實際數量出現了一個有趣的趨勢。儘管資金大量湧入,但本週個人大動作明顯減少。

On December 23rd, the analytics platform recorded 1,430 sizeable DOGE transactions. Two days later, that number dropped to just 1,330—a 7% decline over 48 hours.

12 月 23 日,該分析平台記錄了 1,430 筆大規模 DOGE 交易。兩天后,該數字降至 1,330,48 小時內下降了 7%。

This suggests major holders are consolidating capital into fewer, higher-value wallet movements. Over the past three months, transactions worth at least $100,000 from these whales have remained fairly steady. This week’s activity marks a change in behavior.

這表明主要持有者正在將資金整合到更少、更高價值的錢包轉移中。在過去的三個月裡,這些鯨魚的價值至少 10 萬美元的交易保持相當穩定。本週的活動標誌著行為的改變。

Bullish signals for DOGE?

DOGE 的看漲訊號?

In the past, periods of increased whale accumulation have preceded positive price momentum for Dogecoin over the long run. The actions of these influential holders can significantly sway supply dynamics.


If fewer mega-holders are taking in more DOGE tokens, it suggests they anticipate appreciation ahead. This also builds up buying pressure as more coins get locked away in their wallets rather than circulating freely.

如果持有更多 DOGE 代幣的超級持有者減少,則表示他們預計未來會升值。隨著越來越多的代幣被鎖在錢包裡而不​​是自由流通,這也增加了購買壓力。

For context, DOGE is currently exchanging hands around $0.09 after a small pullback this week. However, signs point to building momentum toward a push back into positive territory before 2024 kicks off.

就背景而言,DOGE 在本周小幅回調後目前交易價格約為 0.09 美元。然而,有跡象表明,在 2024 年開始之前,將有勢頭重返正值。


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