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Surging PEPE Demand Comes With a Catch: Price Impact

PEPE 需求激增帶來了一個問題:價格影響

發布: 2024/06/27 22:03 閱讀: 432



PEPE 需求激增帶來了一個問題:價格影響

Pepe Coin Surges, Signaling Market Momentum

Pepe Coin 飆升,顯示市場勢頭

In the past week, the meme coin market has witnessed a surge in activity, leading to an increase in demand for Pepe (PEPE), the token inspired by the frog meme. Traded at $0.000012, PEPE has experienced a 5% increase in value over the last seven days.

過去一周,迷因幣市場活動激增,導致對受青蛙迷因啟發的代幣佩佩(PEPE)的需求增加。 PEPE 的交易價格為 0.000012 美元,過去 7 天的價值上漲了 5%。

Pepe's Demand Rises


Pepe's Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) indicator reflects the growing demand for the altcoin. As of press time, this indicator is trending upwards at 0.08 on a one-day chart. The CMF measures the flow of money into or out of an asset over a period of time. A positive value indicates significant buying pressure supporting the asset's price rally.

Pepe 的 Chaikin 資金流向(CMF)指標反映了對山寨幣不斷增長的需求。截至發稿時,該指標在單日圖表上呈上升趨勢,為 0.08。 CMF 衡量一段時間內流入或流出資產的資金流量。正值表示巨大的購買壓力支撐著資產價格的上漲。

Price Reversal Risk Looms


However, PEPE's Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) ratio suggests a potential price reversal. The metric currently stands at 137.20%. The MVRV ratio assesses whether an asset is over or undervalued by comparing its current market price to the average price at which all units were last moved on the blockchain. When it exceeds one, it indicates that the asset's market value is significantly higher than the acquisition price of most investors. In such cases, profit-taking activity often ensues, as investors see an opportunity to realize their gains.

然而,PEPE 的市值與已實現價值 (MVRV) 比率表明潛在的價格反轉。該指標目前為 137.20%。 MVRV 比率透過將當前市場價格與所有單位最後在區塊鏈上移動的平均價格進行比較來評估資產是否被高估或低估。當它超過1時,表明該資產的市場價值明顯高於大多數投資者的收購價格。在這種情況下,由於投資者看到了實現收益的機會,獲利回吐活動往往隨之而來。

Bullish Sentiment Remains Strong


Despite the risk of selloffs, PEPE's bullish outlook persists. The Elder-Ray Index confirms this trend. As of press time, the indicator's value remains above zero at 0.00000094. This indicator measures the strength of buyers and sellers in the market. A positive value signifies that bull power is dominant.

儘管有拋售風險,但 PEPE 的看漲前景仍然存在。 Elder-Ray 指數證實了這一趨勢。截至發稿時,該指標的值仍高於零,即 0.00000094。此指標衡量市場上買家和賣家的實力。正值表示牛市力量占主導地位。

Demand Surge and Rising Open Interest


PEPE's rising open interest underscores the surge in demand for the meme coin. At $132 million at press time, PEPE's open interest has increased by 20% in the past seven days. Open interest reflects the total number of outstanding futures or options contracts that are currently active. Its increase suggests an influx of traders entering new positions.

PEPE 未平倉合約的增加凸顯了對 meme 代幣的需求激增。截至發稿時,PEPE 的未平倉合約在過去 7 天內增加了 20%,達到 1.32 億美元。未平倉合約反映了當前活躍的未平倉期貨或選擇權合約的總數。它的增加表明交易者湧入新的頭寸。

Price Predictions


If the bullish sentiment towards PEPE prevails, the meme coin's price is likely to climb to $0.000013. Conversely, if profit-taking activity materializes, it could exert downward pressure on the token's price, invalidating the upward projection. In such a scenario, PEPE's price could potentially decline to $0.000012.

如果對 PEPE 的看漲情緒盛行,meme 幣的價格可能會攀升至 0.000013 美元。相反,如果獲利了結活動成為現實,可能會對代幣的價格施加下行壓力,從而使上行預測失效。在這種情況下,PEPE 的價格可能會下跌至 0.000012 美元。


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