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A Surprising Move in the Crypto World: A Giant DOGE Transfer to Coinbase


發布: 2023/12/09 14:42 閱讀: 541



In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, an important event recently caught the attention of the crypto community. Whale Alert, a Blockchain tracking service, reported that about 65 million Dogecoin were transferred to Coinbase, the largest US-based exchange. Interestingly, this transaction was associated with a significant overnight increase in the DOGE price. The crypto world questioned the reason behind the move.

在充滿活力的加密貨幣世界中,最近發生的一件重要事件引起了加密貨幣社群的關注。區塊鏈追蹤服務 Whale Alert 報告稱,大約 6500 萬枚狗狗幣被轉移到美國最大的交易所 Coinbase。有趣的是,這筆交易與 DOGE 價格隔夜大幅上漲有關。加密世界質疑此舉背後的原因。

A Whale’s Move: 64 Million DOGE to Coinbase

鯨魚的動作:6,400 萬枚 DOGE 流入 Coinbase

Whale Alert detailed a series of transactions involving 64 million 746 thousand 17 DOGE, worth 6 million 127 thousand 419 dollars, being moved from an unknown sender wallet to a Coinbase address. The last four transactions were approximately 10 million 500 thousand DOGE. Accordingly, the move showed that a strategic transfer was made by a significant player in the crypto space.

Whale Alert 詳細介紹了一系列交易,涉及 6,400 萬 746 千 17 DOGE,價值 600 萬 127 千 419 美元,從未知的寄件者錢包轉移到 Coinbase 地址。最後四筆交易金額約1000萬50萬DOGE。因此,此舉顯示加密貨幣領域的重要參與者進行了策略轉移。

The sender wallet is currently empty, indicating a deliberate decision to transfer and potentially sell all Dogecoin assets on the Coinbase platform.

發送者錢包目前為空,表明其有意決定轉移並可能出售 Coinbase 平台上的所有狗狗幣資產。

Volatility Unleashed: DOGE Price Dynamics

波動性釋放:DOGE 價格動態

Dogecoin price has shown a notable fluctuation in recent weeks, following an up and down course. DOGE experienced a surprising increase of 35.7% between November 28 and December 6, reaching a level of $0.1041. DOGE’s birthday celebrations on December 6 were pointing towards a significant event, as DOGE had entered the market on this date in 2013 as a fun parody of Bitcoin.

最近幾週,狗狗幣的價格出現了顯著的波動,經歷了上下波動。 11 月 28 日至 12 月 6 日期間,DOGE 令人驚訝地上漲了 35.7%,達到 0.1041 美元的水平。 DOGE 於 12 月 6 日舉行的生日慶祝活動預示著一件重大事件,因為 DOGE 在 2013 年的這一天作為對比特幣的有趣模仿進入市場。

However, after the celebration, there was a rapid decline and DOGE fell by 10.5% in a single day. The price of the cryptocurrency then recovered with a 5.5% increase in the last 24 hours, revealing the dynamic nature of the DOGE market. Currently, the meme coin DOGE is valued at $0.0968 after a slight correction.

但慶功後卻急速下跌,DOGE單日跌幅達10.5%。加密貨幣的價格隨後回升,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 5.5%,揭示了 DOGE 市場的動態本質。目前,meme 幣 DOGE 經過小幅調整後估值為 0.0968 美元。

The Quirkiness of Dogecoin: A “Disadvantage” Emerges


Billy Markus, the co-founder of Dogecoin, admitted to a long-standing bug in the cryptocurrency’s code. This bug, which included no limit on the total number of coins that could be mined, was a deliberate decision by Markus and co-founder Jackson Palmer. Markus confessed that if they had corrected this bug, DOGE might have ceased to exist long ago.

狗狗幣聯合創始人比利馬庫斯承認加密貨幣代碼中存在一個長期存在的錯誤。這個錯誤對可開採的代幣總數沒有限制,是馬庫斯和聯合創始人傑克遜·帕爾默深思熟慮的決定。馬庫斯承認,如果他們糾正了這個錯誤,DOGE 可能早就不存在了。

As Dogecoin enthusiasts navigate price fluctuations, the recent whale-sized transfer to Coinbase adds another layer of intrigue to the crypto narrative. The correlation between significant transactions and price movements underscores the nuanced dynamics in the crypto market.

隨著狗狗幣愛好者應對價格波動,最近向 Coinbase 進行的鯨魚規模轉移為加密貨幣敘事增添了另一層陰謀。重大交易和價格變動之間的相關性凸顯了加密貨幣市場的微妙動態。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/a-surprising-move-in-the-crypto-world-a-giant-doge-transfer-to-coinbase/



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