首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 調查:比特幣 ETF 的批准可能會增加非加密用戶的投資

Survey: Approval of Bitcoin ETF could boost investment from non-crypto users

調查:比特幣 ETF 的批准可能會增加非加密用戶的投資

發布: 2024/01/04 06:17 閱讀: 475



A recent Security.org report indicates a 10% year-over-year increase in U.S. cryptocurrency ownership, with 46% optimistic about the potential positive impact of Bitcoin ETF approvals in 2024.

Security.org 最近的一份報告顯示,美國加密貨幣持有量年增 10%,其中 46% 對 2024 年比特幣 ETF 批准的潛在正面影響持樂觀態度。

Based on a survey of 1,500 Americans, 40% currently own cryptocurrency, and of those not yet involved in crypto, 15% expressed an intention to make a purchase in the coming year. Additionally, 21% revealed they would be more inclined to invest if a spot Bitcoin ETF is approved.

根據對 1,500 名美國人的調查,40% 的人目前擁有加密貨幣,而在尚未涉足加密貨幣的人中,15% 表示有意在未來一年購買。此外,21% 的人表示,如果現貨比特幣 ETF 獲得批准,他們將更傾向於投資。

Respondents expressed optimism regarding the impact of Bitcoin ETF approvals in 2024, with 46% believing it will positively influence the blockchain industry. Currently, there are 13 active spot Bitcoin ETF applications awaiting a decision from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), with a deadline set for the earliest on Jan. 15. Major players in the financial sector, including BlackRock, Fidelity, and Franklin Templeton, are among the contenders.

受訪者對 2024 年比特幣 ETF 批准的影響表示樂觀,46% 的人認為這將對區塊鏈行業產生積極影響。目前,有13 個活躍的現貨比特幣ETF 申請正在等待美國證券交易委員會(SEC) 的決定,截止日期最早定於1 月15 日。金融領域的主要參與者包括貝萊德(BlackRock)、富達(Fidelity) 和富蘭克林(Franklin)坦普爾頓等人都是競爭者之一。

The survey revealed that 63% of existing crypto owners plan to acquire more digital assets in the next year, primarily in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Cardano (ADA). While traditionally dominated by young males, the crypto ownership landscape is evolving, increasing female participants from 18% to 29%. This shift may be attributed to the growing visibility of women covering blockchain developments and investing in cryptocurrency, as exemplified by figures like Laura Shin, Cathie Wood, Cynthia Lummis, and Hester Peirce.

調查顯示,63% 的現有加密貨幣所有者計劃在明年購買更多數位資產,主要是比特幣 (BTC)、以太幣 (ETH)、狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和卡爾達諾 (ADA)。雖然傳統上由年輕男性主導,但加密貨幣所有權格局正在不斷發展,女性參與者從 18% 增加到 29%。這種轉變可能歸因於女性在區塊鏈開發和加密貨幣投資方面的知名度不斷提高,例如 Laura Shin、Cathie Wood、Cynthia Lummis 和 Hester Peirce 等人物。

Highlighting North America’s prominence, blockchain intel firm Chainalysis notes it as the world’s largest crypto market, contributing to 24.4% of global transaction activity.

區塊鏈英特爾公司 Chainaanalysis 強調了北美的突出地位,指出它是世界上最大的加密貨幣市場,佔全球交易活動的 24.4%。

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/survey-approval-of-bitcoin-etf-could-boost-investment-from-non-crypto-users-tbt75504.html



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