首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 為什麼突觸 (SYN) 會泵動?由於這些原因,價格將在 2021 年達到歷史新高

Why Is Synapse (SYN) Pumping? Price to Reach 2021 All-Time High For These Reasons

為什麼突觸 (SYN) 會泵動?由於這些原因,價格將在 2021 年達到歷史新高

發布: 2024/01/14 06:11 閱讀: 737



Synapse, an interoperable messaging protocol and liquidity hub, has seen its SYN token surge 25% in the last 24 hours. Crypto analyst CryptoFrogs (@CryptoFrogsGems) examined the recent price action and made the case for why SYN may be poised to revisit its 2021 all-time high around $920 million market cap.

Synapse 是一個可互通的訊息協議和流動性中心,其 SYN 代幣在過去 24 小時內飆升了 25%。加密貨幣分析師 CryptoFrogs (@CryptoFrogsGems) 研究了最近的價格走勢,並解釋了為什麼 SYN 可能準備好重新回到 2021 年市值約 9.2 億美元的歷史高點。

The Goal of Seamless Cross-Chain Communication


As background, Synapse operates as a generalized messaging protocol and bridge that enables seamless communication between different blockchains. Its goal is to provide secure, fast, cheap, and scalable data transmission between layer 1 networks like Ethereum and layer 2 platforms.

作為背景,Synapse 作為通用訊息傳遞協定和橋樑運行,可實現不同區塊鏈之間的無縫通訊。其目標是在以太坊等第 1 層網路和第 2 層平台之間提供安全、快速、廉價且可擴展的資料傳輸。

This interoperability helps advance decentralized finance (DeFi) use cases around trading, lending, payments and more that rely on the ability to move assets between chains. To support this vision, the Synapse bridge has already integrated with most major blockchains in the ecosystem.

這種互通性有助於推進圍繞交易、借貸、支付等依賴在鏈之間轉移資產的能力的去中心化金融(DeFi)用例。為了支持這個願景,Synapse 橋已經與生態系統中大多數主要區塊鏈整合。

Recent Funding and Volume Spike
CryptoFrogs pointed to two recent developments helping drive interest in Synapse:

最近的資金和交易量激增 CryptoFrogs 指出了最近的兩項發展有助於激發人們對 Synapse 的興趣:

“Just recently, it was announced that the Synapse DAO will be receiving a 2M ARB ($3.8M) grant from STIP, the arbitrum short term incentives program, with goals of increasing bridge usage while making it cheaper and quicker for users. With 2.1M trading volume and a 25% increase in the last 24h, potential here for this token to make its way back to the 2021 ATH of 920M is very possible.”

「就在最近,有消息稱 Synapse DAO 將獲得 STIP(仲裁短期激勵計劃)的 200 萬 ARB(380 萬美元)贈款,其目標是增加網橋使用率,同時讓用戶更便宜、更快捷。憑藉 210 萬交易量以及過去 24 小時內增長 25%,該代幣很有可能回到 2021 年 9.2 億的 ATH。”

The $3.8 million in funding from Arbitrum’s incentives program provides essential resources for Synapse to boost adoption. And the concurrent 25% daily volume spike to $2.1 million signals surging usage and demand among traders.

Arbitrum 激勵計畫提供的 380 萬美元資金為 Synapse 提供了促進採用的必要資源。同時日交易量增加 25% 至 210 萬美元,這表明交易者的使用量和需求激增。

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透過 Memecoins 的魔力,將數億變成數百萬 – 想想 $BONK,但規模更大!

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鑰匙?儘早介入,尤其是在 IDO 階段。立即加入 NuggetRush!這種創新的迷因幣將邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲與現實世界的金礦開採融為一體。盡快加入,享受當前 ICO 價格!

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Bull Case for Revisiting the ATH

重新檢視 ATH 的樂觀理由

Given these positive drivers, CryptoFrogs believes SYN revisiting its all-time high market cap near $920 million is an achievable goal. He cited Synapse’s “deep liquidity” and “developer-friendly objective” as key advantages, noting that it has already integrated across most layer 1 and 2 networks despite launching less than two years ago.

考慮到這些積極的推動因素,CryptoFrogs 相信 SYN 重新審視其接近 9.2 億美元的歷史最高市值是一個可以實現的目標。他將 Synapse 的「深度流動性」和「對開發人員友好的目標」列為主要優勢,並指出儘管推出不到兩年,但它已經整合了大多數第 1 層和第 2 層網路。

Backing a “very active dev and community,” the analyst sees substantial room for growth ahead. With cross-chain interoperability becoming more crucial than ever as capital and activity shifts across chains, Synapse remains well-positioned to capture this demand.

這位分析師支持“非常活躍的開發人員和社區”,認為未來將有巨大的成長空間。隨著資本和活動跨鏈轉移,跨鏈互通性變得比以往更加重要,Synapse 仍然能夠很好地滿足這一需求。

If adoption and usage continues accelerating, SYN reaching its former ~$920 million valuation seems not just possible, but probable on its way to new highs, according to CryptoFrogs. For investors, taking advantage of still-early entry levels could provide significant upside. As momentum in the space shifts toward multi-chain connectivity, Synapse and SYN stand ready to seize this opportunity.

根據 CryptoFrogs 的說法,如果採用和使用繼續加速,SYN 的估值不僅有可能達到之前的約 9.2 億美元,而且很可能會創下新高。對於投資者來說,利用仍處於早期進入水平可能會帶來顯著的上漲空間。隨著該領域的勢頭轉向多鏈連接,Synapse 和 SYN 隨時準備好抓住這個機會。

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The post Why Is Synapse (SYN) Pumping? Price to Reach 2021 All-Time High For These Reasons appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

貼文 為什麼突觸 (SYN) 會被泵送?由於這些原因,價格將在 2021 年達到歷史新高首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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