首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Big Tamadoge ($TAMA) 更新帶來 Tamadoge Arena、TAMA NFT 和廣泛的代幣銷毀,以迎接新 Tamadogi 應用程式的發布

Big Tamadoge ($TAMA) Update Brings Tamadoge Arena, TAMA NFTs, And Extensive Token Burn In Anticipation Of The New Tamadogi App Release

Big Tamadoge ($TAMA) 更新帶來 Tamadoge Arena、TAMA NFT 和廣泛的代幣銷毀,以迎接新 Tamadogi 應用程式的發布

發布: 2023/11/22 12:09 閱讀: 564



Leading Dogecoin spin-off project Tamadoge ($TAMA) is set to deliver a major update to the ecosystem with the highly-anticipated arrival of the new Tamadoge Arena, alongside TAMA NFTs and a burn event, ahead of the launch of the Tamadogi App.

領先的狗狗幣衍生項目 Tamadoge ($TAMA) 將在 Tamadogi 應用程式推出之前,對生態系統進行重大更新,備受期待的新 Tamadoge Arena 的到來,以及 TAMA NFT 和銷毀活動。

Known as the biggest casual Web3 gaming token, Tamadoge has undertaken steady growth throughout 2023, with a dedicated development team pushing hard toward unlocking huge project roadmap milestones.

Tamadoge 被稱為最大的休閒 Web3 遊戲代幣,在 2023 年實現了穩定成長,專門的開發團隊正在努力推動巨大的專案路線圖里程碑。

And now, with massive project releases on the horizon, the Tamadoge team is excited to reveal the launch of their latest products as the journey to revolutionize web3 gaming experiences continues. 

現在,隨著大規模專案的發布即將到來,Tamadoge 團隊很高興地宣布推出他們的最新產品,因為革命性的 web3 遊戲體驗之旅仍在繼續。

Things are kicking off on November 30, 2023, with a substantial $TAMA token burn event planned as a jaw-dropping 12,500,000 $TAMA tokens head for the furnace (worth more than $100,000).

事情將於 2023 年 11 月 30 日開始,計劃進行大規模的 $TAMA 代幣銷毀活動,令人瞠目結舌的 12,500,000 個 $TAMA 代幣將被投入熔爐(價值超過 100,000 美元)。

To put the scale of this huge burn into perspective, consider that since the introduction of the burn mechanism in September 2023, just 14,404,759 TAMA have been burned.

考慮到這一巨大銷毀的規模,自 2023 年 9 月引入銷毀機制以來,僅銷毀了 14,404,759 個 TAMA。

With the new burn event almost doubling the removed supply, Tamadoge enthusiasts are encouraged to participate – with all community burns matched 1:1 – meaning the more $TAMA you burn, the more supply reduces!

隨著新的銷毀活動幾乎使移除的供應量增加了一倍,我們鼓勵Tamadoge 愛好者參與- 所有社區銷毀都以1:1 匹配- 這意味著您銷毀的TAMA 美元越多,供應量減少的就越多!

A reduced circulating supply could induce further upside price action following supply-side shocks to Tamadoge tokenomics.

在 Tamadoge 代幣經濟受到供應方衝擊後,流通供應量的減少可能會導致價格進一步上行。

Upcoming Alert: Stay Tuned For The Tamadogi App Launch – A Free-to-Play, Play-to-Earn Experience

即將推出的提醒:請關注 Tamadogi 應用程式的發布 – 免費玩、邊玩邊賺的體驗

But amid all the hyped-up project updates, perhaps the most exciting news shared by the Tamadoge team is the upcoming release of their new Tamadogi App.

但在所有大肆宣傳的專案更新中,Tamadoge 團隊分享的最令人興奮的消息也許是即將發布的新 Tamadogi 應用程式。

Offering unbridled free-to-play access to the Tamadoge ecosystem, this new play-2-earn app aims to onboard an entirely new generation of $TAMA token holders.

這款新的 play-2-earn 應用程式提供對 Tamadoge 生態系統的無限制免費訪問,旨在吸引全新一代 $TAMA 代幣持有者。

Building upon the app store success of Tamadoge Arena and Tamadoge Arcade, the new Tamadogi app will let users look after their Tamadoge pet, earning $TAMA tokens and gaining XP for pet upgrades.

以 Tamadoge Arena 和 Tamadoge Arcade 應用程式商店的成功為基礎,新的 Tamadogi 應用程式將讓用戶照顧他們的 Tamadoge 寵物,賺取 $TAMA 代幣並獲得用於寵物升級的 XP。

This is based on participation in a collection of fun and free mini-games, giving free-to-play participants 15 plays a day as they grind out major challenges, boosted by the earnings potential on every game.

這是基於參與一系列有趣的免費迷你遊戲,免費玩家每天可以玩 15 次,以應對重大挑戰,每款遊戲的獲利潛力都會推動他們的發展。

Each time you play, you earn points and climb the leaderboard. However, with the leaderboard reflecting real-time performance, every moment counts to cement your place at the top.


Earned XP can be spent on catering to the needs of your Tamadogi pet – from its happiness and nutritional needs to simple maintenance of hygiene and energy levels – a carefully curated digital companionship dynamic sets the stage for supercharged demand-side tokenomics.

賺取的 XP 可用於滿足 Tamadogi 寵物的需求 - 從其快樂和營養需求到簡單的衛生和能量水平維護 - 精心策劃的數位陪伴動態為超強的需求方代幣經濟學奠定了基礎。

This is backed by an interact and grow function, with every interaction with your NFT pet improving the bond between player and pet – something encouraged by the introduction of boosters, with double XP in mini-games fuelling player participation.

這是由互動和成長功能支持的,每次與NFT 寵物的互動都會改善玩家和寵物之間的聯繫——這是透過引入助推器所鼓勵的,迷你遊戲中的雙倍XP 可以促進玩家的參與。

So, with so much coming soon, don’t sleep on the Tamadogi app. Stay tuned with the Tamadoge https://t.me/TamadogeOfficial, X (formerly Twitter), and Discord for the latest updates.

因此,既然即將推出這麼多功能,請不要沉迷於 Tamadogi 應用程式。請繼續關注 Tamadoge https://t.me/TamadogeOfficial、X(以前稱為 Twitter)和 Discord 以獲取最新更新。

Only 2 Days Remaining To Enter The Tamadoge NFT Giveaway – Your Chance To Win An Ultra Rare NFT

參加 Tamadoge NFT 贈品活動僅剩 2 天——您有機會贏得超稀有 NFT

But the action doesn’t stop there. What better way to herald the introduction of the cute and collectible new Tamadoge Puppy NFTs than by rewarding dedicated $TAMA holders with a dynamic NFT giveaway event?

但行動不止於此。還有什麼比透過動態 NFT 贈品活動獎勵忠實的 $TAMA 持有者更好的方式來預示可愛且具有收藏價值的新 Tamadoge Puppy NFT 的推出呢?

With time already ticking away as the clock counts down on the TAMA NFT giveaway, users can now enter through the Gleam Giveaway portal – with just two days left to join.

TAMA NFT 贈品倒數計時已經過去,用戶現在可以透過 Gleam Giveaway 入口網站進入 - 加入時間僅剩兩天。

Five highly sought-after Tamadoge NFTs are up for grabs, with one lucky winner set to gain an ultra-rare edition Tamadoge NFT and two winners set to receive rare edition NFTs.

五枚備受追捧的 Tamadoge NFT 可供爭奪,其中一名幸運獲獎者將獲得超稀有版 Tamadoge NFT,兩名獲獎者將獲得稀有版 NFT。

But the contest is already heating up, with more than 3,750 participants already throwing their hat in the ring for a chance to win – don’t miss this.

但比賽已經進入白熱化階段,超過 3,750 名參賽者已經報名參賽,爭取獲勝機會 - 不要錯過這個機會。

Important Update: Tamadoge Arena Unveils Major Enhancements – Pet Store Revamp, Complimentary Puppy NFTs, Credits, And More

重要更新:Tamadoge Arena 推出重大增強功能 – 寵物店改造、免費小狗 NFT、積分等

Hot on the tail of the fiery November burn event and ahead of the Tamadogi app launch, the Tamadoge team has launched a monumental upgrade to the high-octane Tamadoge Arena platform.

在火熱的 11 月燃燒活動結束後,在 Tamadogi 應用程式發布之前,Tamadoge 團隊對高強度的 Tamadoge Arena 平台進行了重大升級。

The latest edition to Tamadoge Arena sees a new 3D pet store opening, enabling players to participate and purchase their own new TAMA pet, alongside upgrading their pet’s stats.

Tamadoge Arena 的最新版本中開設了一個新的 3D 寵物商店,讓玩家能夠參與並購買自己的新 TAMA 寵物,同時升級寵物的統計數據。

Whether you want to turn your Tamadoge into a beefcake by increasing its strength or boosting its intelligence to play like Einstein – anything is possible in the new skill-based upgrade mechanics – from extra lives to damage resistance.

無論您是想透過增加玉兔的力量來將其變成肉餅,還是提高其智力以像愛因斯坦一樣玩耍,在基於技能的新升級機制中,一切皆有可能- 從額外生命到傷害抗性。



What’s more? These blockchain-based puppies live on NFTs, giving you an indelible in-game companion, like a digital Tamagotchi that never dies!

更重要的是?這些基於區塊鏈的小狗以 NFT 為生,為您提供不可磨滅的遊戲伴侶,就像永不死亡的數位電子寵物一樣!

In an exciting move, new players that join the Tamadoge Arena platform (by downloading from Google Play or the IOS app store) will gain exclusive access to a unique free puppy NFT, alongside 20 free credits – bringing the new Tamadoge Arena pet store to life!

令人興奮的是,加入Tamadoge Arena 平台的新玩家(透過從Google Play 或IOS 應用商店下載)將獲得獨特的免費小狗NFT 的獨家訪問權限,以及20 個免費積分- 讓新的Tamadoge Arena 寵物商店煥然一新!

Buy TAMA Here

在這裡購買 TAMA

Source: https://thebittimes.com/big-tamadoge-tama-update-brings-tamadoge-arena-tama-nfts-and-extensive-token-burn-in-anticipation-of-the-new-tamadogi-app-release-tbt71153.html

資料來源:https://thebittimes.com/big-tamadoge-tama-update-brings-tamadoge-arena-tama-nfts-and-extective-token-burn-in-anticipation-of-the-new-tamadogi-app -發布-tbt71153.html


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