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The Best Long-Term Crypto Investment: Bitcoin, Dogecoin and 150x Euler Network

最佳長期加密投資:比特幣、狗狗幣和 150x 歐拉網絡

發布: 2023/11/25 06:22 閱讀: 219

原文作者:The Coin Republic


Investors in the Crypto world are constantly searching for assets that promise not only short-term gains but also long-term value. Among the plethora of digital currencies available today, Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Euler Network (EUL) stand out as potential candidates for sustained investment.


This article delves into each of these cryptocurrencies, analyzing their unique attributes and potential for long-term growth.


Bitcoin the Standard Bearer of Cryptocurrencies


Bitcoin’s significance is underlined by the CME’s Bitcoin futures contract, known as BTC. The contract is based on the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (BRR), which aggregates the trade flow of major Bitcoin spot exchanges into a daily U.S. dollar price.

芝加哥商品交易所的比特幣期貨合約(即 BTC)強調了比特幣的重要性。該合約基於 CME CF 比特幣參考匯率(BRR),該匯率將主要比特幣現貨交易所的交易流量匯總為每日美元價格。

The importance of Bitcoin is that Bitcoin futures contracts operate around the clock, offering a stable and liquid market for investors. Each BTC contract represents five times the BRR Index’s value and is quoted in U.S. dollars per bitcoin. The contract’s design, including block trade eligibility and a minimum quantity threshold of five contracts, underscores its suitability for both institutional and individual investors.

比特幣的重要性在於比特幣期貨合約全天候運行,為投資者提供了一個穩定且流動性強的市場。每份 BTC 合約代表 BRR 指數價值的五倍,並以每比特幣美元報價。該合約的設計,包括大宗交易資格和五份合約的最低數量門檻,強調了其對機構和個人投資者的適用性。

Additionally, The futures expire on the last Friday of the month and span six consecutive monthly contracts, ensuring predictability and planning for long-term investors. This structured and regulated investment avenue reinforces Bitcoin’s position as a reliable and mature choice for long-term investment strategies.


Is Dogecoin a Viable Player for Long-Term Crypto Investment?


Dogecoin, which began as an internet meme, has remarkably evolved into a notable player in the cryptocurrency market. Bolstered by endorsements from prominent figures like Elon Musk, it has introduced significant developments, including the DRC-20 token standard and the Dogecoin Trailmap. These initiatives underscore Dogecoin’s commitment to staying innovative and adaptable within the rapidly evolving digital finance sector.

狗狗幣最初是一種網路迷因,現已發展成為加密貨幣市場的重要參與者。在馬斯克等知名人士的支持下,它引入了重大發展,包括 DRC-20 代幣標準和狗狗幣 Trailmap。這些舉措強調了狗狗幣致力於在快速發展的數位金融領域中保持創新和適應能力的承諾。

Dogecoin’s vibrant community support and demonstrated adaptability are commendable, yet its viability as a sustainable long-term investment is debatable. Factors such as speculative tendencies, market fluctuations, and tokenomics warrant a cautious approach from investors evaluating Dogecoin as a part of their long-term investment portfolio.


Why Euler Network for Good Long-Term Investment?


Euler Network has rapidly gained prominence in the DeFi sector, with its astonishing $3 million presale achievement in just 24 hours. This milestone not only speaks volumes about its market appeal but also highlights its potential as a disruptive force in digital finance.

Euler Network 在 DeFi 領域迅速嶄露頭角,僅 24 小時就取得了驚人的 300 萬美元預售成績。這一里程碑不僅充分說明了其市場吸引力,也凸顯了其作為數位金融顛覆力量的潛力。

Euler Network aims to amalgamate the best of the crypto world, integrating functionalities seen in Bitcoin and Ethereum with innovative DeFi solutions. Its focus on creating a comprehensive ecosystem for financial transactions, asset management, and investment strategies positions it as an attractive option for long-term investment.

Euler Network 旨在融合加密世界的精華,將比特幣和以太坊的功能與創新的 DeFi 解決方案相結合。它專注於為金融交易、資產管理和投資策略創建一個全面的生態系統,使其成為長期投資的一個有吸引力的選擇。

The landscapes of Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Euler Network illustrate the diversity within the cryptocurrency market. While Bitcoin remains a solid foundation for long-term investment, Dogecoin offers a mix of speculative appeal and community engagement. Meanwhile, the Euler Network emerges as a promising DeFi platform with significant growth potential.

比特幣、狗狗幣和歐拉網路的情況說明了加密貨幣市場的多樣性。雖然比特幣仍然是長期投資的堅實基礎,但狗狗幣提供了投機吸引力和社區參與的結合。同時,Euler Network 成為一個有前途的 DeFi 平台,具有巨大的成長潛力。

Investors considering long-term positions in the cryptocurrency market may find value in diversifying across these varied yet complementary digital assets, each offering unique opportunities and risks.


Learn more about DeFi’s Depths with Euler Networks Innovations!

透過 Euler Networks 創新了解更多有關 DeFi 深度的資訊!

Website: http://eulernetwork.com/ 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/EulerNetwork 


Telegram: https://t.me/eulernetwork 


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