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Tesla’s Crypto Payment Shift: From Bitcoin to Dogecoin


發布: 2023/07/22 17:30 閱讀: 545



On Thursday, reports emerged that Tesla, the renowned electric car manufacturer, had eliminated Bitcoin (BTC), the world’s largest cryptocurrency, from its payment page source code. Surprisingly, Dogecoin (DOGE), the popular meme-based cryptocurrency, remained as a payment option in the code. While rumors of these changes circulated within the crypto community, Tesla has yet to make any official announcement regarding its decision.


Wu Colin, a reporter, previously confirmed that both BTC and DOGE had been present in Tesla’s payment page source code since January 2023. Even when Tesla discontinued its service to accept payments in BTC, the code carrying both cryptocurrencies was not removed. However, it appears that Tesla has now opted to retain DOGE alone as a payment option, a move that surprised many in the crypto community.

記者吳科林先前證實,自2023 年1 月起,BTC 和DOGE 就一直存在於特斯拉的支付頁面原始碼中。即使特斯拉停止接受BTC 支付的服務,攜帶這兩種加密貨幣的代碼也沒有刪除。然而,特斯拉現在似乎選擇單獨保留 DOGE 作為付款選項,此舉令加密社群的許多人感到驚訝。

The choice to ditch Bitcoin in favor of Dogecoin aligns with CEO Elon Musk’s well-known affinity for the meme-based cryptocurrency. Musk has frequently shown support for DOGE across various platforms, contributing to its popularity and mainstream acceptance.

放棄比特幣而選擇狗狗幣的選擇與執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)對基於迷因的加密貨幣的眾所周知的親和力相一致。馬斯克經常在各種平台上表達對 DOGE 的支持,為其受歡迎和主流接受做出了貢獻。

On the other hand, this move may be expected as very few investors would be willing to buy a depreciated asset like Tesla using an appreciated asset like Bitcoin.


Despite the removal of BTC as a payment option, Tesla’s Bitcoin holdings have remained stable during the second quarter of 2023. The automaker continues to hold approximately $184 million worth of Bitcoin, maintaining this figure for the past three quarters.

儘管取消了比特幣作為支付選項,特斯拉的比特幣持有量在2023 年第二季度仍保持穩定。該汽車製造商繼續持有價值約1.84 億美元的比特幣,在過去三個季度保持這一數字。

Bitcoin, on the other hand, has displayed some positive signs in the market. After an extended period, its price managed to trade above the $30,000 level, exhibiting a nearly 10% increase in value over the last 90 days. At the time of reporting, BTC was trading at an average price of $29,799, with a 24-hour trading volume of approximately $13.5 billion.

另一方面,比特幣在市場上顯示出一些積極的跡象。經過很長一段時間後,其價格成功突破 30,000 美元的水平,在過去 90 天內增值了近 10%。截至報告發佈時,BTC 交易均價為 29,799 美元,24 小時交易量約為 135 億美元。

Tesla’s strategic move towards embracing Dogecoin and its ongoing retention of Bitcoin holdings has captured the attention of the crypto community, stirring discussions about the company’s future crypto-related ventures. While no official statement has been released, the crypto world eagerly anticipates further updates from Elon Musk and Tesla regarding their crypto payment policies and potential developments in the space.


特斯拉的加密貨幣支付轉變:從比特幣到狗狗幣的貼文首先出現在 UNLOCK Blockchain 上。


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