首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 特斯拉的 Cyber​​truck 頁面嵌入了狗狗幣提及,引發了支付猜測

Tesla’s Cybertruck Page Embeds Dogecoin Mentions, Prompting Payment Speculation

特斯拉的 Cyber​​truck 頁面嵌入了狗狗幣提及,引發了支付猜測

發布: 2023/12/04 14:46 閱讀: 412

原文作者: Oluwapelumi Adejumo


特斯拉的 Cyber​​truck 頁面嵌入了狗狗幣提及,引發了支付猜測

In Brief

  • Cybertruck's page code contains multiple references to Dogecoin, fueling speculation about a potential integration.

    簡而言之,Cyber​​truck 的頁面代碼包含對狗狗幣的多次引用,引發了對潛在整合的猜測。

  • This discovery aligns with Elon Musk's known affinity for Dogecoin, which he describes as his favorite cryptocurrency.


  • However, Tesla nor Elon Musk have confirmed plans to accept Dogecoin as a payment method for the Cybertruck.

    然而,特斯拉和伊隆馬斯克都已確認計劃接受狗狗幣作為 Cyber​​truck 的支付方式。

The Tesla Cybertruck page includes several mentions of Dogecoin in its code. This has sparked speculations that Tesla might allow paying for the futuristic-looking truck with the DOGE, considering Elon Musk’s history.

Tesla Cyber​​truck 頁面的程式碼中多次提到了狗狗幣。這引發了人們的猜測,考慮到馬斯克的歷史,特斯拉可能會允許用 DOGE 支付這款具有未來感的卡車的費用。

Dogecoin was mentioned more than 50 times in the Tesla Cybertruck checkout page code. But neither the company nor Elon Musk mentioned DOGE as a payment option.

Tesla Cyber​​truck 結帳頁面代碼中提及狗狗幣超過 50 次。但該公司和伊隆馬斯克都沒有提到 DOGE 作為付款選項。

DOGE Makes It to Tesla Cybertruck Page

The DOGE mentions were initially identified in October. At the time, crypto influencer Marty Party highlighted several mentions of the meme coin in the source code for the Cybertruck page.

DOGE 出現在 Tesla Cyber​​truck 頁面 DOGE 的提及最初是在 10 月發現的。當時,加密貨幣影響者 Marty Party 在 Cyber​​truck 頁面的源代碼中多次提到了 Meme 硬幣。

However, with the much-hyped Cybertruck sale beginning at the end of November, the DOGE community has further confirmed the mention of the asset on the Tesla electric car page.

然而,隨著 11 月底開始大肆宣傳的 Cyber​​truck 銷售,DOGE 社群進一步證實了 Tesla 電動車頁面上提到的資產。

Interestingly, no other cryptocurrency was mentioned in the Tesla code base. Marty also noted a whole Dogecoin-style sheet in Tesla’s source code. But speculation remains rampant.


“Tesla may in the future allow customers to use $DOGE to pay for the new Tesla Cybertruck model,” ICO Drops stated.

ICO Drops 表示:“特斯拉未來可能會允許客戶使用 DOGE 美元來支付新款 Tesla Cyber​​truck 車型的費用。”

Elon Musk’s Rich History with Dogecoin

The Cybertruck page referencing DOGE reflects Elon Musk’s ongoing affinity for the meme coin. Musk previously said DOGE was one of his favorite cryptos, and his actions tend to influence the meme coin’s price action.

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 與狗狗幣的豐富歷史Cyber​​truck 頁面引用 DOGE 反映了 Elon Musk 對模因幣的持續喜愛。馬斯克先前表示,DOGE 是他最喜歡的加密貨幣之一,他的行為往往會影響迷因幣的價格走勢。

Additionally, his EV carmaker, Tesla, permits customers to buy merchandise using Dogecoin. Still, the possibility of enabling it for car purchases would mark a significant change for the meme coin.


It is worth noting Tesla previously allowed Bitcoin payments for cars but later discontinued this option, citing environmental concerns.


Meanwhile, the recent developments have not visibly impacted DOGE’s price performance in the last 24 hours. The token has shown an 8.4% increase over seven days and a 25% rise in the past 30 days. Despite this recent upward trend, Dogecoin remains 88% below its all-time high.

同時,最近的事態發展並未對 DOGE 在過去 24 小時內的價格表現產生明顯影響。該代幣在 7 天內上漲了 8.4%,在過去 30 天內上漲了 25%。儘管近期出現上漲趨勢,狗狗幣仍比歷史高點低 88%。


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