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Tether Exhibits Spike in Activity While Altcoins Surge, Expert Analyses USDT’s Trading Volume and Whale Circulation

Tether 活動激增,山寨幣激增,專家分析 USDT 交易量和鯨魚流通

發布: 2023/11/16 21:28 閱讀: 614



Tether (USDT), the largest stablecoin in the crypto market, has seen a notable spike in on-chain activity and trading volume in recent days. According to blockchain analytics firm Santiment, this mirrors similar USDT behavior observed earlier this year, right before a massive crypto rally.

Tether(USDT)是加密貨幣市場上最大的穩定幣,最近幾天鏈上活動和交易量顯著飆升。據區塊鏈分析公司 Santiment 稱,這反映了今年稍早觀察到的類似 USDT 行為,就在加密貨幣大規模反彈之前。

Source: Santiment – Start using it today

來源:Santiment – 從今天開始使用

Santiment points out that, for the first time since early March, both Tether’s trading volume and circulation among whale addresses have simultaneously risen to significant levels. The last time USDT activity surged in this manner was right as Bitcoin embarked on a more than 50% price increase.

Santiment 指出,自 3 月初以來,Tether 的交易量和鯨魚地址之間的流通量首次同時上升至顯著水準。上一次 USDT 活動以這種方式激增是在比特幣價格上漲超過 50% 的時候。

In the crypto market, stablecoin activity often serves as a proxy for overall sentiment and trading behavior. As more USDT changes hands, it generally suggests increased transactions and speculation among crypto traders.

在加密貨幣市場中,穩定幣活動通常可以作為整體情緒和交易行為的代理。隨著越來越多的 USDT 易手,通常表明加密貨幣交易者之間的交易和投機活動增加。

The fact that whales and exchanges are now transacting heavily in Tether again after months of more subdued activity indicates confidence may be building across the crypto sector. When large holders began accumulating USDT earlier this year, it foreshadowed the explosive advance that ensued shortly after.

經過數月的低迷活動後,鯨魚和交易所現在再次在 Tether 進行大量交易,這一事實表明整個加密貨幣行業的信心可能正在增強。今年早些時候,當大量持有者開始累積 USDT 時,就預示著不久之後出現的爆炸性上漲。

While by no means guaranteed, surging stablecoin activity has historically been a positive leading indicator for crypto prices. With Tether usage now picking up steam once more as Bitcoin hovers near 2021 highs, expectations will grow that another crypto boom cycle could be in the offing.

雖然絕對不能保證,但穩定幣活動的激增歷來都是加密貨幣價格的積極領先指標。隨著比特幣徘徊在 2021 年高點附近,Tether 的使用率再次上升,人們對另一個加密貨幣繁榮週期即將到來的預期將會越來越高。

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The months ahead may show whether this mounting USDT behavior proves to be a reliable precursor to major market movement again.

未來幾個月可能證明 USDT 的這種不斷上漲的行為是否會成為市場再次發生重大波動的可靠前兆。

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The post Tether Exhibits Spike in Activity While Altcoins Surge, Expert Analyses USDT’s Trading Volume and Whale Circulation appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

Tether 活動激增,山寨幣激增,專家分析 USDT 交易量和鯨魚流通量的貼文首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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