首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 首個百萬票:隨著狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 Solana (SOL) 持有者爭奪,專家分析師將 Raffle Coin (RAFF) 預售定為 100 倍...

Ticket To Your First Million: Raffle Coin (RAFF) Presale Set to 100X By Expert Analysts As Dogecoin (DOGE) & Solana (SOL) Holders Scramble t...

首個百萬票:隨著狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 Solana (SOL) 持有者爭奪,專家分析師將 Raffle Coin (RAFF) 預售定為 100 倍...

發布: 2024/03/11 14:03 閱讀: 960

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


首個百萬票:隨著狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 Solana (SOL) 持有者爭奪,專家分析師將 Raffle Coin (RAFF) 預售定為 100 倍...

Many say they have been in the crypto market for the longest time and have yet to make their first million. While the crypto market doesn’t offer a haven to make your first million, investing in profitable tokens gives you a better and faster ticket to your first million. 


The question is, how do you identify the profitable tokens that will assure you of your first million? As far as I know, investing in a token such as Raffle Coin (RAFF) is profitable and a viable ticket to your first million. 

問題是,你如何識別能夠保證你獲得第一百萬美元的有利可圖的代幣?據我所知,投資像 Raffle Coin (RAFF) 這樣的代幣是有利可圖的,並且是您獲得第一百萬的可行門票。

Analysts Remain Bullish On Raffle Coin (RAFF) As Presale Set To 100X

分析師仍看好 Raffle Coin (RAFF),預售將達到 100 倍

Participating in Raffle Coin (RAFF) at its presale for just $0.016 is one of the fastest ways to make your first million in the crypto market. For investors looking for a token that promises over 100X return on investment, you should pay attention to Raffle Coin (RAFF). 

只需 0.016 美元即可參加 Raffle Coin (RAFF) 的預售,這是在加密貨幣市場賺取第一百萬美元的最快方式之一。對於尋求投資回報率超過 100 倍的代幣的投資者來說,您應該關注 Raffle Coin (RAFF)。

Aside from the guaranteed return on investment, Raffle Coin (RAFF) holders enjoy a user-friendly interface that allows you to browse through listings and participate in raffles. 


Raffle Coin (RAFF) has decentralized governance that allows users to be in control of deciding the future of the protocol. By owning Raffle Coin (RAFF), holders can propose and vote on ideas. Similarly, Raffle Coin (RAFF) has a competitive bonus loyalty scheme that increases your chance of getting rewarded as much as you take part on this decentralized platform.

Raffle Coin (RAFF) 具有去中心化治理,允許使用者控制決定協議的未來。透過擁有 Raffle Coin (RAFF),持有者可以提出想法並對想法進行投票。同樣,Raffle Coin (RAFF) 有一個有競爭力的獎金忠誠度計劃,可以增加您獲得獎勵的機會,就像您參與這個去中心化平台一樣多。

Analysts Tout Dogecoin (DOGE) To Hit $1 By April

分析師預計狗狗幣 (DOGE) 將於 4 月突破 1 美元

A popular crypto analyst disclosed that Dogecoin (DOGE) will lead the meme coin rally as investors are regaining confidence in the meme coin. However, some analysts do not agree with this prediction, as they say that Dogecoin (DOGE) could see a surge that may not transcend other meme coins.  


Analysts said Dogecoin (DOGE) recorded a massive surge shortly after it broke out from parallel channels in 2016 and 2020. They say Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently in that parallel channel, which may last throughout March. They expect that by April, Dogecoin (DOGE) will break out of that pattern leading to a surge in price value. 

分析師表示,狗狗幣(DOGE)在2016 年和2020 年突破平行通道後不久就錄得大幅上漲。他們表示,狗狗幣(DOGE)目前正處於該平行通道中,該通道可能會持續整個3 月。他們預計到四月份,狗狗幣(DOGE)將打破這種模式,導致價格飆升。

Several investors are anticipating the end of this parallel channel that would see Dogecoin (DOGE) hitting $1. 

一些投資者預計狗狗幣 (DOGE) 將會達到 1 美元,這條平行通道將會結束。

Solana (SOL) Records Bullish Price Action To Maintain 5th Position

Solana (SOL) 看漲價格走勢,維持第五位

Solana (SOL) is one of the tokens capitalizing on the bullish market to record significant price action. The past week has shown a 10% increase in the price of Solana (SOL). 

Solana (SOL) 是利用多頭市場來記錄重大價格走勢的代幣之一。過去一周,Solana (SOL) 的價格上漲了 10%。

This recent price surge has made Solana (SOL) immensely popular in the crypto space and has restored massive confidence in investors. This bullish price action has also pushed Solana (SOL) to about $145 after a minor correction, breaking the $150 barrier. 

最近的價格飆升使 Solana (SOL) 在加密領域非常受歡迎,並恢復了投資者的巨大信心。這種看漲的價格走勢也將 Solana (SOL) 在小幅調整後推升至 145 美元左右,突破了 150 美元的關口。

This bullish price action has pushed Solana (SOL) to number five on CoinMarketCap with a market cap above $64 million. Analysts anticipate Solana (SOL) will soon break the $160 resistance level and could consolidate on that bullish pace for a while. 

這種看漲的價格走勢使 Solana (SOL) 在 CoinMarketCap 上排名第五,市值超過 6,400 萬美元。分析師預計 Solana (SOL) 將很快突破 160 美元的阻力位,並可能在一段時間內鞏固這一看漲步伐。

 Find out more about the Raffle Coin (RAFF) presale by visiting the website here.

請造訪此處的網站,以了解有關 Raffle Coin (RAFF) 預售的更多資訊。

The post Ticket To Your First Million: Raffle Coin (RAFF) Presale Set to 100X By Expert Analysts As Dogecoin (DOGE) & Solana (SOL) Holders Scramble to Buy Early Positions appeared first on Latest News and Insights on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Investing.

獲得第一百萬的門票:專家分析者將萊佛幣(RAFF) 預售定為100 倍,因為狗狗幣(DOGE) 和Solana (SOL) 持有者爭先恐後地購買早期頭寸,該文章首先出現在區塊鏈、加密貨幣和投資的最新新聞和見解上。


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